This was five days before Shenluo and the others landed on Sky Island.

Navy Headquarters.

Qingzhi finally woke up, and later explained the truth to Marshal Sengoku and the others. This caused the original suspicions of Sengoku and others to be overturned. There was no force behind Shenluo, and there was no one helping Shenluo. Instead, Shenluo possesses a knife that ate the flame fruit!

Natural type·Fire fruit!

This name confused the Warring States Period and the others. Fire Fruit? What does it have to do with the burning fruit? Isn’t the burning fruit just a flame?

But Qingzhi said that the flame of the knife was very hot, not the ordinary flame like Fire Fist Ace, and that kind of flame was also very strange and could chase people.

Moreover, with his own strength, even without using his Devil Fruit, he is very strong! He could fly Aoki Pheasant hundreds of meters with one punch. If he hadn’t been a natural ability user, or if Kamuluo hadn’t used Armament Haki at that time, his body might have been shattered!

Senior officials at the Navy Headquarters discussed the matter for a long time and realized its seriousness.

It’s just that Shenluo is very strong, incredibly powerful, possessing unparalleled terrifying power, and his combat power seems to be on par with a naval admiral! If you add his mysterious sword, it will be even more powerful. As for how powerful it is, it’s hard to say!

“It’s so nerve-wracking。”

“Tianlong people, let them make trouble! ”

Warring States slapped his forehead, feeling helpless.。

“If this continues, there may be another sea overlord in the new world. He is only fifteen years old. God knows how far he can grow in the future. ”

After that day, a new bounty was released soon. Not only did Shen Luo have a higher bounty, but he also got an additional title. Fire Sword Shen Luo had a bounty of

one billion and fifty million. As for why the bounty was increased, only the navy knew There are many things that Shenluo has done, many of which have been covered up. Judiciary Island was attacked, and only a few forces with very powerful intelligence organizations knew about it, such as Doflamingo, who takes both black and white, and his so-called intelligence capabilities. The BIGMON Pirates, who are ranked number one in the industry, all know about this, but few people know about Aokiji’s injury. Only the middle and high-level officials of the Navy know about it, and the news is covered up. In addition, why was Shenluo

… The title of Fire Sword, coupled with the bounty on his head, seems to many people to have no record at all. He Shenluo will definitely be troubled, and what about “Sword”? It is to make Shenluo be targeted by another power group. That is to say, swordsmen will focus on him. For example, Hawkeye, as the world’s number one sword, is either being challenged or on the way to being challenged throughout his life. This is the sinister part of

this bounty, Shenluo There is no power behind it, and it has only been at sea for less than a month. This growth rate, especially the increase in bounties, has made many pirates dissatisfied. Bounties are the capital for pirates to show off, and they are also a symbol of status. When looking at this

bounty When they came out, the world was in an uproar. You must know that the people with billions of bounties are all in the New World, and most of them are subo

rdinates of big forces. Even if they are not, they are the overlords of one party. Why does he Shenluo have such a high ranking

? A bounty?

Many people were frightened, and many pirates expressed dissatisfaction. They wanted to challenge Shenluo.

This kind of hairy boy in his teens has not even grown hair yet, and his head is worthy of one billion and fifty million. !

“The Fire Sword God falls? Is he also a swordsman? ”

In a certain area of the Grand Line, a coffin ship is traveling.

This is Hawkeye. He looked at the latest bounty and fell into deep thought.。

“Being able to use a title like Fire Sword proves that he is outstanding in his achievements in the way of the sword. ”

Eagle Eye thought so, so Shenluo came into his sight.

The sea was turbulent, and Shenluo, who was still on the empty island, didn’t know anything.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed quickly. For a period of time, Shenluo and the others have been staying on Kongdao.

The old king died, a new king rose up, and after Anilu died, Kongdao’s notice was replaced by someone else, but it was none of Shenluo’s business. .

During this period, Shenluo was either resting or practicing. On the one hand, he continued to develop the earthquake fruit so that he could use the earthquake fruit more freely. On the other hand, he developed the moves of the earthquake fruit. In addition, Shenluo continued He is familiar with Mr. Yamamoto’s moves. On that day, he got a lot of benefits from his investment. In addition to the Ryukenwawaki, there are ghost ways, one bone and two bones, and kendo. In addition, Shenluo will also Sandora

. That is to say, he took a large part of the gold from the Golden Land. If he makes the next investment, he can accelerate the investment by two hundred years! Divided in this way, he can accelerate the investment of at least four characters. According to the life span of an average person, it is a hundred years. To calculate, the peak period of a strong man is at most seventy or eighty years old. All investment for at most fifty years is enough. Of course, there are also special ones, such as those who have lived for thousands of years. On Kongdao, Shenluo also

found Shenluo was a little surprised that two Devil Fruits were not discovered, but thinking about it, the empty island is not the sea below. Not many people really know Devil Fruits, and they even regard them as ordinary fruits. Having two Devil

Fruits , you can invest again.

One is a superhuman fruit, and the other is an animal type. There is no devil fruit illustrated book, and Shenluo doesn’t know what their specific abilities are. Perhaps, the devil fruits recorded in the devil fruit illustrated book are not comprehensive, or even It’s a little bit uncertain.

Finally, there is Kalifa’s development of the Thunder Fruit. Shenluo guided her in the direction of development. He once lived in another world and had a lot of imagination, such as repulsion, magnetism, and electricity. Heating, electric fire, and the like are beyond the scope of development of Enelu. The key is that Kalifa can swim after eating the thunder fruit, and there is no need to be afraid of the Sea Tower Stone, because there are no side effects. A month later,

Shenluo They plan to leave.

Where will they go next?


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