Qin Feng was having a date with Domino and drinking, and Impel Down was in chaos.

Domino received a call from the warden, and her face instantly became solemn after learning the situation. She hung up the phone in a hurry and rushed back to Impel Down without even saying hello to Qin Feng.

As night fell, Qin Feng finished the last drink on the table, and he knew the time had come.

At the Navy Headquarters, Marshal Zhan Guo was furious when he learned that Barrett had escaped from prison. He immediately summoned all naval generals to capture the pirates who escaped from Impel Down, and if necessary, they could execute them on the spot.

Qin Feng also received a summons from Zhan Guo.

"Lieutenant General Qin Feng, hurry up and go to the New World, the situation is getting out of control." Zhan Guo said to Qin Feng urgently.

Qin Feng replied calmly:"Don't worry, Marshal, I will do my best."

After hanging up the phone, Qin Feng used Den Den Mushi to contact Karina who was far away in the Sabaody Archipelago.

"Karina, how are you getting ready?"

"Everything is ready, Captain, just waiting for your order."

"Come on, let's do something big tonight."

Qin Feng started to act overnight, changed his clothes and went to the Power Rock Base.

Under the cover of night, Qin Feng landed on the island silently like a ghost.

Qin Feng put on the same mask he used when he blew up the Judicial Island, looking extremely cold.

Qin Feng's movements were clean and neat, and he led the way with his domineering aura. The unsuspecting navy soldiers were all stunned, and Qin Feng and his men successfully entered the Power Rock Base.

These power rocks, which emit purple light, have destructive weapons comparable to ancient weapons, and produce powerful explosions when they come into contact with oxygen.

"Are these the treasures the captain mentioned? They look so high-end." Perona walked forward curiously and couldn't help but pick up a power rock.

Qin Feng explained:"Be careful, the power generated by this power rock is enough to destroy an island."

""Ah? So scary!!"

Perona was shocked and almost dropped the power rock in her hand.

It was also the first time that Tina saw this kind of high technology. Her eyes were full of confusion. She didn't know if it was right to do this.

Qin Feng didn't delay any longer and started moving directly.

Perona decisively used the ability of the Ghost Fruit to summon the"transporting ghost", which saved time and effort.

In just over ten minutes, the power rock base was looted.

Afterwards, Qin Feng successfully returned the power rock to Kalina and Nami, and then Nami used the Cloud-Cloud Fruit to airlift this batch of super weapons back to the Sabaody Archipelago.

Under Qin Feng's meticulous plan, everything went extremely smoothly.

Early the next morning, Qin Feng was already in the Sabaody Archipelago.

Those who were stunned by Qin Feng's domineering aura began to contact the headquarters as quickly as possible.

"Headquarters, we've been robbed!!"

Zhan Guo was still dealing with the prison escapee, and he hadn't slept all night. He received such bad news this morning, and his blood pressure soared, and he almost fainted.

"Who on earth is that?!"Zhan Guo was furious.

On the other side, Qin Feng and others were eating breakfast, and Qin Feng couldn't help sneezing. After more than a month of not seeing each other, everyone missed Qin Feng very much, especially Nami, whose eyes never left Qin Feng.

""Everyone has worked hard during this period. Have you been training strictly?" Qin Feng asked

"Of course, each of us is strictly demanding ourselves and working hard to become stronger."Karina said first.

Nami glared at her and thought, you always say everything first, huh.

Qin Feng smiled, then said to Robin:"You have worked really hard during this period, did they not cause any trouble for you?"

"How could that be? The captain's crew are all super obedient."Robin explained with a smile.

Qin Feng nodded and said,"That's fine. After dinner, who will go out with me to buy something?"

Karina was about to raise her hand when she was mercilessly held down by Nami. Nami rushed to say,"I'll go with you, Captain."

In comparison, Karina had a big picture. She smiled and said,"Then we'll wait for you at the bar, Captain, enjoy your world of two." When

Tina heard about the world of two, she couldn't help but have a question mark on her forehead. What the hell is that!!

By the way, in the more than one month that Qin Feng was away, Karina, Robin and others opened a bar, which was across the street from Madam Xia Qi's bar.

In this way, Qin Feng and Nami went out to purchase, and the items purchased were mainly space-insulated materials, such as candle wax.

The power rock is currently stored in the underground wine cellar, but for safety reasons, Qin Feng still has to take another layer of protection measures.

On the way to purchase, Qin Feng could see navy soldiers searching everywhere.

""Captain, we've made a big mess this time." Nami whispered to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng smiled and said,"We're just getting started. What? Are you scared?""

"I'm not afraid. The captain is here. What should I be afraid of?"

"That's it. In this world, the more chaotic it is, the better. The more chaotic it is, the more opportunities we have to show our abilities. Chaos will make people lose their composure, and the enemy will not notice us."

"Haha, I understand."

Soon, Qin Feng purchased enough candle wax to wrap the power rock with another layer of protective cover.

Qin Feng and his companions had clear division of labor, and soon the power rock was installed.

With the tool in his hand, Qin Feng was very confident, and he couldn't wait to stuff the power rock into the holy land of Marijoa.

He wanted to see the Celestial Dragons turned into roasted suckling pigs, which was exciting just to think about.

That night, Qin Feng held a celebratory banquet, but unfortunately, the navy came to check on them halfway through the banquet.

Kalina was smart enough to take out 100,000 Baileys and send them away. Before leaving, the navy soldiers asked Qin Feng and others to eat and drink well and be careful of pirates.

Qin Feng smiled. It turned out that money can make the world go round.

The banquet continued, and Robin asked,"Captain, what are our plans for the next step? Should we launch a bombing operation immediately?"

"Don't worry, the Holy Land of Mary Geoise must be heavily guarded at this critical moment, and the bombing plan cannot be too rough, otherwise it will fail."Qin Feng replied.

Robin nodded and said,"Indeed, none of us has really been to the Holy Land, and we don't know the full picture inside."

Qin Feng thought for a while and said,"Holy Land? That's it."

Karina couldn't help asking,"Captain, have you been to the Holy Land?"

Qin Feng shook his head and said,"No, it is said that people standing on the road don't need to walk by themselves, the road will move by itself."

"Huh? Is that so amazing?"

"It is not magical. The so-called moving walkway is actually underground slaves turning the big roller day after day. Behind the glamor is the dirtiness."

"Oh... that's scary……"

Talking about slaves, Qin Feng suddenly thought of a good idea. Yes, there are countless slaves in the underground of the holy land of Mary Joa. Maybe Qin Feng can make something out of them.

Rather than suffering in purgatory all day in the dark underground, it is better to become a burning firework.

Again, Qin Feng is not a savior, let alone a saint. He has his own ideas and will live according to his own wishes, even if his behavior is not understood or approved by most people.

He is who he is, and he must be the most authentic himself.

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