"Who will catch him! He stole a lot of my money!!"

"Hey, get away, I have a gun in my hand! There are still hostages in hand, don't come close!!"

"Bastard, this happened just when Fishman Island saw hope, come with me to kill him!"

"Don’t be afraid to come along!"

A fishman boss, a fishman robber, a mermaid hostage, a group of passionate people.

A simple and clear relationship.

However, when a group of people were about to pounce on and tear the robber into pieces, a thin figure rushed out first and slapped him. passed——

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

"my hand!"

"What hurts you?..."The fishman who was knocked to the ground was speechless. He was the one who was beaten.

"Princess Otohime? ?"Others around were stunned to see that it was Otohime, and then they realized

"No, she is no longer a royal family!"

"That's right, you shouldn't call yourself princess anymore...."

Otohime held her hands in pain, but ignored it and looked at the robber angrily and asked,"Why did you do such a thing as robbery?"

"Shut up! What do you pampered royals know? I have 10 hungry children crying at home!"The robber fishman raised his gun and screamed. He was also forced into a desperate situation.

"That's even more outrageous!! Will a child raised with stolen money be happy?"Otohime grabbed his collar and slapped him wildly."Parents can't live a spineless life in front of their children!!"

"But I also want to apologize to you..."Otohime's tears suddenly fell again,"I'm sorry, we are in the same country, but I don't understand your feelings."

"The pain in your heart also hurts my heart..."

"Ah woo...You have your own difficulties too, right?..."

Otohime's innate ability to see and hear color is not to hear other people's inner thoughts, but to feel other people's inner emotions.

The sadness, despair, pain, and desperation

"Queen Mother..."The third prince Shark Star and Bai Xing were moved that this was their gentle and kind mother, always striving for a better future.

"Are you okay?" Adolf gently helped Miss Mermaid up.

"Well, thanks...Thanks..."The mermaid blushed and looked at him with admiration.

Adolf nodded and looked at Otohime, feeling a little overwhelmed. How could he still be a man of integrity when his children were starving to death? If that were the case, what would happen to his responsibility as a father? Would he watch his children starve to death?

Why not just eat meat?...

The Sea King's army, who came upon hearing the noise, tied him up.

"etc! What should be done according to the laws of Fish-Man Island?"Adolf stopped

""I'll keep him in prison for a month." Otohime said

"After a month, will his 10 children still be alive?"Adolf asked her stupefied.

Not to mention a month, even three days would be a problem.

"No wonder the problem in Fishman Street is so serious, this method of handling it won't work." Adolf sighed,"Before looking into the future, it's better to live well in the present. What's the point of talking about the future if we can't even handle the basic livelihood? ?"

"The detention will be postponed in advance and will be carried out after the children’s survival issues are settled!"

"Everyone else go away, you come with us to Fishman Street"

"Thank you very much, King Adolf!"The robber fishman knelt down in gratitude.

"Fishman Street?"Hody noticed and recommended himself,"Your Majesty King, I am also from Fishman Street and I know many people there. Let me go with you."

"Um? Let's do it together."

Adolf nodded, and the group continued toward Fishman Street.

"King Adolf is such a good king. He even cares about people's livelihood."

"Yes, if they were really arrested and detained for a month, those 10 children would be dead."

"The future that Princess Otohime talks about is not only illusory and full of risks, but also completely disregards the life and death of people in the present."

"That is, King Adolf is better."

After Adolf and others left, the onlookers praised him one after another.

"Otohime, according to the way you handle it, 10 children will die. Is this what you expect from the children? Is this the decent life you want to see?"

When no other citizens saw him on the road, Adolf corrected Otohime's thoughts.

"Sorry, I am really not a qualified royal family member..."Otohime is extremely disappointed

"You are a pure idealist, so ideal that you are divorced from reality"

"Losing your royal status this time is also a kind of training for you from the perspective of an ordinary person. Feel the suffering of the world."

Adolf still has high hopes for her. After all, she is Shirahoshi's mother. He will definitely build a good relationship with her family and cultivate them instead of fighting to the death.

"Sorry, I'm a jerk...."The robber fishman is ashamed

"It has nothing to do with you. You took risks for your family when you had no other options. You are a hero in the eyes of your children too!!"

"But a crime is a crime, don't try to escape the criminal law."

Adolf highly recognized his original intention.

"To solve my child's placement problem, I will serve my sentence obediently, even if I die!"The robber fishman was moved

"You didn't hurt anyone, so why should you die? Just be imprisoned according to the criminal law."Adolf smiled, which also made him completely confused.

Shark Star, Emperor Star, Rolling Star, and White Star followed silently without saying anything, but their attention was all on Adolf, and they also learned more about him....

It seems that it is a little different from what they thought. He is not some big bad guy who forced his father, the king and the queen to abdicate.

"Oh no! Fishman Island...Fishman Island will be destroyed——"

"Quick, tell King Adolf quickly!"

A mermaid woman with a shark's tail fin holds her head, her cold blue eyes showing pain.

"It's Mrs. Shirley!!"

"Mrs. Charlie, what did you see?"

"Madam Shirley, it's okay. Even if Fishman Island is destroyed, King Adolf will definitely lead us to open up a new home."

One after another, kind-hearted people came to comfort and help.

Now they are full of confidence in the future. Even in difficult times, they have seen the light that belongs to them!

"Come on, King Adolf is coming!!"

When Adolf and his party came over, the crowd automatically gave way to the road.

"It's Mrs. Xia Li. I've heard about her in Dragon Palace City. When he was a child, he foresaw the coming of the age of great pirates. Two years later, Roger was executed, and many pirates came to the island...."Neptune whispered.

Adolf nodded, stepped forward to help her up, his gentle words contained an extremely firm tone.

"For more than eight hundred years, Fishman Island has experienced the most severe oppression and the most torturous pain. This is in the hearts of all of us....The darkest and longest night!"

"It has been so long that all of us have come to accept and obey it as a matter of course!"

"If the price of awakening the people is the destruction of Fishman Island, then Fishman Island should sink to the bottom of the sea!"

"I firmly believe that we will be reborn.——"

Sacrifice, courage, determination, and no hesitation are inspiring words

"King Adolf, we support you!"

"You are right. We cannot take others’ oppression for granted!"

The whole nation cheered and supported us, as if they had broken through the cage in their hearts and awakened.

"Please stay with me from now on, I need your strength!"Adolf looked at Mrs. Charlie.

Mrs. is the honorific title given to her, which is a respect for divination of the future and mystery, but does not mean that she is married.

"But I foresee an unhappy future.

"Then wouldn’t it be great if we work together to change the unfortunate future? at least in���Save more people during your lifetime."Adolf smiled gently

"Um...Um!"Mrs. Charlie looked at his face, the king's dignity seemed to be shining, and she lowered her head slightly embarrassedly.

Adolf took her away by the hand.

Now Mrs. Charlie is 19, her size is invincible, with snow-white skin, purple The manicure also has the cool and ferocious look of a shark-like mermaid, which is amazing!

In terms of abilities, he has the ability to predict the future and the domineering power of seeing and hearing. He is looking forward to seeing how many bugs there will be!

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