Chapter 009 Wind cracks flowing water! Sharp first! 【New book for collection】

The gust of wind gradually became icy and boundless.

Drumbling boundless snow drifted wantonly in the sky and on the ground.

With the sound of low footsteps, the cold figure gradually became clearer.

He is slender, with well-defined muscles looming in front of the chest on which the cross is hung.

A black top hat with white fluff pressed his short black hair, and a long black cloak dragged the snow on the ground and swayed, making a loud noise in the wind.

Under the white trousers, he stepped on a pair of black leather short boots, and his steady and powerful footsteps made the frozen ground under his feet creaked crisply.


However, the most eye-catching thing is his pair of falcon-like pupils.

The pale yellow pupils exude a kind of arrogance and confidence that is unmatched in the world.

The light in his eyes was hot and cold, like an indestructible sword.

Behind him, he was carrying an exaggeratedly huge black sword.


As the figure of this man came into view, all the Marines in the distance suddenly gasped.

Hawkeye Dracule Mihawk! !

One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

The top powerhouse standing on this sea!

The Seven Warlords of the Sea are recognized by the World government as the great pirates, possessing catastrophic destructive power and enormous combat power that rivals the country.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Four Emperors and the Naval Headquarters are also known as the three major forces of the Grand Line. Only pirates with high reputation or strong power that can shock everyone are eligible to be selected as the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Of course, this wasn’t the most awe-inspiring aspect of the sharp-eyed man in front of him.

Especially Ain, who was born as a swordsman, almost subconsciously clenched the long sword around his waist the moment he saw Mihawk.

Not because of anything else.

Just because this man is the one who occupies the No. 1 throne of Kendo in the world today! !

In this vast and endless sea, there are not many people who want to make a name for themselves by relying on the blockbuster swordsmanship.

Marines and pirates who use swords as weapons are like crucian carp crossing the river.

But at the top of the mountain range that Kendo climbed, there was such a man sitting on the highest point of the throne, like an insurmountable city wall, with invincible and terrifying swordsmanship to subdue all swordsmen under his feet.

This is the end that all swordsmen want to chase and challenge desperately.

“I didn’t expect him to appear here… Could it be because of that sword?”

Ain stared at Hawkeye solemnly, and then turned his gaze to the long sword in Luo Xiu’s hand that he knew from the moment he knew it was nothing special, and murmured bitterly.

If Hawkeye’s target is really this sword, it is estimated that there will be a big battle in the future.

With Hawkeye’s unfathomable strength and swordsmanship, Luo Xiu, who doesn’t have Master Haki, can’t possibly be his opponent at all.

Even if he is Demon fruit power!

As for them?

Is the number of people really useful for a powerhouse like the Hawkeye Mihawk?

Ain subconsciously looked at Binz, who was facing a formidable enemy.

She could clearly see that a layer of cold sweat had formed on Binz’s forehead.

Hawkeye Mihawk is a loner who doesn’t make any sense at all.

Their Marine status can’t restrict the former half point at all.

If Hawkeye really wanted to snatch that sword, with Luo Xiu’s character, he would definitely not let it go.

At that time, I am afraid that I can only do my best.

Thinking of this, Ain silently made a tactical gesture.

The dozens of Marine soldiers behind him were shocked.

There was a neat sound of guns being loaded, and dozens of muzzles were already aimed at the figure with the black big knife on his back.

This batch of Marines are elites trained by Luo Xiu, and their military quality is even higher than that of the elites in the headquarters.

Even if they knew that the opponent they faced was the world’s number one swordsman, they would not back down.

However, at this time.

Luo Xiu, who was standing on the deck in the distance, raised his hand slowly and made a still gesture.

Stand still?

Both Ain and Binz were a little stunned.

But when they saw the hot light in Luo Xiu’s eyes, they couldn’t help but obey his orders.

No one can change Luo Xiu’s decision.

He is essentially a lunatic.



“There’s something wrong with my pointer, pointing to this island.”

“I just didn’t expect that one of the twelve supreme swords in this sea would actually appear in this small place.”

Hawkeye said while walking slowly.

As he moved forward, there seemed to be a layer of unparalleled sword energy covering his body.

This blizzard that filled the sky, actually consciously avoided it.

Saying that, his eyes were tightly locked on the long sword in Luo Xiu’s hand.

Wind cracked water.

Among the twelve works of the Supreme Great Sword, the sharpness is the first.

A sword can break the wind.

Sword Qi is like flowing water.


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