Some blue monsters surround Dadi.

They are stocky, shrouded in blue skin, and their faces are like skulls with yellow-glowing eyes.

“Blue orangutan?” Dadi raised an eyebrow.

After reading the original book, he quickly recognized the origin of these monsters, they are called “sea fighters”, and they are also jailer beasts in prison, responsible for guarding the first floor.

Not far away, a sea king was dismembered into pieces, and several blue orangutans dragged them into prison.

Apparently, these blue orangutans came out to hunt and happened to meet Dadi and took him as prey.

Dadi was crying and laughing, but this situation was beyond expectations.

The blue orangutan is very keen, and when the shot is lost, other orangutans see this, and they also surround them with great momentum.


Since he ran into it, Dadi had to send these guys, and the blue-white electric arc spread out from the body, and under the guidance of the seawater, the blue orangutan was instantly electrified and convulsed with pain all over the body, and all fell.

“Sudden accident!”

“The jailer blue orangutan has all lost contact!”

“Close the hatch and immediately investigate the cause!”


At this moment, a loud alarm suddenly came from the tower, the underwater entry and exit hatch slowly closed, and the surrounding video phone worms lit up to detect the light and began to look around.


Seeing this, Dadi no longer hesitated, swam to the vicinity of the wall at great speed, his pupils condensed slightly, and the hot laser light shot out and fell directly on the tower wall.

The propulsion city is built in the deep sea, in order to resist the high water pressure, the outer wall is wrapped with an extremely thick layer of steel plates, so solid that even large sea kings are difficult to hurt on the shell.

However, laser lasers have a strong high temperature, which is hot enough to melt the steel plate.

Under the continuous burning of the hot light, the wall gradually broke a hole, a large amount of seawater poured in, Dadi stepped on the footsteps, and the whole person got into it.

Entering the Advance City, a biting cold wind instantly rushed towards you, and the influx of sea water quickly froze, and soon, the gap in the wall was firmly blocked by ice.


Dadi let out a breath of white air, and the fish scales on his body quickly disappeared, replaced by a special oil secreted from the epidermis, like antifreeze, so that the originally cold body temperature quickly warmed up.

The gaze swept over the floor, and the eyes were covered with thick snow, and stone cells towered over the ground, with thick ice edges hanging on the surface, like ice sculptures.

“Is this extremely cold hell?” Dadi raised his eyebrows slightly.

The propulsion city has a total of six floors, from top to bottom, in order:

First floor: Red Lotus Hell.

Inside, there is a large forest of sword trees, the leaves of the “sword tree” are like small knives, which can cut anything, and the ground is covered with a thick layer of “needle grass”, on which prisoners are forced to run back and forth, their hands and feet cut bloodily, and they are tortured to the end.

Second floor: Warcraft Hell.

In the middle of the floor, all kinds of fierce beasts are entrenched, such as chicken snake beasts, man-eating lions, combined scorpions… The floor boss, the Sphinx, is a giant sphinx whose mantra is a variety of noodle foods.

Third Floor: Hunger Hell.

The third and fourth floors are connected, hot heat wafts up from downstairs, and prison administrators basically do not provide food and water to prisoners, leaving them in a state of half-death hunger.

Fourth floor: Scorched Hell.

The scorched hell is like a huge iron pot, with a sea of fire and a hot pool of blood below, and prisoners are thrown into the blood pool and sterilized at high temperature before entering prison.

Fifth floor: Extreme Cold Hell.

As the name suggests, the temperature here is extremely low, which is the opposite of the scorched hell, which is equivalent to a large ice warehouse, and the prisoners on this floor will suffer severe frostbite until they freeze to death.

Sixth floor: Infinite Hell.

This building is the lowest level of the “Advance City”, ordinary people generally have no way of knowing, the criminals locked up inside, all sentenced to death or life imprisonment, all extremely dangerous, some because the evil deeds committed are too cruel, the government erased them from history.

In the original work, Ace is locked up in “infinite hell”.

And the “Extreme Cold Hell” that Dadi is now in is above that level.

“Hey, hey, why is this guy outside the cell?”

“You’re not a jailer, are you!”

“Where did it come from?”


A surprised noise spread through the cell, and the prisoner looked at Dadi who was swaying outside, his eyes filled with incredulity.

“I ran in from outside, to save the Straw Hat Kid!” Dadi shrugged and said bluntly.

“Hahaha, don’t talk nonsense!”

“That guy did go to jail lately.”

“It seems to have been locked up on the sixth floor!”

“A newcomer who has just exceeded 100 million, at most, stay with us.”

“The government doesn’t know what to think, but it arranged him to the bottom of the “infinite hell”.”

“I don’t know if it’s that kid’s honor or misfortune.”

“No one ever approached that place.”

“You want to save him, it’s a fantasy!”


The prisoners all shook their heads and laughed, apparently taking Dadi’s words as crazy.

Dadi didn’t take the cynicism of these dying people to heart, and his brain raced.

“Extreme Cold Hell” is holding wanted criminals with a bounty of more than 100 million, Luffy defeated Klockdar, the bounty has just touched the threshold of 100 million, according to common sense, he should be taken into custody on this floor.

The government “broke the rules” and put him in “infinite hell”, probably because his identity was too important and had to be cautious.

Now that you know where the target is, it’s good to say!

“Speaking of which, before you, another fool also broke into here!” Suddenly, a sentence from a certain prisoner caught Dadi’s attention.


Someone else broke in?

Am I not the only one who voluntarily went to jail?


Just as he was about to dig into the matter, a hasty scream interrupted his thoughts.

Following the prestige, I saw a white wild wolf screaming, running wildly with four hooves, and in front of it, a figure was being hunted by embarrassment.

To Dadi’s surprise, this person he actually knew!

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