Dragon Palace.

"Minister Zuo, how is the situation?"

The elder, wearing a top hat, a single-sided glasses on his left eye, and holding a bull horn cane in his right hand, nodded slightly and said.

"My king, according to the news from my subordinates, these navy seem to be here for sightseeing and have not done anything out of the ordinary."

"And we have also asked some residents, and they have not heard from the navy about the purpose of this trip."

King Neptune stroked his beard, and couldn't help but think of Xia Li's prediction in his mind, wondering if she was wrong!

After all, it was the navy, not the pirates, and no matter how chaotic the navy was, they couldn't just kill for no reason, right?

"In that case... let's observe for a few days! Maybe they will leave in a few days?"

"Yes, my king."

Noah, built by the residents of Fishman Island hundreds of years ago and placed in Fishman Street, has the titles of "Ship of Oath" and "Ship of Unfinished Mission".

Because it has been abandoned for too long, this place has long become the residence of the hooligans of Fishman Street.

After the assassination of Princess Otohime, Hodi Jones, who left the Sea King Army, settled here.

"Brother, there is news!"

A tall and fierce fishman opened his creepy eyes, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth: "Oh, really? Tell me."

"It's the navy. A group of navy landed on Fishman Island today. Their purpose is not clear. They look like they are here for tourism. Apart from sightseeing, they did nothing."

Hodi Jones snorted coldly: "How bold! Those inferior humans dare to enter Fishman Island so brazenly."

"What is the attitude of those vendors?"

"Well, I don't know. They look very happy, because after the death of Princess Otohime, there haven't been so many tourists for a long time."

"Shh~ A bunch of servile bastards, they really forgot the pain after the scar healed! It seems that the death of that woman Otohime did not teach them a lesson."

Hodi Jones stood up from his seat dissatisfiedly. He hated humans, and he was serious, even though he had never been directly persecuted by humans.


A short red fishman swooped out from the ground and said arrogantly: "Boss, are you going to bite their meat into pieces and eat it? Kaka!"

"Jiahaha~ No! I want to ruin the reputation of the navy! Go and hurt a few guys living up there, and then put the blame on the navy! Do you understand?"

"Leave it to me, Kaka!"

Dharma swooped into the ground and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The next morning.

Carl walked out of the hotel and stretched himself, but found that the eyes of the residents of Fishman Island seemed to be a little different when they looked at him.

Although they were not very enthusiastic yesterday, they were at least normal. Why did their attitude suddenly reverse today?

Carl's face changed. Not good. Something must have happened last night!

Then, Ian also came out. After seeing the eyes of the fishmen, he immediately felt that something was wrong and hurried to Carl's side: "What happened?"

Carl shook his head silently: "I don't know!"

Last night, Smoker summoned the soldiers back to the warship to rest and guard the ship. He and Ian found a hotel to rest, of course, they lived separately.

He and Ian must have done nothing wrong. If someone really did something wrong, it might be Smoker, after all, he has a slightly bad temper.

"It's you who hurt my husband!"

"Yes, I saw it clearly last night. It was these navy men in white uniforms who did it!"

"Humans are really no good. Get out of Fishman Island!"

"Yes! Get out of Fishman Island!!!"

Gradually, the residents surrounded Carl and Ian and shouted at them.

Carl instantly realized that something was wrong. This operation seemed familiar. He often used this trick! What is it called? Frame-up!

"Dear residents of Fishman Island, we rested in this hotel last night and never left from beginning to end, so I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Please calm down. I am Rear Admiral Carl. After I investigate it, I promise to give you a satisfactory answer!"

The raven on Carl's shoulder turned into a long knife and fell steadily into his palm, flashing a cold light faintly, and looked at the residents of Fishman Island sincerely.

Suddenly, the fishmen surrounding them were silent, and Carl couldn't help but sigh that the people of Fishman Island are really simple and considerate.

"Ain, let's go!"

Soon, Carl and Ain rushed to the warship and found that it had been surrounded by angry residents of Fishman Island. Smoker was sweating and explaining to the residents.

"Everyone, I swear, there was really no navy leaving the warship last night, how could it be possible to hurt the people."

"What's the point of swearing? Do you still believe in the lies of humans?"

Hearing this incendiary remark, the residents of Fishman Island were immediately furious: "That's right! Haven't your humans done enough bad things?"

"Get out of Fishman Island!" "Get out of Fishman Island!"

Smoker clenched his fists and stood there at a loss. He was relieved when he saw Carl and Ian. He really couldn't handle this situation.

"You came at the right time!"

Carl patted Smoker on the shoulder and signaled him to stay calm: "What happened, tell me! ”

“It’s like this...”

It turned out that when Smoker got up in the morning, he found that the warship was surrounded by fishmen. Pointing at several wounded fishmen on the ground, they insisted that they were injured by the navy and asked them to give an explanation.

Smoker would definitely not admit it! All the navy soldiers were on the warship last night, and no one could get off the ship at will. Besides, why would they beat people for no reason?

But these fishmen disagreed and insisted on saying something about humans! It made Smoker very confused.

“Don’t say it, I understand, someone is targeting us!”

Smoker nodded quickly: “That’s right, every time I finally calmed down, someone would immediately point the conflict to racial relations. "

Carl rubbed his brows, and he was basically sure that this was Hody Jones's operation. He probably did the same thing when Princess Otohime was assassinated.

It's just that he blamed the pirates before, and now he blames the navy.

This Hody Jones is really an extreme racist!

Looking at the excited Fishman Island residents below, Carl also had a headache. It was impossible to take action. Once they took action, they would have to take the blame. The most important thing now was to clear the Navy's grievances.

"Everyone calm down! Calm down! I am the commander of this warship. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can tell me!"

"Please give me some time to investigate and find out the truth, okay?"

Then, without waiting for the Fishman Island residents to respond, Carl quickly walked to the injured fishmen and asked.

"When were you attacked last night?"

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