The steel train impact of the Great Bear King and the impact barrier of Dai Die collided with each other, creating a wave of air, the sound resounded through the sky, and even sparks were splashed.

But without any surprise, the Great Bear King was knocked out again, this time he rolled his eyes completely, and blood gushed from his head.

No one is tougher than Dai Die!

The Sweetheart Queen, who was madly fleeing in the crack, even lost all her clothes. Her development of the superhuman paste fruit was still at the most basic level, and she couldn't even assimilate clothes.

The Navy rebel Gaspard in the Grand Line, his superhuman gummy fruit can turn the whole body into gummy and into various forms.

And the head of the three generals in the New World, Katakuri, played the superhuman gummy fruit, which was so strong that he imitated the rubber fruit moves of Straw Hat Luffy, and throwing dozens of fists was a piece of cake, playing as strong as the natural system.

Maybe this is the absolute gap between 7.8 million, 95 million and 1.057 billion!

The Sweetheart Queen turned into a ball of paste, shivering and hiding in a crevice, praying that these killers would leave Clockwork Island as soon as possible.

Even the powerful Captain Big Bear was defeated so easily. She felt that the strongest pirate group in the East China Sea was really a demon!

"Come out!"

Suddenly, a voice made the frightened Sweetheart Queen tremble again, but she didn't dare to move or speak!

"I know you are in there, if you don’t come out, I will kill you!"

Dai Die punched the crack, creating a huge pit, and scared the sweetheart queen inside so much that she trembled and couldn’t maintain her state.

She didn’t know why this person could find her location!

"I can find your life breath, you can't run away! If you don't come out, I will catch you! The end is certain death!"

Dai Die said coldly. If you waste too much time, don't blame him for being cruel!

"Don't kill me! I'm coming out!"

The Sweetheart Queen immediately emerged from the crack and slowly appeared in front of Dai Die, but she still maintained her paste-like human form.

""Can you give me a piece of clothing?"

The Sweetheart Queen asked in a crying voice. This man was too scary. Just the cold breath scared her and made her tremble all over!

But the next moment, a dark and hard hand grabbed her neck fiercely, causing her to instantly lose her paste body and return to her original form.

She was a little breathless and struggled with a red face.

Why could this man grab her paste body?

"You wasted a lot of my time. I'm very angry now!"

Dai Die looked at the fair-skinned woman with holy light warning all over her body. Suddenly, he was overwhelmed by evil fire, as if he was possessed by Liang Kun, and pressed her down.

I don't know how long it took.

The blonde fair-skinned woman, wrapped in Dai Die's cloak, followed Dai Die back to the center of Clockwork Island with a ruddy and pitiful face.

At this time, the entire Clockwork Island was under the control of the Big Daddy Pirates.

Except for the pirates who were slaughtered on the spot, the rest were all kneeling in the hall, including the residents of Clockwork Island who were suppressed and coerced by the pirates.

Baiji Kro gave Dai Die a meaningful expression. Obviously he knew what happened, but Dai Die didn't care. He was now a pirate who pursued power and was lawless!

Just venting his anger.

And Nami was trying to dismantle the huge diamond clock. She wanted to move this diamond clock worth hundreds of millions of Baileys away. Now she had no time to pay attention to the disappearing Dai Die. Now she only had Baileys in her eyes

"Are all these pirates going to be killed?"

Baiji Kro said with a smile, but it was like falling into a cold cave, making people tremble with fear!

Dai Die did not answer, but walked towards the mayor and his wife of Clockwork Island. The couple, dressed in scientist costumes,

""Can you transform ships?"

Dai Die asked. They can transform an island into a clockwork island, so their technological capabilities are pretty good. So they should be able to transform the technology that uses clockwork to achieve short-term flight of pirate ships, right?

"How do you want to transform them?"

The mayor and his wife asked with a little fear on their faces. These pirates were even more brutal than the Poker Pirates. They didn't dare to resist at all.

"I hope to add an emergency escape function at the stern, and a spring-driven upward-flying power at the bottom of the ship!"

Dai Die roughly told them his idea. Anyway, it would be an extra way to escape, or to prepare for landing on the sky island!

"We need time, supplies and manpower.

Seeing Dai Die's expression that would not tolerate rejection, the mayor and his wife had no choice but to agree.

"You can command these pirates however you want, and it doesn't matter if you kill them, as long as you complete the transformation as quickly as possible!

By the way, your son is not dead yet, help me complete the transformation, maybe your son will come back!"

Dai Die avoided these scientists from making any mistakes or plotting, and directly threatened them with their sons.


The mayor and his wife said excitedly. When the Poker Pirates occupied Clockwork Island, they had to exile their newborn son to the sea to find another way for him to survive. They didn't expect to hear this news now. It must be the information they left on the baby that let this pirate know.

"Transform it well! If you satisfy me, your island will be liberated!"

Dai Die handed over the rest of the things to the wise man, Bai Ji·Kro, and took the Queen Sweetheart to visit the island and find a place to vent their anger for the second time.

Dai Die had a little conscience when he treated De Zaya, and he also had a little conscience when he treated Nokigo, but now he has no conscience towards the Queen Sweetheart. This is simply a product of desire, without any emotion.

In this way, the Big Daddy Pirates stayed on the Clockwork Island for a short time, waiting for the ship to be strengthened and transformed.

Bai Ji·Kro tried to learn from Dai Die and use his method to subdue the captain of the Poker Pirates, the Great Bear King, and throw this Iron Fruit ability user into the sea to soak, or force him to commit suicide if he does not surrender. Anyway, Kro will not take the initiative to kill him.

And the Needle Sword Clown and Pig Jack, in the first After two days, he was tortured to the point that he begged to join the Big Daddy Pirates and become a pirate minion on the ship.

This finally raised the status of the Catman Brothers and Iron Wall Bal to a higher level, and they no longer had to be at the bottom.

Without some bounty on them, they couldn't even be pirates of the Big Daddy Pirates!

Nami also discovered a little about the relationship between Dai Die and the Sweetheart Queen. In order to stabilize her position on the ship, she has begun to show more charm in front of Dai Die. The financial power on the ship must not be given to that vixen, especially the diamond clock she just got, which must not be touched by the Sweetheart Queen!

Dai Die also appropriately expressed his appreciation for Nami. Her talent for sailing is an indispensable and important part of the Big Daddy Pirates!

Of course, if you want to become an indispensable part of Dai Die, you may have to develop more!


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