The old man was very happy.

Li Ang laughed dumbly and pinched Yamato's butt hard.

"There's only so much I can do. You can do the rest yourself!"

Yamato raised his fist and said energetically: "Tomorrow I will let Jack turn into an elephant and demolish all the weapons factories!"

"Jack, emmmm, he is indeed very suitable for this job. By the way, have you found the ancient weapon Hades that I asked you to search for?"

Yamato frowned and said with embarrassment: "This, are you wrong? I have sent people to all the caves and underground caves in Wano Country, and even the places where the general's office has sent historical texts, but I didn't find the ship you said."

"Are you sure?"

That's not right! Wano Country is the origin of all things, with historical texts, seastone, famous swords, elephant masters, various mythical beasts including Hades, and a rich heritage that is unimaginable.

He remembered that when the Straw Hat Pirates fought Kaido, Tenguyama Hitetsu and Robin said that Hades was in Wano Country.

"Sure, all hidden places have been searched, and nothing was found except some fierce beasts."

Leon sighed: "Forget it, let's leave it at that! I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."


Floating Dojo

"Bulu Bulu Bulu~"

"Boss, is there anything you want to tell me?"

Hearing Lao Sha's voice, Leon chuckled: "I heard about your attack on the escort ship. How are you now?"

"I'm hiding. You know, with such a big incident, the navy will have to search for a few days."

"Do you need help?" "No, I can handle it."

"That's good. I have something to tell you. After the storm is over, you go to the Seven Waters City."

"Seven Waters City?"

"Yes, I received news that the design drawings of the ancient weapon Pluto are in the body of a man named Franky. Find a way to get it."

Hearing Pluto, Crocodile's breathing suddenly became heavier.

"Are you sure it's Pluto? The evil battleship?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Lao Sha said excitedly: "Is this news true?"

"Ding Zhen, let me tell you another piece of news. Pluto's body is in Wano Country, but I didn't find it, so I can only find a way to get Pluto's blueprint."

Lao Sha was completely confused. He had been busy in Alabasta for several years, and finally Robin told him that Pluto was not in Alabasta, and then he was knocked down by Straw Hat Luffy, and all his efforts went to waste.

As a result, Leon now told him that Pluto's body was in Wano Country. Although he didn't find it, he actually knew where the blueprint was. Lao Sha suddenly felt that he had lived like a dog all these years.

"This is the first task I gave you. You only need to succeed, not fail."

"Yes, I will get it at all costs." Lao Sha said this with gritted teeth.

"Wait..." Leon suddenly remembered that it had been several days since Ace was captured. The Straw Hat Pirates should have left Sky Island and were on their way to Water 7. Crocodile might run into them.

Crocodile is now strengthened. As long as he transforms into Akainu, Luffy has no chance of winning.

"Anything else?" "The Straw Hat Pirates may come to Water 7. Revenge is fine, but not blood feud. This kid is still useful to me."

Crocodile was silent for a while before saying, "I will take good care of them."

After hanging up the phone, Perona flew back dejectedly.

Li Ang took a sip of the red tea beside him and asked with a smile: "Have you finished the test?"

Not to mention it, Perona was furious when she said it, pointing at Li Ang and shouting: "Do you know how many laps this princess flew?"

"41 laps, this princess flew 41 laps around Wano Country, I was so tired, I almost couldn't fly back!"

Li Ang ignored Perona's complaints and asked: "How long did it take?"

"Two and a half hours."

Yi Kun flew 41 laps around Wano Country, the speed was average, Perona must have been lazy, but Li Ang was too lazy to expose it, as long as he could read out Perona's escape ability.

"Tomorrow I want you to fly 40 laps within two hours. If you can't do it, the training volume will be doubled."

Perona's face fell, pointing at Li Ang and shouting, but she finally held back and could only fly back to her room like a punching bag.

"Wait, where did you start?"

"Oh, this

What's there to ask? Anyway, I'll start from the biggest waterfall in Wano Country."

"Waterfall?" Leon was stunned for a moment, and then fell into deep thought.

Wano Country has a very special geographical environment. There is no coast of the open sea. There are only cliffs and waterfalls around. After going up, there is an inland sea. The land of the inland sea is Wano Country, and above it is Onigashima. Above Onigashima is the floating archipelago.

If Hades is really in Wano Country, is it possible that he is inside the cliff waterfall in Wano Country? After all, Yamato only sent people to search Wano Country, but did not search for the cliff waterfall.

After all, the cliff waterfall is tightly blocked by the sea current, and no one knows whether it is hollow or solid inside. Maybe Hades is hiding in a "water curtain cave"?

It is very likely! Anyway, it's just a try.

"Perona, come with me." "Ah? Come again?"

"Don't talk nonsense, come and help."

The edge of the sea outside Wano Country, cliff waterfall.

"Go, use the negative ghost to see if there is nothing behind the waterfall. "

When Perona heard that she didn't have to go by herself, she was relieved and released dozens of negative ghosts, commanding them to explore the terrain.

"Negative negative~" The negative ghosts scattered, some drilled into the rocks, some drilled into the waterfall, each doing their own job.

It must be said that this ability is very convenient for finding things. The spirit is not afraid of sea water or seastone. It is more like Perona's materialized consciousness and can only be captured by a stronger consciousness.

About half an hour later, Perona opened her eyes: "Found it."

Leon's body was shocked: "Really?"

"The negative ghost said that there is a waterfall on the left and the back is empty. There are wreckage inside, but I don't know if it is the Pluto you mentioned."

"Where is it? "



Leon went straight through the waterfall and came to a huge dark cave. Looking back, the waterfall blocked the place very tightly. Unless the waterfall stopped flowing, who would have thought that there was a cave here?

Zizizizi~Leon pulled out the Raikiri, and the inky black blade burst into dazzling lightning, illuminating the dark cave.

A huge wreckage of the hull appeared in front of Leon. The waterproof cloth used to protect it had decayed, revealing the decayed hull. The huge "orbital" cannon on the bow exuded a frightening breath.

"Finally found it, the legendary worst battleship, Pluto!

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