Under the attack of Bajes and Edrago, the senior officers of the Kidd Pirates, Hit and Vaye, were soon crippled and completely unconscious.

The pirate hunter Zoro was still using the double sword style to fight against the double sickles of the killing warrior Killer. It was obvious that he would have to fight for a while to continue practicing his moves, including many moves of the lion double sword style.

"You developed a good Magnet-Magnetic Fruit into this state! What a waste!"

Dai Die said with contempt. Kidd was born in a non-member country. Pirates and bandits were rampant on the island. It was unknown whether he had ever been to school.

Moreover, he was already the leader of a bad group at a young age. He was obviously semi-illiterate.

He developed a powerful magnetic ability into the most common magnet, which could absorb metal to hit people. His knowledge and development ability were just like this.

Only by giving the Magnet-Magnetic Fruit to a mechanical scientist can its true use and strength be brought into play!

"It's none of your business! Bastard!"

Kid would not give up like this. Countless metals gathered around him again. A small mechanical arm was formed on his right arm, and then a large amount of metal formed a huge mechanical giant.

"Dai Die, summon your barrier giant, I want to see whose ability giant is stronger!"

Kid stood on the chest of the mechanical giant and shouted madly at Dai Die. As long as Dai Die, the core figure, was killed, the Big Daddy Pirates would probably collapse.

"You are not qualified to ask me to use Susanoo, Red-haired Kid!"

"God will not avoid me, and will cut off another arm!"

‘Divine Evasion!!

Dai Die attacked again with the barrier blade surrounded by the domineering power of Ryu Sakura. In Kidd's angry eyes, red light flashed again.

Kidd controlled the mechanical giant to swing wildly, trying to smash Dai Die into pulp.

Before the mechanical giant was broken, Kidd's left arm splashed with a lot of blood again!!

"No!! Why!! Why!!"

Kid was shocked and angry. Dai Die's attack could actually break through his mechanical arm and attack the arm inside.

"This is called Ryu-O Haki, and it is a technique of Armament Haki that you may not be able to learn even in the New World!

Before you have enough strength in your next life, remember to be low-key, red-haired iron-headed kid!"

The barrier blade in Dai Die's hand quickly grew longer, and the blade flashed a few times, just like Wu Liuqian using the magic sword Qianren to cut the robot easily, cutting Kidd's mechanical demon into several pieces.

""Ah!! I can't fall!"

Kidd yelled frantically, and the metal around him began to float and riot. Even if he lost his arms, he would fight against this world to the end!

"Fate is like a strong man, you have to fall down!"

Dai Diefei rushed over and hit Kidd's stomach with an armed knee strike, breaking the metal armor. The crazy Kidd's eyes bulged out and vomited blood. He almost broke his breath. The rioting metal around him also fell to the ground instantly, clanging and smashing all over the ground, like a symphony.

""Your sharpness is too strong, and you have no time or chance to awaken the three-color domineering power!"

Dai Die whispered in Kidd's ear, then knocked him out completely, picked him up and returned to the space gate of the ghost man Ajin, and took Kidd back to the Ark Proverbs.

"Zoro! End the battle quickly!!"

Before leaving, Dai Die shouted to Zoro who had not yet drawn his three swords. They did not have that much time to waste and had to proceed to the next plan immediately.

After hearing this, the pirate hunter Zoro immediately wrapped a green turban around his head, drew out his third sword, and entered the serious mode of the three-sword style to fight against the killing warrior Kira.

When Kira saw that Hit and Vaye were captured, and even Kidd was taken away by Dai Die, he became more and more anxious. This flaw also doomed him to defeat.

On the Ark Maxim, the genius mechanic Rajette, with a look of hatred and excitement on his face, followed Dai Die and Trafalgar Law into the castle of the Memory Seahorse.

In the castle's laboratory, Rajette stabbed Kidd's vitals several times frantically to vent his anger and avenge himself.

And Daidi had entered the body of Dark Daidi under Luo's mind exchange, and soon plundered Kidd's Magnet-Magnet Fruit ability with the ability of the Dark-Dark Fruit. When several people left the castle of Memory Seahorse and appeared in the Ark Proverbs, Rajette had become a Magnet-Magnet Fruit user!

This mechanical scientist can't wait to return to the Glossiadi to carry out the mechanization process of the island ship.

He wants to completely transform the island ship into a war fortress that is no less than an ancient weapon.

And Clo Even though Crocodile had seen it before, he was still very afraid of the strange power of the Dark-Dark Fruit.

However, he also knew that the rise of the Big Daddy Pirates was an inevitable fact.

He could already see that even the Four Emperors Pirates would not be a match for the Big Daddy Pirates.

Thinking of what Dai Die said, that dealing with Whitebeard was only part of the plan, he could already guess that Dai Die's ambition was the whole world!

Thinking of this, Crocodile couldn't help but be shocked by Dai Die's ambition.

This guy, it seems really worthy of his assistance!

Below, the Kidd Pirates were completely annihilated, even the fainted pirate minions were already dead , Hit and Vaye were killed by Bugles and Edrag, and they had to take their heads to the navy in exchange for a bounty.

And the killer warrior Killer was also defeated by Zoro. Dai Di did not keep this deputy who was loyal to Kidd, and let Bugles kill him as well, and took him in exchange for a bounty.

In this way, the strongest supernova pirate group that killed countless civilians was completely destroyed at the hands of the Big Daddy Pirates.

Even their pirate ship Victoria Punk was sold to Carrera Company at half price after the little thief cat Nami looted it.

This also let the world know why the Grand Line is called the grave of pirates!

Even if it is a cliffhanger,���The strongest supernova with over 100 million gold will also be destroyed in an instant and completely defeated in this sea.

On the other side, a large number of suit thugs broke into the headquarters of Carrera Company. These CP agents directly and violently arrested the mayor of Iceberg.

Even the powerful foreman and hundreds of ship workers were defeated by the CP9 attacked by the whole army. Barry, Talston, Bipley and other powerful shipbuilding foremen were also seriously injured by Rob Lucci and other CP9 elites.

They could only watch their respected president Iceberg being captured by these CP agents.

On the shore of the Seven Waters City, Iceberg was forcibly pressed onto the warship. Iron Man Franky, the handsome guy with a big change of face, actually launched an attack on the World Government's warships here at the port, determined to rescue Iceberg.

Unfortunately, this pervert not only failed to save people, but also exposed his identity. Under Spandam's excited command, he was beaten and directly taken down by Rob Lucci, and successfully delivered the food himself.

Then Spandam returned to Judicial Island with his spoils in excitement, intending to torture them most brutally.

But they did not notice that a golden spaceship had appeared above them.


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