Pinel's voice attracted the attention of Dadan's family. When everyone looked at Pinel, a big question mark appeared on their heads. Ace also stopped his behavior. No matter what, it doesn't matter how much trouble one's family makes, but one can't let outsiders see the joke! The sturdy Dadan walked forward with a vigilant look on his face.

"Who are you? Why are you asking if we are bandits? What do you want?"

Pinel was very gentlemanly. He had changed into new clothes after landing. As for the summoner who provided the clothes, he sent him to join the navy as an undercover agent!

Pinel took off his hat with one hand and saluted.

"My name is Heath Pinnell, and I can be considered a pirate for the time being. I have no other intention in coming here today except to stay for a while. I am a little tired from the journey at sea, and I want to find a quiet place to rest. I don't think you will object, because if you do, I may need to kill you all!"

Pinell spoke well at the beginning, but in the end, the style was completely different. He casually said that he was going to kill someone. Maybe Pinel didn't notice how big the reversal of his words was!

Although Pinel stood there with his eyes narrowed, and the whole person didn't move at all, but Dadan and others were already stunned and sweating profusely!

If Pinel hadn't released that astonishing murderous intent, maybe Dadan could still be tougher, but now Dadan's family couldn't even move when facing the murderous intent released by Pinel, let alone toughness!

Among those present, except for the crying child in a straw hat who didn't notice anything because of sadness, only the freckled boy who had just pressed the dwarf Pinel had seen to the ground could make a weak move!

At least he showed a posture of fighting the enemy!

Pinel smiled at Ace and said softly,

"Are you going to fight me? Little boy? Can I ask your name?"

Ace gritted his teeth and held on. Ace's talent is very good, but he is still too young now. He has not seen anything beyond the sea. He is just a little fledgling who doesn't know how to fly. He has never seen the cruel world. So he can hold on in front of Pinel. It is already a gifted talent!

"My name is Ace. I don't want to stand with you because I have no chance of winning. But if you want to kill my friend, I will never allow it!"

Pinel did not appreciate Ace's courage.

"Your courage is commendable, but your behavior is stupid. When you find that there is a big gap between us, the first thing you should do is not how to stop me, but how to run away. Only by living can you take revenge. If you die here with these people, what's the point?

But I am interested in you. If I kill them all and let you go, will you have more motivation to improve? When you grow to a certain strength and come to me for revenge, it may provide me with great fun! And the crying little ghost over there makes me a little upset. Do you object if I take him first?"

After hearing what Pinel said, Ace and Dadan's pupils shrank into a dot. No one knew whether Pinel was telling the truth or deliberately scaring people, but for Dadan's family, these were simply overwhelming murderous auras, and they didn't seem to be joking at all!

Seeing that Ace was about to rush over to take action, Pinel suddenly withdrew his murderous intent. All the people in Dadan's family, including Ace, fell to the ground. Pinel spread his hands to the people who fell to the ground,

"Of course, these things are only possible after you oppose me staying here. I am a principled person and I like to do things step by step. Now I am asking, can I stay here and rest for a while? I was a little tired some time ago, and I also want to accumulate some things! Is it okay?"

Dadan looked at the eager light flashing in Pinel's eyes. At this time, she bent and did not think that Pinel was eager for her consent. Dadan looked at Pinel's eyes flashing with crazy light, obviously hoping that she would refuse, so that he would have an excuse to complete the series of things he just said!

So, Dadan blurted out without thinking!

"Of course, no problem, distinguished guest from afar, we are a hospitable bandit family, you can stay here as long as you want, we can even give this place to you and move out by ourselves!"

Looking at Dadan's flattering smile, he sighed with some disappointment,

"Do you really agree? What if I am weak? As a bandit, shouldn't I resist? There is no need to leave, as if I am bullying others! With you around, there might be more fun! If it weren't for you, I guess I would have to go to the village at the foot of the mountain to have fun! What a trouble!"

Hearing Pinel's words, Dadan's expression tightened, and Ace also cast a firm light. Although Dadan is a bandit, she is not a heartless bandit. The windmill village at the foot of the mountain has long been her bond, otherwise when Garp came to find her for the first time, she could have run away, but she didn't, because there are no good people like those in the windmill village in other places!

"I understand. We will not leave. Mr. Pinel, please tell us the rules in the future. If we do anything wrong, please point it out! We can discuss anything, but please don't attack us easily!" Pinel waved his hand indifferently. He was not crazy enough to kill people at will!

"Don't worry, I'm not crazy, how could I do it so easily, you can continue what you just did, just pretend I don't exist! I prefer the look of this kid called Ace!"

After saying that, Pinel casually found a corner and sat down, closing his eyes to rest, as if nothing in the outside world could disturb him! ps: Preview of the next chapter: Try to kill this world! (Part 2)

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