
A huge sound was heard, and Dai Die's barrier easily blocked the dragon's large saw blade, the Peak Slash.

""Scum! Is this the power of the fishmen you are so proud of?"

Dai Die sneered at the dragon and swung it away. The Third Generation Ghost Blade in his hand immediately slashed at the dragon.

"Humph! We fishmen are born with arm strength ten times stronger than humans! We are the most noble race!"

The evil dragon saw that Dai Die was a difficult devil fruit user, so he immediately led him to the sea. As long as he was in the sea, he could easily kill this user!

"Hmm? Then what do you think of the Celestial Dragons as trash nobles? How do they compare to you, a noble fishman?"

‘Barrier·Death Duel Cage!

Dai Die crossed his left index and middle fingers and drew a frame. A huge cubic barrier suddenly appeared around him, trapping him and the dragon in the middle, completely cutting off the dragon's escape route!

"What! You actually...Dare you scold the Celestial Dragons?"

The evil dragon looked at Dai Die in disbelief, and even felt a little admiration in his heart, but he quickly suppressed this emotion, because every human was his enemy!

The evil dragon still didn't believe it and desperately chopped at the transparent barrier walls created by Dai Die, but he used too much force and broke a tooth of the big saw blade.

"It seems that I have to kill you to break this damn cage!"

The evil dragon also reacted quickly. He knew that he could not break this barrier. He had followed the Sun Pirates and encountered many seemingly unsolvable devil fruit ability users, but in the end they still fell into the hands of their fishmen!

"That's right! Killing me can indeed break the death duel cage!

However, today it's either you or me!"

Dai Die's eyes flashed red, and he rushed over with the Sandai Kitetsu in hand. Today he must kill this fishman, even if the sea hero Jinbei comes, it will be useless!

"Arrogant little brat! Then I will let you know the horror of us Sawtooth Sharkmen!"

The dragon laughed grimly, then raised the big saw blade with broken teeth, Zhanfeng, and chopped it fiercely. The huge force made the big saw blade produce a large arc.

"Let me see it then! Scum fishman!"

‘Basic skills·Armament·Divine avoidance!!

Dai Die accelerated suddenly and suddenly stopped, creating a huge pit on the ground. In an instant, stones flew everywhere. The Third Generation Kitetsu chopped up from bottom to top with terrifying force, also creating a curved arc.

The evil dragon raised the big saw blade in both hands and jumped high, trying to use the diving force to chop the bastard Dai Die into two pieces vertically!



The collision between Dai Die and the dragon was certainly not as terrifying as that between Pirate King Roger and Whitebeard Newgate, nor was there a standoff in the air with the domineering color entangled.

Their contact lasted only a moment, and the big saw blade Zanfeng was cut off by the Sandai Kitetsu who was wrapped in the armed color domineering. The terrifying force was on the dragon's body, from the abdomen to the dragon's chin, and even cut off his sawtooth nose.

The greater the power of the dragon's dive, the more damage it will suffer!


The dragon was chopped off and smashed into the transparent barrier, causing a second serious injury!

This explosion made Xiao Ba and Kroobi's eyes widen. Their big brother dragon was defeated!

Nami and Nokiko, who had just arrived, covered their mouths and looked at Dai Die excitedly who had knocked the dragon away.

Their village could really be liberated from the hands of the dragon today!

"Come! Stand up! Let me see your noble head!!!"

Dai Die shouted with a grin, and then dragged the Third Generation Kitetsu slowly over, every step was full of oppression!

"Wooha~, how could you...Armament Haki...?"

The dragon spat out blood, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes. Why is there Armament Haki in a place like the East China Sea?

Not many people in the Grand Line know Armament Haki. Only the powerful pirates in the New World have this terrible power.

"You only dare to act arrogant in a place like the East China Sea. In the New World, you are just trash!

A noble race? You seem to have forgotten the origin of the sun tattoo on your chest. If you have the guts, go and kill a Celestial Dragon and see!"

Dai Die stepped on the dragon's wound, causing him to grimace in pain and his face turned pale, but his eyes were filled with endless anger.

The sun tattoo of the Sun Pirates was originally meant to cover up the"hoof of the soaring dragon" that was branded on them by Boss Tiger when he was a slave.

These crew members joined the Sun Pirates and got this sun tattoo because they admired Boss Tiger who dared to resist the Celestial Dragons!

"Unforgivable! You humans will be drowned by the wrath of the fishmen!!"

‘Iron Teeth Kung Fu·Shark·Tooth Chariot!!

The teeth in the dragon's mouth grew wildly, biting towards Dai Die's foot, trying to completely cripple Dai Die's leg.

‘Barrier·Vajra Leg!

Dai Die let the dragon bite his leg. The terrifying bite force caused the dragon's shark teeth to break and fly, splashing countless sparks.

"Dying in madness is not necessarily a kind of happiness!"

Dai Die raised the Sandai Kitetsu high up, his eyes full of murderous intent, and fiercely stabbed it into the evil dragon's head. He also held the handle tightly with both hands, turned it counterclockwise for two and a half circles, and completely smashed his brain.

The evil dragon that was biting madly also stopped instantly and fell limply at Dai Die's feet. The evil dragon's blood shone on the Sandai Kitetsu, and then was slowly absorbed. Everything seemed so weird.

"The dragon is dead!"

Nami and Nokiko screamed wildly, tears streaming down their cheeks. The murderer who killed their adoptive mother Bellemere was finally dead. Cocosia Village was about to be liberated!

The villagers also slammed their heads to the ground, crying wildly, releasing the repression they had felt over the years.

"No! Brother Evil Dragon!!"

Kroobi, Aju and Xiaoba all looked at the slain Evil Dragon in fear. They didn't expect that Evil Dragon would die so quickly!

Aren't Dai Die and Evil Dragon both pirates with bounties of 20 million?

How could there be such a huge gap in strength!!

""Oh! Don't be impatient! You will go to hell too!"

Kro laughed cruelly, and instantly turned into an afterimage, launching an inhumane silent dismemberment move on Kroobi.

He could release Iron Wall·Balu once, because he could recruit a younger brother, but these fishmen had been ordered to be killed by Dai Die, so he would no longer show mercy.

On the other side, Sound Wave·Edrago was also merciless and directly blew away the upper body of Aju. Even if some villagers wanted to exchange for the bounty, it is estimated that the navy would not recognize it!

Only Octopus Xiaoba did not die on the spot. He was cut off by Zoro with six knives, leaving a huge wound on his chest. He spurted blood and went into shock, lying on the ground with a weak breath.

Dai Die pulled out the Sandai Kitetsu and picked up the body of the evil dragon!

"Your 20 million bounty is your limit, but my 20 million bounty is only because you, the highest bounty criminal in the East China Sea, limit the Navy's judgment of me!"

Dai Die unlocked the death duel cage, threw the dragon's body in front of Nami and the others, and then walked towards the port with a grim face, because there were still fishmen returning there.

Today, he wanted to let the third generation of Kitetsu drink the blood of the fishmen again!


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