Now that the holy land has been destroyed, the once high and mighty Celestial Dragons have fallen from the altar and turned into nothingness, which is indeed very gratifying. But Qin Feng knew in his heart that the holders of the highest power in the world government were Im and the Five Elders under Im.

But it is obviously not realistic to want to blow them to death with the power rock.

In Xia Qi's tavern, she looked at the newspaper in her hand again and again, her expression lost.

After a long time, Xia Qi murmured silently:"Did Rocks really do what he didn't finish? In this almost crazy way? It's amazing." During this period of time, it is believed that the world will usher in a new round of turmoil. Qin Feng is ready to wait and see at this juncture, and then make plans.

Taking this opportunity, Qin Feng can also teach his good apprentice Zoro.

Although the master leads the way, the practice is up to the individual, but Qin Feng, as his master, can't always leave him alone. Letting him go does not mean being irresponsible. Qin Feng needs to give him guidance when necessary.

Now Zoro has become more and more proficient in the black knife in his hand, and he is very good at single-sword style.

In addition, Soro���During Qin Feng's absence, he practiced the double-sword style every day, the black sword and the autumn water. These two weapons that seemed to be completely impossible to match were constantly honed by Zoro through his own will.

Qin Feng accompanied Zoro to practice for a whole afternoon and taught him new ideas for breakthroughs.

Since Zoro chose to take the path of a swordsman, he must work a hundred times harder than ordinary people.

In comparison, Nami and Kalina's development was simply smooth sailing.

In fact, the use of devil fruits requires a lot of talent, and Nami and Kalina are just gifted monsters. Nami's dark clouds combined with Kalina's lightning are more powerful than 100,000 soldiers.

The devil fruit also allowed their bodies to develop rapidly. After more than a month of not seeing each other, Nami and Kalina have grown a lot taller and their figures have become more slender. In time, they will definitely be the face value on the ship. In addition

, Robin was not idle either. During this time, she concentrated on studying the main text of history and sorted out the intelligence information about the main text that she had obtained before and handed it to Qin Feng in full.

"Captain, there are two kinds of historical texts.

One is the 4 red road sign historical texts that record the location information of Raftel, and the other is the 26 historical texts that record the blank 100 years of history, including 9 historical texts that record important information.

When the information on these 26 historical texts is combined, it can form a complete article that records the blank 100 years of history, that is, the real historical text, and we still need to continue looking for it.

"Robin said slowly.

Qin Feng nodded and said,"I understand, I will take you to restore the truth of history."

"Well, I believe the captain."

Half a month later, the navy began a new round of cleanup of the Sabaody Archipelago, and Akainu led the troops himself.

This is interesting.

For safety reasons, Qin Feng prepared to retreat and set off for a wider new world.

Before leaving, Qin Feng went to see Madam Xia Qi. During this period, Madam Xia Qi helped a lot.

Qin Feng has determined that she was once a crew member of Master Chef Rocks, but in this era, it is more suitable for her to live in seclusion.

Coincidentally, Rayleigh was also in the tavern.

Qin Feng smiled and teased,"Mr. Rayleigh, didn't you go to shake the sieve?"

Rayleigh's temples were gray, and he showed a grandfather-like smile. He replied:"The control is very strict now, and there is no place to play."

"Indeed, the situation outside is very tense now, you have to be more careful. I am here to say goodbye, and we will leave the Sabaody Archipelago soon. I hope you don’t take it personally if I have offended you before." Qin Feng talked freely.

Rayleigh said:"Young people are full of youthful vigor, which is understandable, especially young people like you who are capable."

Madam Xia Qi also smiled and said:"I always thought you were very much like someone, but now it seems that you are not like that, you are just you"

"Mrs. Xia Qi's words are too philosophical, I can't understand them."

"Don't play tricks on me, keep this Den Den Mushi, maybe you can use it in the future."

Mrs. Xia Qi handed Qin Feng a Den Den Mushi, and Qin Feng gladly accepted it.

In return, Qin Feng clapped his hands, and Nami and others brought up several large wooden boxes.

"Madam Xia Qi, please take care of the things in here." Qin Feng said softly

"What's in it?" Xia Qi asked

"Wine, good aged wine." Qin Feng replied.

When it came to wine, Lei Li became interested. He walked towards the wooden box and wanted to open it to see what was inside.

"What kind of wine is this? Why doesn't it smell good?" Raleigh asked.

Qin Feng stood in front of the box and said,"My wine cannot be exposed to light for the time being, otherwise it will easily lose its flavor. Can I drink it with Mr. Raleigh next time we meet?"

Raleigh heard the hidden meaning of Qin Feng's words and said with a smile,"No problem."

Mrs. Xia Qi also sighed and said,"You really know how to cause trouble for me."

"Haha, how can this be a problem? We are all friends, right?"


Madam Xia Qi said maybe, which showed her attitude.

Qin Feng did not stop and turned away with Nami and the others.

Before leaving, Karina bowed and thanked her:"Thank you Madam Xia Qi for your help during this period. We will see you another day, hehe."

After leaving Xia Qi Tavern, Perona floated beside Qin Feng and couldn't help asking:"Captain, is this Xia Qi reliable? She won't betray us, right?"

"Betray us? Betray us, what good will it do her?"

"That's true, but I'm still worried, after all, there are……"

Qin Feng made a shushing gesture and said,"Let me ask you, what is the most important thing between people?"

"What?" Perona said stupidly.

"Of course it's trust."

"But the other party is not familiar with us."

"The establishment of trust cannot be measured by the length of time. Some people can get along for a lifetime and still not get along."

Perona seemed to understand.

Kalina listened to Qin Feng's words and admired Qin Feng from the bottom of her heart. The captain's vision was really huge, and his personal charm was unmatched.

That night, Qin Feng's Fengqi set sail again, dived to the ten thousand meter deep sea, crossed the Fishman Island and headed for the New World.

As for why he didn't go to Fishman Island, the reason was very simple. There was no need to go there for the time being.

Princess Shirahoshi is only a little old this year, and Qin Feng was afraid of scaring her.

When the Fengqi arrived in the New World, Nami and Kalina were particularly excited. After all, this was the first time for both of them.

Perona was also full of curiosity about the unknown. She looked into the distance with a lot of thoughts in her mind.

As always, Zoro was practicing arm strength on the stern deck. He wanted to work hard to become a swordsman and could not be affected by the outside world during training.

"Captain, where are we going next?" Nami ran over and asked

""I will take you to the city of passion, Dressrosas." Qin Feng answered.

That's right, Qin Feng wanted to meet Doflamingo. His status was quite extraordinary now.

All the Celestial Dragons in the Holy Land were dead, and he was the only one left.

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