Qin Feng's violent behavior quickly spread throughout the Navy Headquarters. Most people were hostile to this outsider, but Qin Feng didn't care about that.

At noon the next day, Qin Feng was summoned to the Marshal's office.

In the office, in addition to Marshal Sengoku, there were other naval cadres, including Admiral Kizaru, Aokiji, and various vice admirals.

Qin Feng looked like he was going to criticize everyone in the group, which was really great.

Qin Feng walked into the room calmly and said politely:"Marshal Sengoku, you are looking for me, what's the matter?"

Sengoku admired Qin Feng very much, and was going to hold a commendation meeting for him. He didn't expect Qin Feng to violate military discipline on his first day.

"Can you explain Papi's matter to everyone?" Zhan Guo whispered

"Papi? Who is Papi?" Qin Feng said with a blank expression.

Vice Admiral Ghost Spider showed a fierce look on his face and said,"It's the navy soldier whose head you tore off halfway."

Qin Feng pretended to be enlightened and said,"Ah, it's him, is he a navy soldier? A navy villain is more like"

"What do you mean? My men will not be allowed to be defiled by you." Ghost Spider was furious.

Qin Feng said disdainfully:"Your men? No wonder he behaves like shit. It turns out that you are his master. It's really disgusting. It's disgusting to the extreme."

"Bastard!!"Ghost Spider stepped forward angrily, and his colleagues around him pulled him back in time.

The two admirals Kizaru and Aokiji seemed to be watching the fun, especially Kizaru, with an intriguing expression on his face.

Qin Feng sighed, and then said to Zhan Guo:"Marshal, do you know why the navy can't catch pirates? It is because of the existence of trash like him that the internal friction is aggravated, calculating this and suppressing that all day long. You don't let such a person go to push the city to clean the toilet, but keep him as a lieutenant general. It's speechless."

Qin Feng's performance shocked several people in the office. Good man, now he even dares to confront the marshal?

Zhan Guo's face was livid, but Garp beside him showed a harmless smile.

Garp thought to himself, this young man, he really dares to speak his mind!! He has personality, I like it.

Garp's laughter attracted Qin Feng's attention.

Qin Feng looked at this extraordinary old man, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. In the battle of God Valley that year, he and Roger teamed up to defeat the master chef Rocks.

Through the powerful observation color, Qin Feng felt that the old guy's strength was indeed good, and he was even not inferior to Rocks.

This shows that Garp has been getting stronger, and age has not imposed too many restrictions on him.

But it's good this way, a good fight is called revenge.

"That's absolutely right." Garp agreed with a smile.

Zhan Guo hurriedly gave Garp a look and glared at him, saying,"Don't add fuel to the fire."

Then, Zhan Guo said to Qin Feng,"No matter what, you have caused personal injury to Papi, and you need to be responsible. How about this, since you have just arrived at the navy and don't understand the military regulations and discipline, you will be temporarily punished with a serious warning. This will not happen again. Do you accept it?"

Qin Feng smiled, and his smile was like a provocation.

Ghost Spider observed his words and stepped forward and said,"Marshal, look at his disregard for military discipline. If such a person stays in the headquarters, it will only ruin the reputation of the navy. I suggest that he be put in prison directly and let him reflect on himself."

How could Zhan Guo bear to put Qin Feng in prison? Isn't this a joke?

Qin Feng explained,"Marshal, I have some opinions about your punishment just now."

"you say"

"Listen to this first."

Qin Feng took out a shell from his pocket. This little thing is called"Yinbei". It is a specialty brought down from Sky Island. It can record and play sounds.

Soon, the Yinbei played the conversation in the restaurant yesterday. Papi's arrogant tone immediately made Zhan Guo furious.

This guy deserves it!!

Now it was Ghost Spider's turn to panic. Ghost Spider hurriedly explained:"Marshal, Papi overheard yesterday that they were carrying out a secret mission, so he questioned him. I didn't expect this guy to be so angry that he wanted to kill Papi."

Zhan Guo frowned and asked:"How do you know this? Were you at the scene at the time?"

"No." Ghost Spider replied

"Then what nonsense are you talking about to me? If you continue to make up stories and confuse right and wrong, don't blame me for dismissing you."

Zhan Guo was angry, and Ghost Spider could only listen.

Qin Feng, on the other hand, had a very satisfied look on his face. He liked to see others being unhappy with him but unable to do anything about him.

After the truth came out, Zhan Guo apologized to Qin Feng and said,"I'm sorry, Qin Feng, I didn't investigate this matter clearly. It's me who is incompetent as a marshal. The demerit is now added to Ghost Spider. Tomorrow, our headquarters will hold a commendation meeting to welcome you to join us."

Qin Feng didn't care about false reputation.

So, Qin Feng proposed,"Marshal, since I have just arrived at the headquarters, I believe that most people will not accept the title of Lieutenant General if I am awarded the rank of Lieutenant General. Let me propose that I have an open duel with Lieutenant General Ghost Spider. If I win by chance, from now on, Ghost Spider will bow to me. If I lose, it means that I am not strong enough, and I will not have the face to stay in the headquarters anymore."

Open duel? This is exactly what Ghost Spider wants.

Zhan Guo hesitated because he was afraid of accidents during the duel.

Ghost Spider is a hawk in the navy. He is ruthless and can do anything to achieve his goals, but he is still loyal to the navy.

"Marshal, you don't have to think about it. I accept his challenge and agree to an open duel. If I lose, don't even think about bowing to me, even if you take my life." Ghost Spider shouted loudly.

"Okay, it's a deal. Tomorrow at noon, we'll have a life-or-death game."

"Life and death game."

Zhan Guo hadn't said anything yet, and the two of them started playing a life and death game, which made Zhan Guo feel a little embarrassed.

Zhan Guo's friend He stood up and said,"You two are the backbone of the navy. The death of any one of you is a loss to the navy. Therefore, a life and death game is absolutely not allowed, and public duels are limited to just a little bit."

Zhan Guo nodded and said,"Just think of it as a martial arts competition. Do you two agree?"

Qin Feng said with a relaxed expression,"I agree"

"No problem." Ghost Spider said with a grim expression.

Qin Feng came out of the Marshal's office, and Tina ran over immediately and asked with concern:"How is it? Did the Marshal punish you?"

"Punishment? Why punish? I've told you, I'm right, I'm not afraid of anyone. Tomorrow at noon, I'll have a one-on-one duel with Ghost Spider, and I'll cut off all eight of his tentacles."

At this time, Taotu walked by, holding a famous sword, looking very domineering.

""People who talk big will swallow a hundred thousand needles." Taotu said coldly.

Qin Feng looked at Taotu for a few times and said lightly:"This is not as good as Tina's figure."

When Tina heard it, she blushed and scolded:"You can die without a fever!!"

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