Carl looked solemn.

His eyes were instantly locked on the tiger, and his reaction was quick and accurate.

With the help of the tree trunk, his feet stepped out instantly, and the tree trunk was kicked out in a huge arc. Carl's body pounced on the tiger like a cannonball.

His fist was like a sledgehammer, smashing the tiger's head with infinite power.

In an instant!

The giant tiger couldn't react at all. A muffled sound came out, and the tiger was instantly knocked away and hit a big tree not far away.

The tree trunk shook violently, shaking off leaves to the ground, and the air was filled with green.

The white tiger lay on the ground, trying to get up several times to no avail. Obviously, it had been seriously injured by Carl's punch.

From a distance, blood began to flow out from the head that was hit.

Then the white tiger let out a painful wail, trying to control its limbs and trying to stand up.


The surrounding beasts saw that the forest overlord white tiger was knocked down by Carl's punch, and knew that this two-legged beast was not easy to mess with, so they fled the scene, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

Carl did not chase after him. After all, it was so dark. What if there was any danger in the woods?

He walked slowly to the tiger. Through the white tiger's pleading eyes, he could clearly feel the tiger's despair and fear.

Things happened so fast. Although Carl had not yet fully mastered the power of his body, he was just jumping and punching normally. But he could feel that his current physical fitness was far beyond that of ordinary people. Therefore, the sudden increase in strength caused his punches and kicks to have great power.

He felt the power surging in his body and realized that he was no longer an ordinary person, but an ordinary person with the gift of Titan power.


Carl laughed happily. It was the first time he experienced such a powerful force.

He took a deep breath and looked back at the seriously injured tiger.

Obviously, this tiger no longer posed any threat to him now.

Carl looked up and looked around. The forest he was in was still full of unknowns and dangers.

Although the Titan power gave him a strong body, the dangers in the forest were far more than that. He had to find a place to rest as soon as possible.

"Come here, you are the first beast I have met since I came to this world, you are qualified to choose the next path."

Carl thought about it, but still did not choose to kill it. Maybe it had not changed its mind after coming from Blue Star.

When the white tiger heard this, it immediately stopped wailing and was stunned for a moment. For a moment, its huge head looked a little cute, but soon it limped and followed Carl. It made its choice. After all, it was very smart. Since it could not resist, it could only express its surrender.

Carl found an open space, he let the tiger lie here, and he leaned on the tiger's back.

He still hadn't finished the lottery.

Although only the talent lottery became better with the blessing of the system, it didn't mean that he looked down on ordinary lotteries!

Carl leaned on the tiger, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

He remembered his Titan power, and a powerful force surged in his body.

Carl closed his eyes and concentrated on feeling this power. His body began to tremble slightly. After a short period of blood, he found that his physical fitness had actually improved.

"System open, my personal panel." He said to the system with some joy.

[Ding! ]

Carl's personal panel appeared on the screen. Carl stared at the information on the screen, looking forward to the improvement of his physical fitness.

[Host: Lux D Carl

Armament Haki: None

Observation Haki: None

Conqueror Haki: None

Skills: None

Talent: Titan Power (Fusion Degree 10%)

Money: None

Items: None

Evaluation: Barely able to protect himself on the sea, comprehensive strength Major General!

Carl was overjoyed when he saw the evaluation. He didn't expect that just by fusing a Titan Power, his strength would reach Major General, and he was not wrong. His strength really improved a little.

He also has a skill and a non-standard draw. He is looking forward to these two opportunities even more. He wants to know what level his strength will reach after another draw?

"The system starts to draw non-standard draws."

Carl drew the lottery with great expectations!

"Congratulations to the host for drawing the character template of Gai Nie from the Chinese comic Qin Shi Ming Yue."

It turned out to be Gai Nie from Qin Shi Ming Yue.

Gai Nie's native place is unknown. He was taught by Guigu. His swordsmanship is superb. His unique skill - Hundred Steps Flying Sword is a combined attack move with Hengguan Bafang. He is known as the world's number one swordsman and enjoys the title of"Sword Saint" in the world.

When he was young, he was the swordsmanship teacher of Qin Wang Ying Zheng. He made great contributions to Qin Wang Zheng's unification of the six kingdoms. He was known as the strongest swordsman in the empire and the first guard of Qin Wang Zheng.

