However, the"kind and honest" Dai Die still tried hard to sleep with this spy beauty.

But it was obviously not possible. Even if Dai Die had eaten this green tea flavored ice cream, the heart of this ice cream still belonged to the Don Quixote family.

Then Dai Die could only choose to have a private captive, after all, he had already eaten this cake.

After capturing the Golden Lion Shiki, this plan became clearer.

Because the next plan has entered the core part, at this critical moment, Dai Die has no time to play hide-and-seek with this female spy, risking the risk of information leakage.

After dealing with the matter of the Flying Pirates, the Big Dad Pirates started a joyful banquet on the Grosseadi.

And at this happy moment, Dai Die walked towards the snow girl Monet who had been chatting with Nico Robin, and took Monet into the captain's bedroom with Robin's smile.

The snow girl Monet thought Dai Die wanted to eat ice cream in broad daylight, and immediately showed a cute and innocent look of admiring Dai Die. He also honestly pretended to be happy, slowly unwrapped the outer packaging, revealing the fresh and cold white ice cream.

But this time, what greeted her was not the blessing of rain and dew, but a pair of seastone handcuffs.

Monet looked at the seastone handcuffs on Dai Die's hands with horror.

"Monet, you can actually have a better life. You don't need to wear masks anymore. Just be obedient in the future and leave everything to me."

Dai Die hugged the soft and cool ice cream and said softly. Then, in front of Monet, he found her hidden Den

Den Mushi and crushed it. Monet, who was handcuffed with seastone, looked pale and weak. She couldn't figure out when she was exposed.

She had obviously sacrificed her ice cream beauty, successfully captured Dai Die's heart, and became a close woman with negative distance.

Recently, Dai Die's attitude was also very good, which made her feel a little emotional and almost moved.

In the end, she was still exposed.

"Dad, did you misunderstand? That was just a Den Den Mushi I used when I was a mercenary."

Even though she was powerless, Snow Girl Monet still looked pitiful. Even at this moment, she still wanted to struggle.

She couldn't fail. She had paid so much, and she would never give up until the last moment.

And she would never betray the young master, because it was Doflamingo who saved her and her sister Sugar, and now Sugar has been with the young master.

Whether it is to repay the young master for saving her life, or her admiration for the young master, and finally for the safety of her sister Sugar, she would rather choose to commit suicide than reveal any information about the young master.

"Monet, I know who you belong to, but now you should just pretend that I have discovered you and killed you.

Live here honestly and be my cool pillow. You don’t need to report to Doflamingo!

If you are worried about your sister’s safety, I will find a way to snatch her away from you in the future!"

Dai Die held the snow girl Monet on the bed. Seeing the soft Monet, Dai Die shook his head a little. This was already the seastone handcuffs with the lowest purity. He didn’t expect to lose so much strength.

Now Dai Die can directly use this low-purity seastone handcuffs. Except for not being able to use the ability of the barrier fruit, he will hardly lose strength.

"You actually know my origins. When was I exposed?"

Hearing Doflamingo's name, Snow Girl Monet knew that she had been exposed. There was no chance at all. She kept reviewing in her mind how she exposed her identity.

She seemed to have never said the name Doflamingo. Even the previous few calls were code names.

Even if Dai Die suspected that she was a spy, he should not have pinpointed it on Doflamingo. Couldn't she be a spy from another force?

"Just think of it as the ability of the devil fruit that can see through people's hearts, and have a good rest!"

Daidie smiled lightly, then left the captain's bedroom and went outside to celebrate the victory banquet with his crew.

Dezaya and Nami didn't expect Daidie to be so fast this time, and they all showed a weird smile, as if they could fill in the position.

Nico Robin smiled faintly and looked at Daidie.

"I didn't expect you to fail, and this spy was not conquered by you in the end!"

Robin firmly believed that Dai Die was a man from the future, but she also knew that this captain could not change everything.

"Her existence doesn't matter!"

Dai Die smiled gently and hugged the bunch of purple grapes into his arms. He couldn't eat green tea ice cream today, but there were still many flavors to enjoy.

Nami, the lively orange, and De Zaya, the red apple, also jumped and came to Dai Die, celebrating the joy of defeating the legendary pirate with Dai Die.

The drinking party, Zoro, Bajes, Edrag, Iron Bear and other guys were competing in rum in large bottles.

And Lafitte, Luo, Clo, Van Oka and other smart and dark guys were drinking red wine.

The topic of conversation was either to fight the Seven Warlords of the Sea or to think about bringing down the Four Emperors.

The remnants of the Wald Pirates also joined the banquet, competing in drinking with the crew of the Big Daddy Works and the Heart Pirates, trying to integrate into the big ship of the Grosseadi.

The banquet lasted until the early morning, and Dai Die had already taken the purple grapes, oranges, apples, and mugwort back to play mahjong, and the game was crackling.

There was no way, he was also very excited to defeat the Golden Lion Shiki.

Once excited, the interest was extremely high, and the battle lasted until dawn!


The next morning, the newspapers of the World Economic News Agency spread all over the world, including the Grand Line and the New World.

【A generation of legendary pirates comes to an end, and a new legend is born!】

【Big Daddy Babaya completely defeated the Golden Lion Shiki, and the Flying Pirates became history!】


"Shiki the Golden Lion, who fought against Pirate King Roger and Whitebeard Newgate, was defeated by a rookie king!!"

"Are the newcomers so strong nowadays?"

"What's so arrogant about killing off the remnants of an era?"

"Times are beginning to change!"


All the big pirates and new pirates have seen today's newspapers. The old pirates are afraid of the strength of Big Daddy Babaya, while some new pirates can't wait to step on Dai Die's reputation to stand out.

Whitebeard among the Four Emperors is sighing, Big Mom is laughing wildly, Beast is furious, and Red Hair is at the banquet.

Doflamingo among the Seven Warlords of the Sea is afraid, Gekko Moriah doesn't care, Hawkeye is interested, Pirate Queen is ignoring, Sea Knight Jinbei is asking, and Bartholomew Kuma is wondering why his mark on the island ship disappeared.

In the Revolutionary Army, the danger level of the Big Daddy Pirates has been raised. Non-essential missions, do not provoke this pirate group.

Among the supernovas and new pirates, Captain Eustace Kidd, with his deputy Kira, went directly from the second route to the fourth route where the Big Daddy Pirates were located, full of murderous and high-spirited.

As for Hawkins, he made a divination for himself and decisively stayed away from the Big Daddy Pirates!


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