When Qin Feng first arrived in Dressrosa, he was not in a hurry to go to the palace, but felt the enthusiasm of the country first.

Dressrosa under Mingge's rule was not good, but it was not bad either.

Two years ago, Mingge led his army into the palace and became the new king.

The Riku royal family stepped down and was spurned by the people.

The army of the Riku royal family and the people who followed the will of the Mingge family were turned into"toys", and the people of the Riku family were hunted down and wanted.

Due to the resignation of the Riku royal family, the surrounding countries fell into the turmoil of war.

By buying and selling arms and devil fruits, the Don Quixote family made a fortune from the war.

It made the Dressrosa Kingdom richer.

The dwarfs were exploited by the Don Quixote family again, and the dwarf princess and 500 dwarfs were captured and sent to the factory to do hard labor.

Qin Feng took Nami and the others to the amusement park, visited the bar, and had a gorgeous bonfire party in the evening. It was a happy day.

At the bonfire party, Qin Feng asked Taotu Tina and Ain to take off their navy uniforms and put on cooler clothes.

As the saying goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.���Qin Feng didn't want to hide his feelings in such a passionate country.

Tina was fine, Taotu was a little embarrassed, but Qin Feng always asked her to do something in an imperative tone, and this kind of superior-subordinate relationship made her irresistible.

Robin performed belly dance, and her charming posture made Qin Feng applaud again and again.

No matter where she went, Karina's voice was always the focus of the audience. Her clear and moving voice seemed to have its own sound card, attracting more and more audiences to support her.

Everyone had a great time this evening.

Just as the show was about to end, a guy in a red cloak suddenly broke into Qin Feng's field of vision.

This person's appearance was wearing a fur-brimmed hat, two facial wrinkles on his face, wearing a red cloak, and dressed like an indigenous tribe.

Qin Feng recognized him at a glance. His name was Diamante, one of the four highest cadres of the Don Quixote family, code-named"Cube", ruling the"Fighting Group" of the Don Quixote family, the ability user of the flying fruit, and the flag man.

As long as he was angry about Doflamingo being hurt by others, he would not allow the family cadres to have the slightest hesitation or hesitation, and he would not allow anyone to disobey Doflamingo's orders.

Obviously, he came here today because he heard some gossip.

Under him were a group of fighters from the"Fighting Group", who surrounded Qin Feng and others.

The crowd fled in all directions, and Qin Feng yawned with sleepiness on his face.

He leaned his head on Tina's shoulder and said tiredly:"I drank too much, I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep."

Tina motioned him to cheer up and said:"Let's solve the trouble in front of us first." Diamante drew out his long sword, pointed the sword at Qin Feng and others and said:"Outsiders who trespass into Dreross without reporting will be arrested."

At this time, Taotu came up and scolded:"Don't mess around, we are the navy."

Diamante certainly knew that Qin Feng and others were the navy, he just wanted to find an excuse to take Qin Feng and others down.

Diamante said:"Navy? Navy in plain clothes? That's even more suspicious."

Taotu looked at Qin Feng for instructions, and Qin Feng responded:"Since someone doesn't know what's good for them, let's do it."

After receiving Qin Feng's order, Taotu and others started fighting mode, and Zoro's black knife hit Diamante hard.

Diamante was obviously unable to resist, and he didn't expect this group of people to be so arrogant.

In the blink of an eye, his fighting army was wiped out, leaving him alone.

"You are so brave to cause trouble in Dressrosas!!"Diamante started to talk nonsense.

The next second, Perona's negative ghost penetrated his body.

Diamante instantly knelt on the ground, fell into a state of depression, and repeated over and over again that he was a rubbish.

Afterwards, Kalina smiled and said:"Captain, what should we do with them?"

Qin Feng did not reply, but walked directly to Diamante, bent down to pick up his pistol, and pointed the muzzle at his forehead.

With a bang, Diamante died instantly.

Kalina and Nami were stunned. Obviously, Qin Feng's way of treating the enemy scared the two girls.

Then, Qin Feng threw away the pistol, yawned, turned his head and said:"I drank too much today. Let's go back and rest. I will take you to the palace tomorrow morning."

""Okay...Okay, Captain." Karina said shyly.

Qin Feng has always been cold-blooded when dealing with enemies, especially villains like Diamante.

In the original work, Diamante killed Rebecca's mother with his pistol.

Qin Feng was always brooding over it when he was watching the anime at that time, and it was reasonable to shoot him now.

However, this scene also cast a shadow on Karina and Nami.

Late at night, Nami and Karina were lying in a bed. Nami couldn't sleep, and Karina also had insomnia.

"Karina, do you feel that the captain has changed?"Nami asked softly

"Which aspect do you mean?"

"When I first met the captain, I felt that he was like an older brother, sunny, enthusiastic, and responsible.……"

Kalina smiled and said,"More like your dad now, right?"

"Hey, hey, hey, Kalina, are you flirting with me again? You're asking for a fight!"

Kalina hurriedly stopped Nami's restless hands and said,"Don't think too much. The captain has always been our good captain. Sometimes his behavior may be a little extreme, and perhaps we can't understand it from our perspective, but as crew members, we just need to support him unconditionally. Have you forgotten what we agreed before?"

"Of course I didn't forget, we want to be the captain's wings"

"Yes, yes, if the captain is an angel, we are his white wings. If he is a devil, we are his black wings."

"Okay, but I still hope the captain can live in the sunshine and be happy."

"Then you should grow up quickly. The captain likes fair and tender girls like you."


To some extent, Karina is more mature than Nami, and Nami still thinks about things too simply.

The next morning, Doflamingo summoned all the cadres in the palace.

Diamante's cold body was lying on the ground. There was a hole in his forehead, and his eyes were open, and he died with his eyes open.

Mingge's face was particularly heavy. It was obvious that Diamante's death touched his bottom line.

Although Mingge was cruel and ruthless, he still treated his cadres well and always regarded them as family members. Now that a family member has died, Mingge must be very sad in his heart.

"Who did it?" said the cadre Pika in a sharp voice.

"The murderer must pay with blood."

"I will chop off his head with my own hands."

The cadres were all heartbroken, and anger was overwhelming their brains.

At this moment, only Brother Ming was calm.

After a few minutes of silence, Brother Ming said in a cold voice:"Just be prepared, the enemy will be here soon."

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