But later, he unexpectedly defected from Qin State and took Jing Tianming, the son of an old friend, with him to escape from Qin Wang Zheng's pursuit and embarked on a thorny journey.

"Hahaha, Gai Nie's swordsmanship can be called first-class."

It's just right for the pirate world to see the swordsmanship of my Great East.

He immediately thought of the possibility of giving the hero template to others. After all, what if he encounters a template he doesn't want.

After all, there will be many hero templates drawn in the future. What if he doesn't want to use some templates, wouldn't it be a waste?

" System, can I give the hero template to someone else?"

Karl couldn't help asking

"Host, the hero template can be given to anyone, and you can take it back at any time"

Carl was relieved when he heard the system's reply.

Carl breathed a sigh of relief when he learned the answer. He decided to keep this hero template and wait for the right time to use it. After all, he can now fully stimulate the power of Titan through fighting. After all, it's better to bite off more than you can chew.

"The system starts the skill lottery."

Bajiquan, Taiji swordsmanship, Yijinjing, Baguazhang...

"Congratulations to the host for drawing the skill Bajiquan."

Well, although I didn't draw things like Taiji swordsmanship and Yijinjing, Bajiquan is also okay.

Isn't it often said that Taiji doesn't go out for ten years, and the eighth level can kill people in one year?

Let me try what is the eighth level boxing!

"The system uses Bajiquan."

Suddenly a string of words emerged from the roulette in front of him, flying into Carl's mind one by one. He instantly understood all the moves and force techniques of the eighth level boxing.

Various moves kept emerging in his mind, and he quickly learned and memorized every detail.

Through the introduction of the Eight-Level Boxing, he felt that he could now clearly control every inch of his skin, and even control the growth of his hair and nails.

Could this be the realm of a master?

In the Chinese comics he knew, the master of Huajin was an existence that could not be touched by a feather or a fly!

Carl immediately began to try various moves on the spot.

He moved his body quickly, turned flexibly, and made a series of precise attacking movements.

Every movement was smooth and accurate, as if he had become a dancer, dancing with an invisible sword.

The surrounding trees became his practice objects.

He waved his fists and knocked down one tree after another.

The sound of the trees falling to the ground echoed in the forest, as if announcing his strength to the whole world.

Carl's eyes exuded a confident light. He had now fully mastered the essence of Bajiquan - the Six Openings, but he was not yet proficient in the use of the moves.

This powerful skill brought him an unprecedented sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

"Don't say it, don't say it."

Carl muttered to himself, his face full of excitement and pride.

He realized that not only the knowledge entered his mind, but also the moves were memorized in his body.

He felt that every inch of his skin contained great strength and flexibility.

Carl laughed, full of expectations for the future.

He knew that he now had the strength to protect himself. Although the strength of the major general in the pirate world was not very strong, because he had the power of the Titan, it was impossible to defeat him in a short time.

"Which of the six styles of the navy is more important?"

Carl thought about it, it should be the fast-moving shave, and by the way, there is also the gorgeous move of the storm kick.

How did the shave come about?

0.36 seconds to step on the ground dozens of times, right?


When Carl stepped on the ground with all his strength for the first time, he stepped directly into a big hole on the ground and fell into it.

He was not discouraged, but kept trying on the spot.


After many experiments, he finally mastered the shave, but his sense of direction was still unclear, and the surrounding trees were knocked down by his unreasonable body.


After knocking down a big tree, he quickly climbed up from the leaves and spit out the leaves in his mouth.

"It's getting late, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Just after he thought about it, he hurriedly sorted out the tree trunks on the ground. After all, he needed a place to temporarily shelter from the wind and rain, and he didn't want to sleep in the open air.

He directly hammered the tree trunks into the ground to form a wall, and simply tied some tree trunks together with vines to form a simple door...

In just one hour, with Carl's rough craftsmanship, a simple 50-square-meter cabin had taken shape in front of him.

Looking at this simple and warm shelter, Carl couldn't help feeling a little satisfied and happy, this was the house he built with his own hands.

Just in front of the cabin, he also built a simple shed for the white tiger to rest and shelter from the wind and rain. Just after he finished all this, he felt a little hungry.

So he looked at the white tiger. No, it was already a partner, it couldn't eat

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