
Carl used the Navy Six Styles - Shave, and rushed towards John.

Carl easily dodged the sword attack, and the sword swept backwards, instantly creating a mess.

"Get farther away, hurry up."

"Hurry up!"

The pirates who were watching the excitement from a distance were almost affected by John's sword.

"Storm Kick!"

Carl then used the Navy Six Styles - Storm Kick to kick John's leg.

John did not wait there, but jumped up with both hands holding the sword and slashed at Carl.

「" Shave--quickly!"

Carl quickly dodged (stepping on the ground dozens of times in 0.36 seconds) to avoid John's sword attack, and then he jumped up and jumped lightly behind John.


John was not hit by Carl's Lanjiao. He quickly turned around, holding the sword in one hand and turned to block, using the back of the sword to block Carl's attack.

"Boy, you are still a little naive in close combat."

John said disdainfully, because John was very confident in his physical skills, and he thought Carl was an arrogant boy, even without a big sword, he could beat him.

What he didn't know was that Carl didn't use his full strength, which was exactly a sign of weakness. After all, he was not sure how strong John was, so it was always better to be careful.


John grinned, inserted the sword into the ground with his right hand, and then raised a fierce fist to hit Carl.

He wanted to let Carl know that his physical skills were not weak.

Carl's eyes were stern, he knew that this was John's unique skill-Bawangquan.

He quickly raised his arms, used them as shields, and blocked John's fist.

With a loud bang, Carl was knocked back a few steps by John's fist. His arm was slightly numb, but he found that John's physical skills were not very strong, and he could still deal with it. He was especially grateful to John for his arrogance, which gave him the opportunity to win.

Carl rushed to John again without hesitation. This time, his right hand condensed more armed color domineering, and a layer of light golden light was diffused around his body.

John's expression changed, and he immediately felt the crisis. He knew that he underestimated Carl, but it was too late to pull out the sword on the ground. He immediately clenched his fists and fought back, hitting Carl with both fists like lightning.

The fists of the two collided instantly, and a powerful shock wave spread all around.


The sea water on the shore was stirred up, forming huge water columns.

Carl concentrated all his strength on his fists. He let out a beast-like roar, and his whole body was like a volcanic eruption. The golden light that penetrated his body erupted with endless power.

At the same time, John felt that his power was being gradually suppressed. His eyes became fierce and he gritted his teeth. He did not flinch and continued to fight back with all his strength.

The fists of the two collided again, making a loud noise. This time, Carl's fist won and his strength overwhelmed John.

John was knocked back a few steps, his face full of surprise and anger. He originally thought that his strength would never lose to Carl, but now he realized that he was wrong, but it was too late for him to regret it.

Because Carl did not give John a chance to breathe, he launched an attack again, and his fist hit John hard like a whirlwind.

John tried his best to dodge, but was still hit by Carl's fist several times. Every collision of fists brought severe pain.

"Not good!"

"Bajiquan-Iron Mountain Lean!"

Carl saw that John was exhausted and immediately pursued him.

"Standing on the ground to the sky cannon!"

The combo skills were constantly performed, and John had no time to defend.

But John soon got used to Carl's offensive pace, and then the battle between the two became more intense.

After several hours of fighting.

John felt that Carl's power was constantly rising.

Gradually, he was unable to resist. He knew that he had underestimated Carl.

But Carl's attack speed was getting faster and faster, and he had no chance to fight back.

Finally, after a stalemate of dozens of minutes, John's arms hung weakly on both sides of his body, and his body collapsed on the ground. His body could no longer support him, and he knew that he had lost.

He didn't expect that he would lose to Carl.

"I lost."

John said with some resentment, his face twisted.

After all, his skills were not as good as others, but John was not a person who would just give up so easily. He knew that he had been fooled by Carl. If Carl hadn't kept using physical skills to consume his physical strength, the battle would not have ended so quickly. After all, he himself was not a physical skill master, but a great swordsman.

