The next morning, Nami, Karina and others began to move boxes in a daze. They encountered several robbers, but Perona easily defeated them.

Although Perona likes to make fun of people, once she integrates into the group, she will be very friendly and trustful to her partners.

Robin spent a whole day deciphering the contents of the parchment and sorted it out and handed it over to Qin Feng.

"Captain, the awakening of the devil fruit requires a strong spiritual force, which ordinary people with special abilities cannot reach at all. I am worried……"

Robin expressed her concerns in a subtle way.

Qin Feng certainly understood what she meant and replied,"Don't worry, let's put the fruit awakening aside for now. When the time is right, I will help you complete it."

"Help us?"

"Many things need to be done by oneself, but some things can be achieved without effort."

Robin didn't quite understand what the captain meant, and she didn't ask much.

In the next few days, several people continued to search for treasures in the black market of the Sabaody Archipelago.

That night, Qin Feng came to a tavern that was about to close. The owner of the tavern was Xia Qi, a mysterious woman.

Xia Qi was originally a pirate, but she retired 40 years ago. She was once hunted by Luffy's grandfather, Vice Admiral Garp. She always has a cigarette in her mouth, looks very young, and has a bold personality.

Qin Feng suspected that she was once a subordinate of Master Chef Rocks, and came here today to verify this.

Qin Feng came to the bar and wanted to order a glass of sake.

Mrs. Xia Qi, with a cigarette in her mouth, said lightly:"I'm sorry, sir, the store is closed."

"So early?"


Qin Feng sighed and said,"It's a pity that I can't drink Mrs. Xia Qi's wine. It's a pity."

Qin Feng said Xia Qi's name, which surprised her.

"Do you recognize me?" Xia Qi showed a strange smile.

Qin Feng did not answer, but took out a Western sword directly.

This sword was the gift given to him by the master chef Rocks. Although it had no name, Xia Qi recognized it at a glance.

Xia Qi's face was very solemn, and asked in a cold voice:"Boy, where did you buy this Western sword?"

"Can I have a drink now?" Qin Feng asked.

Mrs. Xia Qi put out the cigarette in her hand, and then made an exception and mixed a glass of wine for Qin Feng.

"The wine is very strong, I don't know if you are used to it." Xia Qi handed a glass of strong wine to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng shook the glass a few times and said lightly:"Thank you."

Qin Feng drank it all in one gulp, and his stomach suddenly churned with a hot taste. This wine is really strong.

"How much did you pay for this Western sword? I'll take it."Xia Qi said bluntly

"Priceless. Qin Feng replied.

Xia Qi tried to snatch it, but was shocked by Qin Feng's fierce domineering aura.

The red wine on the wine cabinet was shaken, and Xia Qi also realized that the man in front of her was not ordinary.

Xia Qi could count the number of people who could cultivate the domineering aura to this level on one hand.

"This young man is not simple. Mrs. Xia Qi couldn't help but sigh.

"so so"

"Can you tell me where you got this sword? I'm curious."

""Is Madam Xia Qi curious about the sword or the owner of the sword?"

Qin Feng's words were meaningful. Madam Xia Qi's face looked heavy after hearing this.

Judging from her performance, Qin Feng initially judged that she had a relationship with Rocks.

In order to further verify his guess, Qin Feng handed the rapier to Xia Qi and said,"For the sake of this glass of wine, I can lend it to you for a few looks."

Madam Xia Qi looked at the rapier carefully, and her eyes became a little blurry unconsciously.

Qin Feng saw that the time was ripe and did not hide it anymore. He said,"To be honest, Madam Xia Qi, this rapier was given to me by Master Rocks."

When she heard the name Rocks, Madam Xia Qi's expression became extremely solemn. She looked at Qin Feng in shock and said,"Rocks? Rocks.D.Gibber? He's dead, isn't he?"

"Some people are dead but still alive, some people are alive but already dead. Madam Xia Qi, what is your relationship with Master Chef Rocks?"

Qin Feng's tone was questioning, his eyes fixed on Xia Qi.

Xia Qi thought for a long time, then said:"Rocks was once my captain."

If so, Qin Feng's guess was correct. Decades ago, the pirate Xia Qi who was hunted by Garp was indeed a member of Rocks' crew.

"The captain is still alive, right?"Xia Qi looked at Qin Feng eagerly.

But Qin Feng was as cold as ice and responded:"You betrayed Rocks?"

"No, how could it be possible? How could I betray Rocks?"Xia Qi suddenly became emotional.

"What happened back then? How could the Rocks Pirates, who have the strongest combat power in the world, be defeated? Why did you go to the Valley of the Gods?"

These doubts have troubled Qin Feng for many years. When he was in the Endless Island, Qin Feng asked his master Rocks, but to no avail.

Xia Qi's memory suddenly went back to thirty years ago. Even though thirty years have passed since that battle, it is still vivid in her memory now.

After a long time, Xia Qi slowly said:"In fact, the one who really defeated us was not the powerful Roger Pirates, nor the navy hero Garp, but ourselves."

Xia Qi's words confirmed that in the battle of the Valley of the Gods that year, someone must have turned against them.

Although the Rocks Pirates gathered together to acquire huge wealth, Rocks, as a member of the D clan, is committed to overthrowing the rule of the Celestial Dragons.

"Why did you land in the Valley of Gods? Is there any great wealth there?"Qin Feng asked.

Xia Qi lit a cigarette, her deep eyes revealing a lot of mystery.

"You haven't told me yet, what is your relationship with Rocks?" Xia Qi asked

"He is my master"

"Impossible, Rocks never accepts disciples."Xia Qi said bluntly

"Believe it or not, in the future I will prove that I will kill those whom the master chef failed to kill, and I will rule the world that the master chef failed to rule. Thank you Madam Xia Qi for the wine, I will come again when I have time."

Qin Feng got up to leave, and coincidentally, at this moment, Rayleigh, who was drunk, came in from outside.

Obviously, from his decadent appearance, it can be seen that he not only drank too much, but also lost the bet.

Qin Feng was not interested in Rayleigh, and even had hostility, just because he was a member of Roger's pirate group.

Rayleigh's observation Haki felt that Qin Feng was unusual. Who is this person? Why did he appear here?

Rayleigh walked slowly towards Qin Feng, and Qin Feng couldn't help but want to spar with him.

Under the confrontation of armed Haki, the whole tavern was about to collapse.

Madam Xia Qi's face was solemn. Obviously, she didn't expect Rayleigh to come back at this critical juncture.

"Where did this brat come from? His fists are quite strong."Rayleigh said with admiration.

"There are things that are harder than your fist. Do you want to try it?"

"How about going out and competing?"

"Just what I wanted."

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