The warship that came straight to Moxi Village did not come directly to the coast where the mushroom house was located, but stopped at the pier at the entrance of Moxi Village.

Several children who were playing at the entrance of the village saw the navy appear, stopped one after another, and looked at these suddenly arriving navy with big clean eyes.

Then, the children turned and ran away!

Although Aaron and his gang have been arrested, the navy that colluded with Aaron and his gang has also been dealt with. But the villagers, who have been dominated by Aaron and his gang and the Navy scum rats for so many years, still haven’t completely come out of the shadows, so after seeing the navy appear, the first reaction of these children is to quickly find a place to hide!

Smogg, who was standing on the deck of the warship, saw this scene in his eyes, and he was not surprised. After all, he already knew what happened here, and he knew very well that these villagers had not yet come out of the shadows of the past.

“It’s the Navy, it’s Lord Navy coming!”

Smogg had just jumped off the deck to the entrance of the village with a hint of guilt in his heart, when several adult villagers ran out and waved at them and shouted, “Lord Navy, are you here to patrol?” Thanks for the concern! ”

“Lord Navy, would you like to come to the house for a sip of tea?” And this year’s orange harvest is also good~ Let’s try it! ”

Looking at the two men, one woman and three villagers who came in front of him, Smogg, who had just felt guilty because the children had hid when they saw them, was a little unguarded, and tentatively asked, “You… Not afraid of the Navy? ”

“What did Lord Navy say?” How can we be afraid of the Navy! Although there was collusion between the navy and pirates here before, wasn’t it all handled by Vice Admiral Karp? ”

One of the leading villagers took a step forward and continued, “Now it’s not just our Moxi village, but more than twenty villages in the vicinity are very grateful to the navy and Lord Karp!” ”

“This way.”

Smog nodded and said, “It was our failure to make scum like rats appear in the navy and make everyone suffer!” By the way, after Aaron and his gang were arrested, how was the security here, did there be pirates or something to make trouble here! ”

“Hey, Lord Navy, don’t worry!”

The villager at the head waved his hand very grandly, and said with a reverent face, “We are very safe here, because there is that adult!” ”

“The adult?” Smogg’s eyes lit up.

“It’s Mr. Xia Yu.” When Aaron and his gang were arrested, it was because he told Lord Karp what happened here, and Master Karp learned everything that happened here! We don’t know very well about the villagers of other villages, but for the villagers of Moxi Village and Cocosia Village, Mr. Xia Yu is our protector! ”

“Xia Yu? Is that the owner of that mushroom house? Smog was stunned, then relieved.

Because of the incident with Colonel Mouse, coupled with Karp’s stay here for a while, he was not very unfamiliar with the name Xia Yu! However, he is not here to go to the farmhouse, but to come for the mission!

Smog chatted with the three villagers, but the soldiers under him did not sit idle, and after entering the village of Moshi, they began to ask all kinds of questions about the same day!

After some interviews and inquiries, they determined that the strange celestial phenomenon that was on the same day was caused by a flame that appeared in the nearby sea! Other than that, they didn’t ask for any useful information.

“Lord Smogg!”

After questioning the villagers of Moxi Village, the two soldiers immediately ran back to Smogg, “It is certain that the ridiculously large flame appeared in the direction of the sea outside Moxi Village, but because the situation was so sudden, the villagers only saw the flames rising into the air, and did not see who did it!” After all, that flame was so huge that it was said that the temperature of dozens of nearby villages had risen a lot in an instant! ”

According to the villagers’ descriptions, the sea temperature on the sea surface around here also became higher at that time, and the flame-covered sea area for several kilometers completely boiled and evaporated, and the evaporated mist covered the sea surface for hundreds of miles! After that, it rained heavily in the village of Moshi and nearby villages! ”

“That’s all the information we already have.”

Smog glared at the two soldiers and said in a deep voice, “What we are going to investigate now is whether there are any suspicious people in this vicinity!” ”

“This… The villagers don’t know either! ”

As soon as the soldier’s words fell, the villagers standing on the side suddenly lit up and spoke, “Lord Navy, you can go to the mushroom house and ask Mr. Xia Yu.” If Mr. Xia Yu knew, he would have told you. After all, Mr. Xia Yu has a good relationship with your Vice Admiral Karp! ”

Hearing the villager’s suggestion, Smogg also felt the need to go to the mushroom house! After all, this matter is very important, and no clues can be missed.

After bidding farewell to the villagers, Smog led his subordinates straight to the mushroom house.


In front of the gate of the courtyard of the mushroom house, after seeing the naval warship parked in the direction of the village entrance of Moxi Village, Shi Ji did not bother to pay attention, wearing a cloak and wielding a hoe seriously under Xia Yu’s supervision.

Although Shiki’s Fluttering Fruit ability causes changes in large areas of the ground, making the soil harder than stone, it is simply not too convenient to use on a small scale, such as making flower beds.

Therefore, after discovering this wonderful use of the fluttering fruit, Xia Yu gestured to the ground while saying to Shi Ji, “Lion ghost, right here, use your fruit ability to make a flower bed out.” Control it a little, don’t make the movement too big! By the way, Mihawk, you go get some fresh mud, and when the lion ghost finishes the flower bed, you put this mud in it… Next, plant saplings and flowers or something! ”

Under the command of Xia Yu, Shiji and Mihawk quickly completed the restoration of a flower bed, and the two also gained experience, skillfully cooperated and soon got another grassy field! Mihawk even found a few peach tree saplings from nowhere and planted them!

The restoration work in front of the courtyard was in full swing, seeing that Mihawk and Shiki did not have to supervise themselves, Xia Yu stopped talking nonsense, decisively returned to the courtyard, and let Nami take out a chair and sit under the small tree in front of the door and drink tea gracefully.

After moving the chair for Xia Yu, Nami did not leave immediately, but looked at Xia Yu with a pair of beautiful eyes, and asked cautiously, “Mr. Xia Yu, I… Can I ask you one thing? ”

Hearing this, Xia Yu put down the teacup and asked, “What happened?” ”

“It’s just… I, I still haven’t figured out how I defeated those two guys… When I knocked them to the ground, I didn’t think about it because of my excitement. Later, I heard Ace say that one of those two guys is the world’s number one great sword Haomihawk, and the other is the legendary pirate Shiki who moved the sea twenty years ago… I was scared! I… When did I become so powerful?! ”

“Fake, don’t believe it!”

Seeing Nami looking at herself blankly, Xia Yu said with a serious expression, “Those two guys are very bad, they look at you as a weak woman, and they don’t want to see you like this!” ”

“So that’s it!” Nami let out a long breath, relaxed her whole body, and chuckled, “That’s okay, I’m going to get busy, Mr. Xia Yu!” ”

Xia Yu waved his hand and said with a smile. “Let’s go!”

At this moment, the naval soldiers who came straight to the mushroom house also entered the mushroom house range.

The two Navy soldiers walking in front of them, after seeing Shiji digging hard in front of the gate of the mushroom house wearing a cloak, immediately stepped forward and shouted at Shiji, “Hey, old man.” Are you a worker in this mushroom house? Excuse me, is the owner of your mushroom house there? ”


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