In the next few days, Dressrosas built a military camp, and Zefa was responsible for training the soldiers.

Qin Feng rarely had time to spare, and every day he would brag to the soldiers and read the newspaper.

Since Qin Feng left the headquarters, his news has never stopped, and he is on the front page almost every day. At the same time, the World Government removed the Kingdom of Drum Island from the member countries.

Qin Feng didn't mind at all. He would remove it from the list, and one day, Qin Feng would also establish a new government.

At noon that day, Qin Feng called everyone over

"Come on, I'll take you to the world's largest entertainment city." Qin Feng said to Nami and others.

Nami's eyes lit up instantly. This time she was one step faster than Kalina and took Qin Feng's arm, and said happily:"Captain, if you don't take me out to play, I'll be bored to death."

Kalina said excitedly:"Captain, where are we going?"

"Golden City, a city made of gold"

"Ah, I know, I know, I've heard that it is definitely the most fun entertainment city in the world." Nami was eager to try it out.

"Pack up and leave in half an hour"



While Nami, Robin and the others were packing up, Qin Feng found Ain who was training hard.

Ain had always admired Qin Feng. Although Qin Feng promised Ain that he could let her follow him all the time, Ain was very shy. In addition, there were so many outstanding girls around Qin Feng. She really wanted to get close to him, but she didn't dare.

When Ain saw Qin Feng, she was both happy and nervous.

"General Qin Feng, you are looking for me." Ai En quickly stood at attention.

Qin Feng smiled and said,"I am not a navy admiral anymore, you don't need to call me general, you can call me Brother Feng. In half an hour, I will take you to a fun place, do you want to go?"

"interesting place?"

"That’s right, it might take three to five days to come back. Do you have time?"

"Yes, yes, yes, of course, I'll go pick it up right away"


While waiting for Ain, Qin Feng accidentally saw the girl with glasses, Dashiqi, not far away. She had just heard the conversation between the two, and Dashiqi's playful heart couldn't help but get excited.

Qin Feng guessed her little thoughts and waved her hand to call her over.

Dashiqi was very considerate and came up to Qin Feng to pass cigarettes and lights, as if Qin Feng had nothing else to do with her.

Qin Feng smiled and said,"Do you want to go?"


"What? Don't think I didn't notice you eavesdropping just now. If you want to go, pack up quickly. We'll be leaving in ten minutes."

"Okay, okay, I'll be right there."

"Don't forget to bring some cigarettes and fire"

"Don't worry, I won't forget it."

Dashiqi ran away in a hurry, and then hurried back. She asked breathlessly:"Do I need to report to Teacher Zefa?"

"I'll talk to him later, don't worry."


Half an hour later, all the crew members were present on the Fengqi.

Nami, Kalina, Perona, Robin, Tina, Taotu, Ain, Tashigi, Zoro, and the lovely Chopper.

Qin Feng did not bring Violet with him, because this time when Qin Feng went to the Golden City, he had to meet his ally Mingo, who was Violet's enemy. In this regard, Qin Feng was very meticulous.

The Fengqi set sail and headed for a certain sea area in the New World.

At night, Qin Feng, Robin, Nami, Kalina and others were playing cards. Qin Feng lost every time and did not win a single one.

"Captain, you can't do this."

"Still want to play, my good captain?"

Nami and Kalina asked with a smile.

Qin Feng waved his hand and said,"Forget it, you three have eight hundred tricks added up, I won't play with you."

Nami smiled and said,"Captain, you can go find Chopper to play checkers, that may be more suitable for you."

At this time, Chopper suddenly pushed the door in, poked his head and said,"Who wants to play with me?"

Qin Feng left the private room dejectedly, came to the deck, and felt the sea breeze.

Tina and Taotu were chatting on the deck, and they seemed to be having a good time.

Qin Feng came up and asked,"Hello, two beauties, what are you talking about? So happy? Share it with me?"

Taotu immediately became aloof and turned her head away. Tina also didn't want to pay attention to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng smiled and said, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it. Why are you making such a face?

Qin Feng didn't make trouble for himself anymore. He sat on the rocking chair and prepared to go fishing.

At this time, the telephone on the table rang. It was Brother Ming who called.

Qin Feng answered the call readily. The two had a good chat and Qin Feng smiled heartily from time to time.

After hanging up the phone, Tina couldn't help but walked over and asked,"Whose call is it? What makes you laugh so happily?"

This time, Qin Feng also became aloof and turned his head and said,"It's none of your business. Weren't you very arrogant just now?"


Tina wanted to beat Qin Feng to death. If she couldn't beat him, she would have...

Qin Feng looked at Tina's angry expression and said with a sly smile,"Want to know?"

"What do you think?"

""Pour me a glass of orange juice, and let Taotu wash my dirty clothes." Qin Feng ordered.

Tina was angry and said,"You want Taotu to wash your dirty clothes? Do you think it's appropriate?""

"I think it's appropriate. If you don't want to wash it, forget it. Don't even think about getting any information from me in the future. Little Tina, do you think your little tricks can deceive me? You have always been exchanging information with your good sister Taotu, right?"

Tina blushed immediately. She naively thought that she could hide it from the world, but in fact……

"I, I, I...we were just talking in private, that's what good friends do, okay?" Tina argued

"Anyway, I don’t care, I’ve made it very clear just now." Qin Feng looked like a boss.

Tina sighed and said,"Can I help you wash?"

"NO, no, just let her wash. Isn't she hot-tempered? I must cure her bad temper."

"When it comes to perversion, you’re the one."

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