Gayram's control over the Glosseardi is just like the Stone-Stone Fruit Pica's control over the King's Highlands in Dressrosa.

He can use the Cube Fruit to change the terrain and buildings inside the Glosseardi at will, and set up a large number of traps.

"Then we can only let them land, and hopefully they won't cause too much damage!

Prepare terrain traps to separate them, and then we'll use the alloy chamber to trap them one by one!"

Bin Jack gritted his teeth and said, now he could only trust Guyram's devil fruit ability, after all, he was just a skinny old thing with 0 combat power.

"Got it!"

Gailam immediately left the right engine room and transformed countless cubic passages from the front door of the Glossiadi, preparing to separate the Big Daddy Pirates bit by bit, and then kill or trap them one by one.

The ship's doctor, Naqin, had already dragged Sebastian back to his Chinese medicine treatment room to give the scorpion giant emergency treatment.

"What a terrible virus!"

Sebastian's serious illness made Naqin feel very difficult. There must be a powerful poison doctor on the other side.

Naqin could only keep injecting nutrients and various Chinese medicines into Sebastian to barely save his life.

But it was impossible for him to recover his combat power and join the battle.

Moreover, the three bullet wounds had already festered, and with the terrible viruses and toxins, he was already in a highly dangerous state.

At this moment, this old woman, who was nearly 80 years old, also felt infinite sadness.

While cleaning the wounds, she sobbed from time to time.

Their lives were too hard. , which is more bitter than her Chinese medicine.

Captain Wald has been arrested and imprisoned for nearly thirty years, and they have been waiting for a very long time.

They have always supported each other and never given up hope. For the captain, they built this island ship with hope.

But this time, they really don’t know if they can still defend the Grosseadi.

Seeing Sebastian, who was like a relative, seriously injured, she felt sad and angry.

In front of the island ship, two pirate ships of the Big Daddy Pirates have already docked and connected with this huge island ship, and there are several huge anchors connecting them together.

""Haha! Land, land! Rob them!"

Gizas, Bajes and other crew members rushed onto the island ship with excitement, as if they had already regarded the island ship as the spoils of the Big Daddy Pirates.

"One of them has the ability of the Cube Fruit, which can change the terrain. You guys can do whatever you want!"

Dai Die said casually to these overly excited crew members. If they die here, they can only blame their fate.

Then he also boarded this green island ship full of trees and like a castle. It was just like a tourist island. This didn't look like a pirate ship at all. Maybe it was also a disguise.


After the crew responded, they began to form a team to explore the island and look for the enemies inside.

Even Dai Die could only slowly look for the hiding place of the remnants of the Wald Pirates.

He activated his observation Haki and stepped into the various passages specially prepared for the enemies on this island.

The fishman should have no fighting power. Now they only need to capture the Cube Fruit ability user, then this island ship will be the spoils of the Big Daddy Pirates.

"It seems that using this island ship as a mobile base is not bad!"

Dai Die chuckled. Before taking over Sky Island and Ark Maxim, this island ship is indeed a good base.

As the crew of the Big Daddy Pirates entered the interior of the Grosseadi, the passages and buildings inside moved around like building blocks to change the terrain.

Some crew members just turned a corner and got separated from the team.

Then, various attacks were heard from inside, trying to blast open these changing walls.

"Then these little devils, go to hell!"

‘Cube: Chaos! '

Gailum slapped the ground, and the entire ground cracked into various cubes and fell down, trapping Zoro and Edrago, who were separated from the team, into the next trap.

The entire wall turned into cubes of various sizes, accelerating and crashing into the Big Daddy Pirates.

‘Protective barrier!

Dai Die instantly erected a barrier to block the rock blocks, while Badgers rushed forward angrily and smashed the old man hard.

‘Totem Cube! '

Gairam jumped onto the suspended cube in the air, easily dodged the attack of Badgers, and then slapped Badgers in the air with his palm.

Badgers was instantly compressed into a human cube, and then kicked out by Gairam.

"A very hard barrier!"

‘Air Cube! '

After Guyram kicked Badges away, he saw that his acceleration cube couldn't break the barrier, so he began to compress the air into a cube and threw it towards Dai Die.

Dai Die also stared at Guyram's action, which was exactly the same as the action of Bartholomew Big Bear's air compression cannon.

It's just that Big Bear can slowly compress as much air as a mountain into a small bear paw in his hand.

But Guyram can now only compress as much air as a small house into an air cube in his hand.

The air cube and Dai Die's protective barrier exploded violently again, raising countless dust.

Guyram squinted his eyes and looked at the situation in the smoke.

When the smoke dissipated, a semicircular shield appeared in front of him intact.

"I have to say that your development of this Cube Fruit has been highly recognized by me!"

Dai Die said to Gayram with a smile. This old man has developed the Cube Fruit to a very deep level. If he could have the same strong physique and talent as Bartholomew Big Bear, the air cube compressed by his Cube Fruit could be comparable to Big Bear's island-destroying bear paw shock wave.

""It's still unbreakable?"

Gaiyram immediately rushed into the wall. Now all his attacks were ineffective against Dai Die, so he could only trap them to death in the alloy cube chamber.

After all, strong defense does not mean strong attack power. At worst, he could pour seawater into the alloy chamber and drown them alive.

""Now that you've appeared! Don't leave!"

Dai Die grinned. He wanted to leave after beating someone up and pretending to be awesome.

It was not that easy.

If Guyram had been hiding behind the wall, manipulating various cubic terrains to besiege the Big Daddy Pirates, Dai Die might still find it a little tricky.

But now that Guyram had appeared in front of him, he would definitely not be able to escape!

‘Barrier·Death Battle Cage! '

A barrier appeared in front of the wall, causing Gayram to hit a big bump when he tried to rush into the wall. Then the barrier quickly expanded and closed.

Dai Die, Gayram and everyone else were wrapped in a barrier space cage.


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