The terrifying force blasted Zoro into the wall of the bar, and immediately raised countless dust.

The powerful strength of the two boatmen made Poison Q, Van Oka, and Lafitte, who were watching the show, immediately become serious. If they couldn't even beat Zoro, then they might not be able to beat him either.

But soon, Zoro also rushed out, with no injuries on his body.

Moreover, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he rushed towards Kaku with excitement. The two immediately fell into a fierce battle, and the four swords kept colliding, splashing a lot of sparks.

"You have to believe in this guy Zoro, he hasn't pulled out his third sword yet!"

Lafitte said softly, he knew how powerful this young swordsman was, he, Poison Q, and Van Oka, none of them could beat this green algae-headed swordsman in a head-on fight.

"Let’s help this guy Badgers, he’s about to be beaten to death!"

Poison Q said sickly. This leopard man was obviously stronger than this long-nosed man. As a result, this guy, Bajies, was too reckless. He directly chose to attack the stronger person without considering how much weight he had.

Secretary Kalifa was also being watched by Nico Robin, De Zaya and Queen Sweetheart. This was a battle between women.

Kaku and Kalifa, who had not yet used the power of the devil fruit, were a little weaker than expected.

Seeing Bajies being beaten up by Rob Lucci, the other cadres and crew members finally couldn't help it.

The sonic cannon of Sound Wave Adelago and the transparent wind blade of Tornado Eric continuously supported Bajies, distracting Lucci and preventing him from killing Bajies in one fell swoop.

At this time, the remaining CP9 members of Judicial Island had already taken the sea train and quickly headed to the Seven Water City.

Even the Buddha Warring States of the Navy Headquarters got angry when he heard that the Big Daddy Pirates were plundering the Seven Water City, and immediately sent several naval officers to"persuade" Dai Die, the bastard King Shichibukai, to retreat!

After hearing the news, X. Drake, a member of the SWORD team, immediately thought that this was a good opportunity to quit the navy.

He would take the initiative to attack the Seven Warlords of the Sea, then rebel against the navy, become a pirate, compete for the new year's supernova, and then find an opportunity to join the Four Emperors.

After a brief team exchange, they had already rushed to the Seven Water Capital.

They had to ensure that after Drake attacked the Big Daddy Pirates, he could leave safely until he formed a new pirate group.

In fact, the Navy Headquarters, Judicial Island, Impel Down, and Sabaody Archipelago are all very close, and the Navy Headquarters, Judicial Island, Impel Down, and Sabaody Archipelago are all very close. There is a sea train connecting Judicial Island and Water 7, which shortens the distance between them.

I just don't know, since the sea train has already connected to important islands like Judicial Island, why not connect the Sabaody Archipelago and other islands as well.

Even the New World has built some sea trains. When Zephyr blew up the New World, Aokiji saved many civilians who were going to escape by sea train.

On the other hand, Dai Die didn't know that so many people were rushing to Water 7. He just watched Badges being beaten quietly, and it seemed that he had no intention of taking action against Rob Lucci.

He It is discovered that this guy, Badgers, has always been the character who gets beaten, whether in the Blackbeard Pirates in the original work or in his big daddy's pirate group.

Is this guy born with a physique that can take a beating?

In the battle between Zoro and Kaku, Zoro has already begun to suppress Kaku, the second strongest of CP9, before he even uses the third sword.

Kaku, who has not taken the Giraffe Fruit, is simply no match for Zoro, the monster-like training madman, in terms of strength.

Kalifa is also restricted by the devil fruit abilities of Robin and Queen Sweetheart. All kinds of fancy arms and paste prevent her from even shaving. He was beaten up by his gangster girlfriend Dezaia.

These women didn't seem to have any mercy on women.

They tore up a lot of Kalifa's clothes, and most of her black silk stockings were torn.

Dai Die just took a few casual glances, and then continued to watch the crew of the Big Daddy Pirates start to fight Rob Lucci.

Soundwave Adrago, Whirlwind Eric, and Iron Bear all rushed to help this hot guy, Badgers.

Even though it was four against one, they still couldn't suppress Lucci, the ferocious leopard. Instead, because of poor coordination, he was almost injured by his own people's abilities and tricks, which made Dai Die a little bit unable to watch.

However, this is also Dai Die's goal, which is to train soldiers!

In the end, even the demon Ajin and Baiji Kro rushed up, and even Lafit was also clicked by Dai Die.

Only Van Oka and Poison Q, the two long-range attackers, were left.

Under the siege of so many strong men, even if Rob Lucci was a genius once in eight hundred years in CP9, he couldn't beat four hands with two fists, and was forced to run around, looking for opportunities to counterattack in the siege.

But he still beat these cadres and crew members, and they were all bruised and injured, which shows his strong strength.

This is probably the real talent.

Lucci is a real genius, and he can also break through in desperate situations and become stronger!

It's just that he lacks the protagonist halo of sit-ups

"He lurked in the shipyard for five years, building ships with a hammer every day, wasting a lot of time for training, but he still managed to successfully awaken the Devil Fruit in two years!"

Dai Die whispered, Rob Lucci's talent is not much worse than Straw Hat Luffy's. If he wants to blame someone, he can only blame his bad luck. He was trained by the World Government to be a dark justice hawk, and completely lost any chance of awakening the Domineering Haki. He also ate an ordinary animal-type Devil Fruit, making it impossible for him to catch up with Straw Hat Luffy in his lifetime.

The World Government knew that Rob Lucci had shown a talent that was only seen once in eight hundred years since he was a child, but still gave him an ordinary cat-cat fruit and asked him to lurk as a ship worker. What a waste of talent.

Maybe���The devil fruits that the Celestial Dragons gave to their slaves were stronger than those of the CP organization. Are they afraid that Lucci would become too strong and difficult to control?

Seeing that Rob Lucci was also beaten out of breath by the many crew members of the Big Daddy Pirates, Dai Die knew that it was almost over. Dai

Die did not recruit this kind of CP spy who was severely brainwashed and had his own dark justice in his heart.

Unless they are persecuted and abandoned by the master of the World Government, they will not betray the World Government.

Just like the original CP9 genius, Foz F, after losing the Sun God Nika Fruit, he was imprisoned and tortured. After successfully escaping from prison, he directly surrendered to Kaido, the Beast, to seek asylum, and at the same time retaliated against the World Government.

Dai Die stood up and slowly walked towards the battlefield. The crew members and cadres of the Big Daddy Pirates also retreated sensibly, leaving this guy to the captain to defeat.

Rob Lucci's chest rose and fell rapidly, and he gasped heavily. He didn't expect that before he fought with this King's Seven Warlords of the Sea, he had been exhausted by Dai Die's subordinates!


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