I don't know if you like this. I originally thought of letting Esdeath obey the protagonist directly, or be controlled by the protagonist, but then I thought, let the protagonist use his own strength to convince her and make her loyal.

At this time, on the ice, Shenluo was already waiting. He had just felt Esdeath's resistance. This powerful woman made Shenluo look forward to it and cheer up.

Now she has no one to be loyal to. Originally, he thought that if the system let her obey him directly or let the other party be controlled by him, but Shenluo thought about it and decided that it would be better to conquer her with his own strength.

""Is it coming?"

Suddenly, a red light appeared five meters in front of Shenluo, and then Esdeath landed steadily on the ice.

"Where is this? This is ice……"

Esdeath was a little confused, but soon she regained her composure and seemed to understand something.

"You're the one who forced me to come here?"

Esdeath asked, adjusting her hat.

"That's right." Shenluo answered straightforwardly.

"Tell me your name. I am beginning to be interested in you. It should be said that it is your strength and ability. I didn't expect you to bring me here by force."

Esdeath was not panicked at all.

Shenluo:"I, Shenluo, the person you will be loyal to in the future"

"The one I am loyal to? Are you saying you want me to be loyal to you?"

Esdeath sneered:"Don't you know if you have the ability to do that?"

Since the moment she truly became the queen, as a monarch, she has never thought of submitting to others! This young man actually wants her to submit to him?

"Of course there is!"

Shen Luo didn't talk nonsense. At this time, or Shun, for this woman, he didn't speak with his mouth, but with his fists! Beat her! Conquer her with powerful force!

Shen Luo moved, teleported! In an instant, like lightning and thunder! In an instant, he appeared in front of Esdeath, and then punched her!

""So fast!"

Esdeath was surprised, but she was agile and had been through many battles, so she had a strong sense of danger. She also turned around and dodged at lightning speed.

However, Shenluo's punch was not an ordinary punch!

The shock wave of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, air shock!

The atmosphere cracked, just in front of Esdeath's belly. Esdeath could only turn her body to the side to avoid the punch, and her feet didn't even leave the spot!

Crack! At the same time as the atmosphere cracked, the ice surface also exploded

"What! What kind of power is this? The atmosphere or space actually cracked?"

Esdeath was shocked, but she was not only shocked by this. At that moment, the ice surface exploded, and Esdeath's footsteps were unstable. At the same time, a powerful force came overwhelmingly, like a sledgehammer hitting her stomach, and she was smashed out uncontrollably! Her face changed.

There is no doubt that Esdeath has great power, but her physical strength is not stronger than! Kalifa's. The world environment is different, resulting in different magic arrays of the power system.

"What kind of imperial weapon is this? Such a terrifying power that it can actually cause space? The atmosphere? To break apart?"

Esdeath stood up with a pale face. Her stomach hurt, but she didn't care. If she was afraid of this little injury, she wouldn't be Esdeath.

"If you surrender to me, I will tell you what imperial weapon is!"

Shen Luo didn't waste any words, and disappeared on the spot with another shave. Esdeath was a little angry. This young man rejected her answer, which made her angry.

Esdeath waved her hand, and an ice wall appeared, which was equivalent to her own defensive shield. The six-style shave was just too fast, not a spatial displacement or instant movement, but a traceable one. As a battle maniac, Esdeath also has a sharp intuition similar to the observation Haki, and found the trace of Shen Luo.

Esdeath's ice wall blocked the direction of Shen Luo's arrival.

When Shen Luo's fist touched the ice wall, the ice wall collapsed at that moment.

"Damn! Is this kid's fist so hard?"

Esdeath frowned, and at this time, Shenluo's fist also came up and hit Esdeath.

Esdeath tried to dodge by turning sideways, but Shenluo pressed his hand behind him and took over, spinning and kicking.


Esdeath blocked it with both arms. But she couldn't help but step back a few steps.

"So strong! Is the power of the flesh so terrifying?"

Esdeath no longer dared to underestimate Shenluo and began to take him seriously.

"How about becoming my subordinate? Although you are very strong, I have the ability to restrain you!"

"Restrain me? Defeat me?"

"That’s right!"

""Try it!"

Esdeath said, and waved his right hand. He bent down and pressed his right hand against the ice surface. Countless cone-shaped icebergs rose from the ground. Shenluo dodged it easily. Originally, Esdeath wanted to catch him off guard. How could Shenluo not know this move? He also used it when he faced Akainu last time!

"Can you dodge? Try this!"

Esdeath smiled and swiped his right hand to the right. A huge ice ball appeared in the air less than ten meters away from the ice surface. It was as dark as a huge meteorite falling from the sky. If an ordinary person saw it, he would probably tremble. He fell quickly, so fast that Shenluo just noticed it.


Shenluo smiled and passed it by.

With the power of the Tremor Fruit, he hooked his right fist and smashed it hard into the sky, and the atmosphere cracked again!

"What kind of power is that? What kind of imperial weapon?"

In Esdeath's opinion, all power comes from imperial weapons, and her ice imperial weapon is the strongest!

"This is not some imperial weapon, this is the power of another world!"

Shen Luo laughed, and under Esdeath's shocked gaze, the huge ice ball falling from the sky began to crack from bottom to top at a speed visible to the naked eye! The terrifying cracks continued to spread, even the ice ball���It stopped in the air, and then shattered and scattered all over the ground!

"How is it possible? This power!"

Esdeath was very confident in her move, but it was easily destroyed! She couldn't believe it!

"What do you think of the powerful force in another world?"

Shen Luo smiled at her this time,"I know that you are tired of the helplessness brought by being invincible in your original world, why don't you become my subordinate and be loyal to me?"

"Be loyal to you?"

Esdeath smiled,"Is it possible? Little devil!"

Esdeath launched an attack again, but the result was the same. Shenluo knew her moves and her Ice Imperial Tool!

Her strongest move is"Mokobotamo", which can freeze the entire space and time. However, Shenluo can also use this move!

Because he also has an Ice Imperial Tool. When Shenluo used the same ability as her, Esdeath was completely shocked!

"How is this possible? My Ice Imperial Tool! You copied my ability?"

"That's right!"

Esdeath couldn't believe it.

"What's the matter?"

"Because, you are the one I summoned, I have your abilities, and I even know everything about you!"

Shen Luo said with a smile, approaching the other person step by step, and finally stretched out his right hand, a gesture of shaking hands, which was also an invitation.

"Join me! This world is more exciting than your boring world. In your world, you have no rivals, but in this world, there are many strong people, and monsters stronger than you dominate this world!"

Invite Esdeath! ps: It will be more exciting next.

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