Under Dai Die's control, his barrier turned into swords, spears, shields, and even maces.

In the original work, under the development of Bartolomeo, a gangster, most of the moves were protective barriers on one side. Among them, the barrier ball and barrier ladder, which can be made into spherical and ladder shapes, are already breakthroughs.

After all, Bartolomeo and his gangsters are a group of illiterate idiots with no common sense and no sailing experience. Most things have to be called back to ask the old lady.

After Bartolomeo obtained the barrier fruit with such a high starting point and almost unsolvable, he didn't know how to develop it.

However, there is really no need to develop it. After all, the unsolvable hardness of the barrier alone is enough for him to travel the Grand Line and reach the New World. There is no need to use your brain to develop it. Anyway, a barrier can solve most of the enemies.

The barrier ball is also a barrier barrier pistol developed to pay tribute to the idol Straw Hat Luffy, and then reversely developed to become larger, which can trap the enemy.

However, after Dai Die obtained the barrier fruit, if he could only develop it to the level of Bartolomeo, he might as well find a piece of tofu and kill himself.

Mr.3, who does not have much physical talent, can rely on his clever mind to develop so many moves of the wax-wax fruit.

His wax key is even the only known ability move that can open seastone handcuffs.

I don’t know if other creation abilities can be like the wax-wax fruit. These creations can ignore the influence of seastone and open seastone handcuffs without interference.

It may be that the starting point of the wax-wax fruit and the line-line fruit are low, and the created materials are more plastic, while the barrier created by the barrier fruit has a high starting point and is more difficult to plasticize.

But difficult does not mean impossible.

Bartolomeo can develop a flowing barrier that looks like water and then changes into various forms.

This shows that the plasticity of the barrier fruit is still very strong, and there is no need to stick to one barrier.

However, a protective barrier is indeed the most convenient, most labor-saving, and fastest to release move.


‘Barrier: Shinra Tensei!!

Dai Die crossed his hands in front of his chest, and crossed his middle and index fingers.

At this moment, veins on Dai Die's forehead bulged, his eyes were bloodshot, his arms were swollen, and his blood vessels were prominent.

A transparent hemispherical barrier expanded continuously with Dai Die as the origin. Wherever it went, no grass grew, and even a layer of the ground was scraped away. Soon, a large area of clearance was completely cleared.

""Too slow!!"

Dai Die was a little out of breath as he looked at the damage he had caused, but he was not satisfied at all, because the barrier expanded a little too slowly, not reaching the effect of Shinra Tensei at all, and it was too laborious.

Dai Die quickly concluded that scraping the ground was indeed a bit stupid, and although the visual effect was great, it required a lot of physical strength, which was not cost-effective at all. The terrifying destructive power displayed by Dai Die at this moment had made these pirates even more frightened and desperate, and some pirates were already crying and shouting for surrender.

The crew of the Big Daddy Pirates also looked at Dai Die in shock, as it was another terrifying move that they had never seen before.

However, this powerful move was indeed not easy to display on a pirate ship.

""If you can train the hemispherical expansion impact to the same speed as the barrier impact, the power will still be very strong!"

Dai Die whispered. As long as there is a successful development direction, he can continue to strengthen it.

Moreover, his"Death Duel Cage" seems to be able to be strengthened. It can turn the cube into a hemispherical barrier. He feels that it can't be worse than Doflamingo's"Birdcage". The"

Birdcage" of the Line-Line Fruit can block the Den Den Mushi signal, so the barrier cage should also be able to block the Den Den Mushi signal.

This reminded Dai Die of the elevator in his previous life. If there was no signal repeater, there would be no signal. The signal of the Den Den Mushi could not even break through the"Birdcage" of the Line-Line Fruit, let alone the stronger barrier.

Such a Although the massacre is cruel, this is the life of a pirate!

Even the Pirate King Roger can massacre the soldiers of a kingdom for his companions, not to mention that Dai Die is only killing the pirates who have committed many evil things, the pirates who massacred the Bacardi Island.

Since Dai Die went to sea, he has been killing pirates or gangsters, and rarely takes action against civilians, except for the enemies who have oppressed him in Roger Town. Those inactive navy members of the 16th Branch of the East China Sea who colluded with the Arlong Pirates also deserved to die. As for the naval fleet of the 8th Branch of the East

China Sea, this was a real battle between the navy and pirates, and if they die, it can only be said that they have different positions.

Dai Die will not wait to be killed by the navy.

Roger's pirate group has defeated the navy many times. Before the war with the Whitebeard Pirates, they killed a navy.

Even Straw Hat Luffy released many vicious pirates from Impel Down.

Is there right or wrong in this world?

The World Government can issue a demon-killing order at will, destroying islands and exterminating clans.

With just a stroke of Im, the Kingdom of Lulucia was destroyed.

In this world, strength is the rule.

Dai Die decided to massacre the entire pirate group of Bacardi Island just to slow down the exposure of the news that he killed Elmo.

You can say he was wrong and too cruel, but he has already done it, and And there is not a trace of remorse!

This Bacardi Island has experienced two massacres within a day or two. First, a large number of pirate groups slaughtered bounty hunters and everyone on the island, and then the Big Daddy Pirates slaughtered these pirate groups.

The massacre lasted for most of the day.

Now the island is full of smoke and corpses everywhere. Gizas Bajies and the cat brothers and other minions are excited to move all the treasures from these broken pirate ships onto the dreadnought battleship Sabre.

Originally, these pirate groups had looted the island, and now the Big Daddy Pirates just moved the treasures and stolen goods on these pirate ships to another location.

"Captain, this time we've caused quite a big mess!"

Baiji Kro smiled palely. He was also injured in the battle. Except for Dai Die and Van Oka, all other crew members were injured to varying degrees.

"So in order to survive, practice hard and don't stop!"

Dai Die said with deep eyes, failure is not allowed on this pirate road.

Failure means death!

""Maybe I should keep a low profile recently!"

Van Oka said lightly. This captain has already carried out massacres on the two initial islands. It is hard to believe that such a murderous person came from the peaceful East China Sea.

"Let's be quiet for a few days and go find Poison Q first!"

Dai Die also felt that these crew members needed to adjust and absorb the experience of these two battles, so that their strength could be effectively enhanced.

At this time, the massacre of the Big Daddy Pirates on the first route, Martell Island, had slowly spread throughout the Grand Line.

This news made Nicole Robin, who was on the fourth route, Whiskey Island, return directly to Alabasta. She did not want to provoke this killer with a bounty of hundreds of millions for the time being.

The Navy Headquarters also learned that the Big Daddy Pirates had chosen the Martell Island route, and immediately began to make some targeted interception arrangements for them.


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