Leaving the headquarters, we returned to the Sea Tower Stone warship.

Nelson was allocating supplies for the next voyage. When Ian and Smoker saw Carl coming, their eyes lit up.

"What's the next mission? I've been on Fishman Island for almost a month, and my bones are almost rusted!"

Carl glanced at Smoker indifferently. What's the big deal about rusted bones? His bones are almost crispy.

"Here! Take a look for yourself!"

Carl put the bounty order and the information on the table, imitating Zhan Guo.

Ian took the bounty order, and Smoker took the information.

"95 million Baileys?" "Navy traitor? It's Gaspard!"

Carl scratched his head: "Why, do you know him?"

Smoker nodded heavily: "I remember him. He was a student in the same training camp as me. He was lazy at the time. Teacher Zefa didn't like him very much."

"I didn't expect that he would dare to betray justice so blatantly!"

Smoker's mentality is that when you are in the navy, you can criticize or disdain justice, but if you dare to defect, don't blame me for hitting you hard!

"Show me, how could he think of defecting to the navy? I really can't figure it out!"

Ain snatched the information from Smoker's hand and scanned it at a glance: "Found it! For a devil fruit, he killed his colleagues, stole the warship and ran away..."

"This bastard!"

Smoker became surprisingly angry.

Carl waved his hand: "Calm down, calm down, our mission is to bring him to justice, isn't it?"

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Half an hour later, the supplies were completed and the Sea Tower Stone warship set off immediately.

According to intelligence, Gaspard last appeared in the Port of Borios in Paradise, which is the island in the seventh route near the South China Sea. Carl and his team are going to investigate this Port of Borios.

"Huh~" Smoker exhaled a smoke ring, looking worried.

Obviously, he was affected by Gaspard's defection.

"Smoker, don't think too much."

Smoker shook his head: "Do you think I'm still thinking about Gaspard? No, I'm thinking that if a small lieutenant dared to defect from the navy, what about others?"

"Even if they don't dare to defect openly, they have probably already betrayed justice!"

"And this is the navy of the headquarters, what about the four seas? What about those places that the headquarters can't take care of?"

Carl was silent for a long time, listening to Smoker's words, thinking about telling Smoker about his plan that he had already prepared.

He wanted to set up an institution similar to the Independent Commission Against Corruption, which was specially used to thoroughly investigate those corrupt navy. He would take the credit and let Smoker do the work, killing two birds with one stone, and he could still slack off in the office.

"Smoker, I understand what you mean. In fact, I have always had an idea. Forget it. Let's talk about it after Gaspard is caught."

Smoker was stunned. He was talking halfway, right!

"Don't beat around the bush, just say it now!"

Carl opened his mouth, hesitated, and finally sighed and told the story.

"I've actually thought about what you said, and I have an immature idea."

Smoker didn't see Carl speak for a long time, and said speechlessly: "What idea?"


"ICAC? What is this?"

"Accept and review allegations of corruption in the Navy."

Smoker raised his eyebrows.

"Investigate any crime alleged or suspected of violating the Navy Management Regulations."

Smoker's cigar fell to the ground.

"Investigate any blackmail crime suspected of abuse of power by the Navy."

Smoker opened his mouth.

"Investigate any behavior of the Navy related to or that may lead to corruption."

Smoker grabbed Carl's shoulders, his face excited. In his opinion, this idea is absolutely amazing! I can't wait to say the same thing.

"This is a great idea. If it really works, I will definitely be the first to join!"

But Carl laughed a little self-deprecatingly: "Instead of dealing with pirates, you deal with your colleagues. Do you really want to do this?"

Smoker said seriously: "As long as it can make the navy better, I am willing to bear everything."

Carl smiled with relief. It is still easy to fool a passionate young man like Smoker! If it were Ape, he should be busy with a manicure...

"Carl, when do we start?"

"Ahem, don't panic about this. At least we have to catch Gaspard first, don't you think?"

"That's right! Leave this guy to me!"

Then Smoker ran out impatiently to develop his abilities, and he wanted to kill a few pirates to help.

After a while, Ian walked into the lounge with a strange look on his face, and said to Jiro who was leaning on his back.Carl, who was drinking Kola, said.

"What did you say to Smoker just now? It feels like he took stimulants."

Seeing Ian coming in, Carl's eyes lit up, his face changed instantly, and a big liar's momentum burst out.

"Ian, what do you think of the current navy?"


Ten minutes later.

Ian walked out of the lounge with a calm face. She didn't care about dealing with corrupt navy. As long as she could act with Carl, she would be satisfied.

Two days later, the warship arrived at Borios Port.

This port is quite large, but it is now in a mess. It should have experienced a battle and has not been repaired in time. There are wreckage everywhere.

Before the warship approached, the civilians on the dock pointed at the warship and shouted in panic: "Navy! It's the navy! They are back again! Run!!!"

Carl:? ? ?

Carl also looked back at the navy flag above his head, and it was not wrong!

"Is it because Gaspard looted here and threw dirty water on the navy?"

Smoker snorted coldly: "This scum!"

"Nelson, drop anchor and take people!"


After entering the town, the streets were empty, but there were a dozen civilians with guns looking at them warily.

"Don't come over, we will shoot if you move!"

This sentence made the navy soldiers feel mixed. When have they ever been treated like this, making them look like pirates.

But they are the navy!

"Everyone, please calm down. I am Rear Admiral Carl of the Navy Headquarters. I came here to investigate the attack on Port Borios. We will not hurt anyone. Please believe us."

The leading strong man shouted excitedly: "Don't lie. The people who attacked here are your navy!"

Just as Nelson was about to speak, he was stopped by Carl.

"Don't make trouble for me!"


Carl then turned his head to look at the burly man, showing a kind smile, took out a bounty and said: "The person who attacked you is the navy traitor Gaspardi, who a few days ago..."

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