The moment they saw the navy warship.

The pirates on the fearless battleship Sabre were not afraid. The lawless pirates like Edrago were even a little excited. After all, attacking the navy meant that the bounty could be greatly increased!

And Baiji Kro, who had once wiped out a warship, did not take the navy of the East China Sea seriously at all.

If it were him before, he might have let the warship go because he was afraid of trouble.

But now, Dai Die said that he wanted to take the most dangerous path of rapid strength, so if he killed a navy warship, he would not be afraid that there would be no navy generals chasing them!

"Captain Dai Die, are you really going to attack the navy?"

For a coward like Nami, actively attacking the navy is indeed a bit scary.

""Nami! Even though you are just a sailor! But I don't want you to keep this cowardly attitude!

You have to learn to become stronger!

Moreover, the mouse colonel on the opposite side is the umbrella of the Dragon Pirates. He also has a share of the protection fee you pay!

Maybe they are going to deal with the villagers of Cocosia Village who dared to cut off his financial resources."

Dai Die glanced at Nami and started to stimulate her. Nami's fighting wisdom is not weak, but her shortcomings in character and ability often make her a cowardly background board.

But she can also defeat many enemies independently!

"What! It turns out that the evil dragon has the navy as a protection umbrella!! No wonder! No wonder!!"

Nami's face instantly turned into anger. So, these branch navy also have to bear part of the responsibility for Bell-mère's death!

"Brother Edragor! Hurry up and fire at them!"

Nami shouted immediately, not forgetting to pull Daidie with her, because she knew that these crew members only listened to Daidie.

Soundwave Edragor, who had been transferred to a sniper gunner, did not refuse the order to bomb the navy.

When the two ships met, the gunners moved first!

Seeing that the pirate ship of the Big Daddy Pirates was larger than the dedicated warship of his branch colonel, Colonel Mouse knew that he seemed to have met a tough guy!

The next moment, a blue-white laser cannon shot over, causing Colonel Mouse to tear off his beard.

"It's the Big Daddy Pirates! Retreat!!"

At such a distance, the navy had not yet seen the pirate flag of the opposite pirate ship without sails, and the cannons had not even entered the range, but the attack from the opposite side came.

As soon as he saw the sonic cannon, Colonel Mouse knew which pirate group he had encountered!


The main mast of the warship was blown off, and the warship immediately lost its sail power and stayed where it was. The dreadnought battleship Sabre, which was pulled by sea beasts, immediately rushed over.

"Call for support! Call for support!! Colonel Mouse of the 16th branch requested support, our ship was attacked by the Big Daddy Pirates! Come and support us quickly!!"

Colonel Mouse shouted at the Den Den Mushi in panic, and his little eyes became more and more terrified when he thought that it was the Big Daddy Pirates who destroyed the overlord of the East China Sea.

This was the butcher pirate who slaughtered thousands of pirates, the devil pirate, with extremely cruel means!

After Colonel Mouse asked the navy for help, he felt that distant water could not save the nearby fire, so he desperately called the evil dragon, hoping that this guy would answer the phone and come out to save him!

But this call was destined to be unreachable, because the evil dragon had already reported to hell!


The warship shook violently. A huge cow-like sea monster hit the warship. The huge three-decked sailing pirate ship had already connected with the warship.

"How dare you openly attack a naval warship? Are you tired of living?

Even though he was extremely scared, Colonel Mouse still roared fiercely, and his momentum was no less fierce than that of the Big Daddy Pirates.

"They have already called for help. Our attack on the warship is a fact. Why not destroy them all?"

Baiji Kro held up his glasses with his palm, showing a dangerous look, and then said to Dai Die indifferently.

This sentence directly scared Colonel Mouse to death. Kro, this devil, also slaughtered a warship two years ago. That hateful Colonel Monka is even more daring than Colonel Mouse. He dared to lie and claim military merit. He is really a scum.

"Then let's destroy them!"

Dai Die looked at Colonel Mouse and his marines. Over the years, they have received bribes from the Dragon Pirates and tried to cover up the evil deeds of the Dragon Pirates.

Some marines were either voluntary or forced, but they did receive a share of the bribes.

This can be regarded as sucking blood from these twenty or so villages. Not only did they fail to fulfill their naval duties, but they also became the umbrella of the Dragon Pirates, so it is not a pity to die!

"No! My cousin is Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters! He is a famous hawkish vice admiral! You can't kill me! Otherwise, you will face endless hunting!!"

Colonel Mouse threatened in panic. He couldn't expect anyone else to save him now, so he could only continue to scare Dai Die and other lawless and brutal pirates!

"Are you sure you're not bragging? A flying squirrel would have a useless relative like you?

However, your backer should be the entire navy, and you don't have to scare me with a vice admiral!

You might as well say that your teacher is the former admiral of the navy, Zephyr!"

Dai Die has slowly pulled out the Sandai Kitetsu. Now that he has been put on the bounty order, does he still need to worry about the navy chasing him?

"How do you know!! My teacher is really Zefa!! You can't kill me!"

Seeing that Dai Die had already drawn his sword, Colonel Mouse had already said something without thinking. No matter what the relationship was, he would climb up first, and what flying squirrel. He didn't even know Zefa.

But in the past, he really used the name of Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel to scare the evil dragon, so that the evil dragon didn't dare to touch him, but instead offered a large amount of bribes to reach a cooperation with him.

"���"The pirates chopped off the French hand, so you should do the same!"

Dai Die stabbed the rat colonel who was talking nonsense, and one of his hands fell off in the blink of an eye.

It took a second for the rat colonel to react, and he screamed in pain, covering his bleeding arm.

"Too noisy!"

With a flash of the knife, Dai Die took back the Sandai Kitetsu and returned to the dreadnought battleship Sabre, while Colonel Mouse covered his neck and fell down in pain and despair!

The other crew members immediately dealt with the remaining navy, snatched supplies, and set the warship on fire, while only Zoro and Nami stayed on the ship and did not participate in the killing.

Zoro was fine, because the opponent was too weak and he didn't want to take action, but Nami's face was a little pale, and she couldn't accept this brutal behavior for a while.

But when she thought of Colonel Mouse as the umbrella of the Dragon Pirates, she let go of her pity for these navy.

The Big Daddy Pirates did not stop, and continued to move forward, leaving only a trail of gunpowder.

On the other side, Smoker of Rogue Town could no longer tolerate the lawlessness of the Big Daddy Pirates, and dared to openly massacre the navy. He directly led his marines, ignored the orders of his superiors, and rushed out of his garrison!


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