On the training ship.

Carl locked the pirates into the cell one by one and locked the door. Only then did he have a chance to take a good look at the good sword he had just obtained.

The world of One Piece has always been indistinguishable between swords and knives. This Karasuma is called a knife, but in Carl's opinion, it should be called a sword. It is double-edged and straight. What else is it if not a sword?

"It is well maintained. Well, it is icy and the texture is also OK..."

Zackel in the cell looked at Carl "looking obscene" and stroking Karasuma with his eyes wide open. His lips turned white with anger and his body trembled slightly.

For a swordsman, a good sword is their lover, and now, his "lover" is being toyed with by Carl.

Isn't this a kind of NTR?


"Alert! Alert! A small ship appears 12 nautical miles away at 9 o'clock."

"The other party is speeding towards us, everyone be alert!"

The loud voice echoed on the training ship. The interns who were laughing and celebrating were stunned for a while, and then immediately went on alert, holding guns and knives, ready to fight at any time.

Zeffa frowned at the flag on the other ship through the telescope. It was not a pirate flag, but the other party was obviously coming for them, and they were not friendly!

"Teacher Zefa, what should we do?"

"Where is Carl?"

Ain paused and said, "Carl just went to send the pirate to the cell. I went to call him, hey, he's here." Ain pointed to Carl who came out of the cabin.

"What happened?"

Carl's expression was very serious. When he heard the warning whistle just now, he felt something was wrong, so he ran over immediately.

Because the unexpected situation at this time is likely to mean the arrival of Weibull.

"There is a small ship heading towards us. It doesn't have a pirate flag, nor a merchant ship flag..."

Carl said nothing, picked up the telescope and looked at the ship in the distance.

He saw a little giant standing in front of him at the helm, with a big knife beside him. Carl took a breath of cold air. It was indeed him!

Edward Weeble, Whitebeard II, he is here after all.

"Everyone alert! The other party is a pirate! Edward Weeble, bounty, 320 million Baileys!"

Ian shouted in shock: "What!"

320 million Baileys! It is already a big pirate in the first half of the Grand Line! They actually met him!

"It's definitely him. I've seen many bounties, and this guy impressed me because he has the same crescent beard as Whitebeard."

Zeff patted Carl's shoulder with a serious face: "This level of pirates is no longer something you can deal with. You can command them to bombard them first! If it doesn't work, I will take action!"

"Teacher Zephyr, do you need to call for support?"

Zeff smiled confidently: "It's just a pirate with a bounty of about 300 million. I'm not that old yet!"

It's not that I don't believe you, it's because Weevil is really perverted!

In Carl's memory, this guy was chasing the remnants of the Whitebeard Group all over the world after Whitebeard's death. He beat the remnants of the Whitebeard Group to pieces by himself, killing and injuring more than 600 people.

But this is not his limit. After being abolished as a Seven Warlord of the Sea, Edward Weevil's bounty was as high as 2.4 billion Baileys. At that time, Luffy, Kidd, and Traman who defeated Kaido and Big Mom only had 3 billion.

The most important point is that Edward Weeble is always alone. His mother can be ignored. He basically won the bounty based on his personal strength without any power bonus.

It is enough to see how terrifying his strength is.

Although it is only 1513, his strength may not be at that level, but how much difference can it be?

Do you expect a guy with this IQ to take the initiative to practice?

Carl nodded worriedly, thinking that he had Kizaru's phone number, should he call him for help?

No, let's see the situation first. Even if Zefa can't beat him, he can hold on for a while. If it doesn't work, let Kizaru come to support.

"Everyone, wait for the enemy ship to enter the attack range and immediately launch a volley!"


Then Carl immediately turned and walked into the cabin. He wanted to eliminate all uncertainties.

"Hua La La~"

The door of the cell was opened, and Carl walked into the cell with Karasuma, looking at the pirates with terrified eyes.

Since the battle with Weibull is unavoidable, Carl must ensure that there are no uncertainties, and these pirates are the biggest uncertainty.

If the fight breaks out later, it will be troublesome if these guys take advantage of the chaos to cause trouble. After all, this is not a seastone prison, but just an ordinary iron cell.

Is there anyone guarding it?Well, once there is no one guarding them, these pirates will definitely find ways to escape and create chaos.

If something unexpected happens to them, Carl will never accept it, so just deal with the troublemakers directly.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"What is your dream?"

Several pirates looked at each other, not knowing what tricks Carl was playing, and no one answered.

Until Carl put Karasuma across the neck of one of the pirates, the guy said tremblingly: "Find the great secret treasure of Pirate King Roger."

Carl nodded with relief: "Very good, you have ambition, as a reward, I will send you to Roger to ask in person!"

Swish~Swish~ exclamations everywhere...

Carl just took Karasuma and chopped down the knife, killing thirty people in a row without blinking an eye.

Then he kicked a big hole in the cabin and threw all the bodies of the pirates into the sea...

Carl keenly heard the sound of the artillery, it seemed that Weeble's ship had entered the attack range.

Looking at the bloody uniform, Carl frowned, walked into the room quickly, and came to the deck after changing clothes.

"What's the situation now?"

Ien turned his head to look at Carl, pouted and said, "Not very good, the opponent's ship is small and very flexible, and the effect of the bombardment is not good."

"Don't worry, keep bombarding!"


After speaking, Carl came to Zefa, condensed a basketball-sized holy light, emitting a dazzling golden light, and Carl slapped it into Zefa's body without saying anything.

"This, Carl, you are the effect of your ability, and you have become stronger again?"

Zeffar was surprised to feel the power surging in his body, and he was amazed. His strength increased by at least 5%, not to mention that the holy light was still injecting vitality into his body, making him feel much younger.

Carl smiled slightly: "Of course not, after all, I have been developing it for more than two months, no matter how dumb I am, I should have made some progress!"

"I will have to trouble Mr. Zefa later."

"Hahaha, leave it to me! It's a good opportunity for you to see my true strength!"

Looking at Zefa showing off his biceps, Carl laughed dumbly, this old guy...

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