A huge three-deck sailing ship was sailing on the sea, with the black pirate flag fluttering.

However, there were not many people on such a huge pirate ship. The few little brothers were very busy, pulling the sails, looking out, steering, and even cleaning and cooking.

They didn't understand why Captain Dai Die didn't find more pirate minions, but tortured them like this!

On the top deck.

Tiebi·Balu, with a bounty of 8 million, was wrapped in bandages like a mummy. He had surrendered obediently. Even though he was covered in wounds, he was still sent to work. Because of his injuries, he could only clean.

And the demon·Akin was silent. The huge wound on his chest was only bandaged simply and was even bleeding. At this moment, he seemed to be still confused and did not ask to join the Big Daddy Pirates.

Maybe he was missing Click, or maybe he was waiting for Dai Die to be courteous and recruit talents.

"I only brought you two on board because I saw that you had bounties on you and met the criteria for trainee crew members of my Big Daddy Pirates.

Although I like to force others, I will also give you a chance to choose.

Ghost Jin, it is impossible to let you go. If you really don't want to join us, you can go to the stern and commit suicide by slitting your throat and jumping into the sea, so that we don't have to clean up the bodies and dirty the deck."

Dai Die didn't give Ajin that much time to think about his inner thoughts. He threw a dagger to Ajin directly, letting him see what the fucking reality was.

Moreover, Dai Die knew that the current Ajin, who had not experienced the defeat of the Grand Line, was just a brutal pirate who succumbed to power. He had no will of his own and would only pin his ambitions on the strong.

Dai Die didn't have time to do the reformation now. After all, he still had to continue to practice. It was already a great honor to waste a little time to subdue this defeated general.

Seeing Dai Die's unreasonable recruitment method, Nami next to him was a little nervous, because she didn't have a bounty on her now, so wouldn't she even be qualified to be an apprentice crew member?

Wouldn't she really have to warm the bed for Dai Die?

However, it seemed that the captain and Zoro didn't have a bounty either.

Thinking of this, Nami felt a little relieved.

Bai Ji·Kro silently watched Dai Die's recruitment routine. Before, Dai Die was very patient in subduing Edrag.

Why now, he came up and asked this ghost Ajin to cut his neck?

He really didn't give any steps or face!

"..., I didn't expect Captain Crick to be so weak that he fell in the East China Sea, and even his ambition to enter the Grand Line was not realized!

So, can you show me your full strength?

I don't want the captain who I placed my ambition on again to fall on the road again!"

The ghost man Ajin looked at the dagger on the ground, his eyes began to come back to his senses, and slowly looked up at Dai Die. He had not yet realized his ambition, and he didn't want to die yet.

However, he still found a reason and a step for himself. He was only willing to submit to the strong.

Moreover, he really didn't want to betray for the second time!

Before Crick died, he was indeed loyal, but after Crick died, the ambition he placed on him disappeared, which made him a little unacceptable for a while, and he was constantly struggling between revenge and surrendering to survive.

Now Dai Die directly used a dagger to make him see the reality thoroughly. It turned out that he really didn't want to die.

He didn't have the courage to commit suicide!

"Put your ambition on the captain? Then you must also have the ambition and ability to catch up with me!

Otherwise, a weak person cannot always follow me!"

‘Barrier Heavenly Sword: Splitting Huashan Mountain with Force!

Dai Die looked at Ajin and raised his right hand slightly. A 40-meter-long transparent barrier giant sword instantly appeared and slashed fiercely on the sea surface, instantly cutting out a gully of hundreds of meters and exploding countless waves!

"What do you think of this kind of strength?"

Daidie's slash stunned Zoro and Kuro. They had never seen this move before. Is this the latest move that Daidie developed in the past two days?

However, this is too pretentious.

Don't pretend to be so relaxed, okay? Don't think we didn't see that you crossed your fingers for a long time. You must have accumulated power for several seconds.

The power of this slash is indeed something that no pirate ship can withstand.

And Nami's eyes were shining. The 40-meter-long sword was very long, cool and shocking. She felt that Kokosia Village was really saved!

Daidie can definitely beat the dragon!

"You are really much stronger than Click!

When I heard that the Big Daddy Pirates dared to attack the Click Pirates with only a few people, I already admired you a little and wanted to meet you.

Now your powerful strength, as well as your courage and determination, shocked me greatly!

Please don't fall on the road to conquering the Grand Line, my new captain!"

The demon Akin looked at Dai Die's terrifying destructive power, his pupils trembled, and then he fell to the ground with his hands and bowed his head in surrender!

This man is stronger than Click. When he beat Click before, he didn't even use his full strength. He is really more suitable to place his ambitions.

And Zoro next to him was speechless. This demon Akin, didn't he talk about pirate morality and never betray before, why did he surrender to Dai Die so quickly now?

Even Clo couldn't understand it. Was Akin's loyalty before pretending?

Under the cold-blooded life threat and terrifying strength of Dai Die, he was instantly exposed and knelt on the spot.

"Then you don't want to die on this road! I don't need weaklings!"When

Dai Die heard the ghost man A Jin surrender, he didn't continue to act superior. He leaned over and pulled him up, and tidied up his bandages. His attitude towards the enemy and the crew changed dramatically.

"I will, Captain!"

Seeing Dai Die, who had a ruthless face before, actually smiling and helping him up, Akin felt a little flattered, and even a little touched.

If Usopp was here, he would definitely sigh that this stick and carrot was played too well. Kuro was also conquered in this way before.

After Akin surrendered, he did not provoke or speak harshly to Dai Die like Kuro and Edragor, otherwise he would face that punch full of armed color domineering.

The demon Akin is like the pirate hunter Zoro. Once he joins, he will unconditionally trust the captain and resolutely execute any orders, regardless of right or wrong!

""Nami, take the helm, go to Cocosia Village!"

Dai Die ordered the navigator Nami. He felt that after destroying the East China Sea Overlord, the Click Pirates, the Big Daddy Pirates must have entered the Navy's sight.

They must leave the East China Sea and enter the Grand Line as soon as possible, otherwise they will be targeted by the Navy and there will be great danger!

""Yes! Captain!"

Nami shouted excitedly. She had finally waited for this day!

She would go back with her powerful companions to destroy the Dragon Pirates and liberate her hometown!


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