One night without a word.

As soon as he slept until he woke up naturally, Xia Yu walked out of the mushroom house in good spirits and began to wash.


Just after brushing his teeth and preparing to wash his face, Xia Yu’s eyes suddenly tightened, and then he looked at the flat head that ran to him with a confused look!

At this time, the flat head still has a big belly, obviously it has not been completely digested!

That’s not the point, though!

The point is that the body shape of the flat head seems to have undergone some changes, especially in its pupils, there are double ripples!

“What’s the situation?”

After discovering this subtle change in the flat head, Xia Yu quickly squatted down and twisted the flat head!

The body shape did not change very much, probably because of the eating, but the flat-headed eyes became double rippled eyes, which made Xia Yu a little puzzled.

A good pair of eyes turned into double ripple eyes overnight, could it be that Pingtou drank alcohol last night and is still drunk?


Suddenly, Xia Yu’s eyes lit up, “Could it be that this product has mutated and evolved?” ”

Thinking of this, Xia Yu put down the flat head, and then pointed to the wall, “Flat head, you can try to jump and see if you can jump…”


Before Xia Yu finished speaking, his flat head bounced on the spot and fell smoothly to the courtyard wall, and he proudly raised his little head towards Xia Yu, which was very shocking.

“Lie in the groove, cow batch!”

Looking at the little dot that jumped on the courtyard wall without changing color, Xia Yu couldn’t believe his eyes. You must know that before this, the flat head has tried countless times to climb over this courtyard wall without success, but now, the flat head actually jumped on the spot and jumped on the courtyard wall, this absolute wall is not accidental, it must be that the flat head has undergone some kind of change.

“Wow, flat-headed little no, why did you jump on the city wall!”

At this moment, Karp also walked out of his mushroom house, and seeing the flat head standing on the courtyard wall and Xia Yu’s eyes wide-eyed, he quickly walked over, laughing loudly, “It seems that this courtyard wall can no longer be blocked… Eh, how did you jump on it? Was it thrown up by Xia Yu kid?! Ahahaha, poor flathead. Come on, play with you for another day, tomorrow the old man will return to the headquarters of the Navy to report!! ”

Saying that, Karp jumped to the wall, and then grabbed the flat head with his hand!

Seeing this, the flat head quickly turned around in place, and it was a wave of poison gas attacks against Karp!


Karp, who never expected that the flat head would fart to himself, was suddenly smoked and almost fell off the courtyard wall. The poisonous gas power of the flat head is really domineering, even Xia Yu, who was standing in the yard, quickly covered his nose and cursed at the flat head, “Uncle, didn’t I tell you earlier, if you fart, run to the beach to release it.” ”

For the matter of flat-headed fart, Xia Yu is very helpless!

Back when he tamed the flathead, the flathead farted once in the yard. Then, the entire courtyard was filled with a strong smell of chemical weapons, and after the fight, Xia Yu repeatedly told Pingtou that he was never allowed to launch chemical weapons attacks in the courtyard, otherwise he would be punished.

And the flat head has always kept in mind, every time he wants to release poison, he will run far away. The reason why it released poison just now was purely to let Karp, the bad old man, also feel the domineering of chemical weapons!

Apparently, it worked!


After successfully launching the chemical weapons attack on Karp, Pingtou immediately opened his mouth and shouted happily, and then jumped from the courtyard wall to the grass outside the yard.

“Groove, flat head just in… Laugh? Uncle, it really laughs!!! ”

Looking at the expression on his face when he jumped off the courtyard wall, Xia Yu’s eyes suddenly widened, “This extreme wall has evolved!” ”

“Flat head, you give the old man a stop!”

Karp didn’t have the heart to pay attention to the changes in the flat head now, and he saw the flat head slip away, roared in anger, and jumped down.

“Interesting, so funny!”

Watching a beast and a person jump off the courtyard wall one after another, although Xia Yu was sure that his flat head had changed, he still wanted to try again.

If the flat head really mutates and evolves, then the days after it will be much more interesting!

Pingtoutian is not afraid of the earth, but because of his short body, he cannot claim the throne in Africa. Now that it appears in the pirate world and has mutated and evolved, if it can become a huge existence like the sea king in the future, this world will not be turned upside down by it?

The pirate world is chaotic, and the flat head has the final say?

Emmm, is there a proper pig’s foot formwork?

“Mr. Xia Yu, I’m back!”

At this moment, Nami’s voice came from behind him, pulling Xia Yu back to reality.

Looking back at Nami, who was dressed up and looked even more beautiful, Xia Yu’s brows instantly furrowed, “Why are you dressed up so fancy!” Go, change the short skirt immediately, and also, you are not allowed to wear this kind of short clothes and short skirts in the future. You are a handyman here, not a welcome lady. ”


Nami, who came to the courtyard, blinked her beautiful eyes, a little unable to come to her senses. Because Along and his gang were arrested, she was in a good mood and dressed up carefully, originally thinking of giving Xia Yu a little surprise, but she was reprimanded by Xia Yu to split her head and cover her face, so aggrieved said.

“You… Are you a man! ”

After coming back to her senses, Nami instantly exploded, and said with a fierce expression, “People, people just want to leave a good impression on you… How did you… How so! ”

“It turned out to be worn for me.”

Xia Yu blinked, and then nodded thoughtfully, “Okay, I saw it.” Hurry up and replace it! As a handyman in a mushroom house, you have to look like a handyman. ”


Nami was so angry that she couldn’t say anything at all, and stared at Xia Yu fiercely with a pair of big eyes, if her eyes could kill, Xia Yu would have died more than ten thousand times!

All right.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Although Nami was blown up by Xia Yu’s incomprehensible style, she still endured it and ran to her mushroom house to sulk!


Looking at Nami who ran into the mushroom house, Xia Yu patted her sleeves and muttered softly, “If you give some color, you want to open a dyeing workshop.” Only fifteen years old such a goblin eight monsters, in two more years to get it? ”


Thank you to the ‘Cheese Meow’ brothers for their thousand rewards, and thank you to the three brothers ‘Lide*, qq_431*, 181*’ for their 100 rewards for their support. Thank you so much!

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