Carl stood beside John, his chest rising and falling rapidly, he felt an unprecedented pride and strength, he knew that if he hadn't taken advantage of it, he would not have been able to beat John at all, although he felt that with his current physical strength, he could still fight him for a few more days. At this time, after the battle stopped, he felt the soreness from all over his body.

"Carl actually beat John."


"John is so unlucky that he was fooled by Carl."

Newgate, who was not far away, could see the whole story of the battle at a glance.

"Captain John lost."

"How is it possible? Captain John would lose to this newcomer."

Captain John heard his team members muttering in a low voice and immediately turned his head and looked fiercely.

Suddenly, several pirates who were whispering in a low voice turned pale, and then bowed and walked away.

"This matter is not over."

John recovered some strength and slowly stood up from the ground.

Carl knew that he wanted to be the captain.

Because the whole island should be covered by Captain Rocks's observation color, the battle between the two of them must have been discovered by Rocks, and he knew that he was qualified to run for captain.

The rest of the pirates looked at this scene, their eyes full of awe.

Carl defeated John and proved that he was as strong as the captain.

They knew that they might have a new captain. On the one hand, the Rocks Pirates were getting stronger. On the other hand, many pirates who had not followed the captain had their own ideas. They wanted to join the new captain.

"Carl will be the captain of the Sixth Division of our Rocks Pirates in the future."

Just as the pirates were still considering how to join Carl's team, a heavy voice came from deep inside the island.

Carl looked inside the island and saw a 3-meter-tall man wearing a red cape, an ancient captain's hat, long golden hair, and a long sword on his right hand. He was walking towards them.

The man was Rocks D. Gibeck, the leader of the Rocks Pirates, known as the most vicious man in history.

"Welcome to join the Rocks Pirates."


In order to realize his ideal, Rocks has been recruiting strong people to join his pirate group.

So he was very happy that a combat force comparable to the captain level came to the island.

This was one step closer to his plan.

"Little guys, let's have a party."

"Celebrate your Sixth Division Captain Carl."

Rocks walked up to him, just looked at Carl and then ordered the pirates.

"Oh, let's have a party."

The pirates present immediately raised a huge wave of voices. Having a party is one of the essential programs on Beehive Island.

What's more, a new captain of the Sixth Division has joined.

While Carl and his companions were having a party, the traitor of the Rocks Pirates had reported the details of their fight with John today to the Navy Marshal Hill.

After hearing the news, Marshal Hill realized that Carl's strength had increased a lot.

This young man should not be underestimated. His strength increased very quickly. He immediately issued a series of orders against Carl.

Marshal Hill ordered the Navy Intelligence Agency to strengthen surveillance of Carl and collect all information about him, including his strength, moves, personality traits, etc. This information will help the Navy to better deal with Carl in future operations.

Marshal Hill asked the Navy Science Force to strengthen the research on Carl's abilities. They need to understand the principles of Carl's moves, so as to ensure that they can gain an advantage in the future battles between the Navy and Carl.......

After the banquet, Carl took in some pirates with kind faces as his subordinates. Although they were not very strong, they were still the first batch of subordinates and could help him deal with some chores.

He chose a place on the Beehive Island and asked the pirates to start building houses. This place would be the base of their Sixth Division in the future.

When Charlotte Linlin learned that Carl had Titan blood, she repeatedly expressed at the banquet that she wanted to have children with Carl, but was rejected by Carl.

However, Charlotte Lian found that Carl was not good at drinking, and she immediately came up with a plan.

Just as Charlotte Linlin was thinking about how to contact Carl, Rocks fell into deep thought and became more suspicious.

After all, it was not long before he attacked the Valley of the Gods. Although no one knew his plan, it was a good thing that such a strong person suddenly joined, but what if he was an undercover, so he came up with a solution.

Let him attack a relatively weak member of the World Government directly to test his loyalty.

And he also inserted a spy among the pirates recruited by Carl yesterday, just for this matter.

"Boss Carl, Captain Rocks is calling you."

The next morning, when Carl just got up from bed and hadn't had breakfast yet, a pirate came to inform him that Captain Rocks wanted to see him.

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