It was agreed that one person would fight against an entire country, but in the end, the master and the apprentice fought side by side.

Fortunately, there were no enemies that could hold Zoro back in the first half of the Grand Line.

The two fought their way from the outer palace to the inner palace, and encountered many loyal palace guards on the way.

They were armed with guns and vowed to protect the country.

In Qin Feng's view, they seemed loyal, but in fact they were stupid.

Guarding the corrupt rulers was equivalent to helping the tyrants.

Facing these people, Qin Feng said bluntly:"Surrender your guns and you will not be killed."

Most people were frightened and put down their weapons one after another, and a few people mustered up the courage to rush forward.

But in a flash, they were stunned by Qin Feng's domineering aura.

Zoro thought it would be a fierce battle, but he didn't expect that he would become a soy sauce boy in a second.

Soon, Qin Feng came to the palace, where he saw a huge throne.

The person on the throne was Walpo, the king of the magnetic drum island, and the ability user of the swallow-swallow fruit.

The swallow-swallow fruit belongs to the superhuman system and has a relatively abnormal ability.

The ability user can swallow anything, including any material and living things.

When eating, Valpo's mouth will become larger, so that he can eat huge objects.

Anything he eats can become a part of his body.

For example, if he eats a cannon and a cannonball, he can transform his arm into a cannon to snipe the target.

The most perverted thing is that when he swallows the ability user, he seems to be able to use the ability of the swallowed person.

It's a waste for such a person to eat this fruit.

""Who are you? How dare you attack the palace?" Walpo said angrily.

Qin Feng said coldly:"The one who wants you dead."

Then, Qin Feng signaled Zoro with his eyes, asking him to take action to solve the problem.

Zoro was naturally overjoyed, with an arc of excitement on the corners of his mouth. He could finally make a shining debut.

At this time, Zoro was holding the world's number one black knife, Ye, and his whole state was unknown. The level has improved by many levels compared to when he first got on the ship. The angry Walpo directly used the ability of the Swallow Swallow Fruit, and blasted Zoro with his tongue cannon.

"I'll blow you to pieces!!"

Valpo turned his tongue into the cannon he had swallowed before and fired it with great power.

The cannonballs bombarded Zoro, but Zoro did not dodge, but confidently swung out the Black Blade Night.

As everyone knows, Black Blade Night cuts cannonballs as smoothly as cutting melons.

The powerful cannonballs were cut in half, fell on both sides, and then exploded.

The inner hall of the palace was in a mess.

Valpo did not expect Zoro to be so powerful, so he did not dare to be careless, and then used his ultimate move.

The Royal Iron Bucket Crown Seven-shot Iron Cannon, seven muzzles, seven shells, like a Gatling gun.

"Go to hell."

Seven shells came at him again, and Zoro gritted his teeth and used his sword style.

"One-sword style, tornado!!"

The black sword night drew a whirlwind, the power of the whirlwind became stronger and stronger, and directly rolled all seven shells into the sky.

Qin Feng looked at the performance of his apprentice Zoro and couldn't help but applaud.

"Interesting." Qin Feng praised with a smile.

Now, Valpo was completely panicked. He only knew these two tricks, and now he was completely finished.

At the critical moment, Valpo opened his mouth wide, showing a terrifying side, trying to scare Zoro away.

However, Zoro was not afraid of death, so how could he be afraid of his stinky mouth?

The next second, Zoro's powerful slash directly knocked Valpo down, and Valpo fell to the ground seriously injured.

Valpo looked like a mountain, but in fact he was as fragile as thin paper.

Qin Feng came to the seriously injured Valpo and stepped on Valpo's wound, causing Valpo to scream in pain.

"Do you have anything else to say now?"Qin Feng looked down at Valpo and said

"Don't kill me, spare my life, I will do whatever you say"

"Do you listen to me in everything?"

"Yes, I will do whatever you say."

Qin Feng sneered and said,"I'm sorry, you are of no value to me. But I don't plan to kill you right away, but let you bleed to death. Don't you hate doctors? Well, I want you to experience for yourself the feeling of being injured without a doctor." It must be said that Qin Feng's trick was brilliant.

After getting rid of Valpo, Qin Feng hung the seriously injured Valpo on the wall of the palace and summoned residents from all over the country.

Under the instigation of Nami and Kalina, the residents of the island went to the palace one after another.

The residents of the island have suffered from Valpo's rule for a long time, and they have been angry but dared not speak out. Now a hero has stood up and the whole country celebrates.

Qin Feng looked at the smiling faces of the people under the wall, and suddenly felt that doing this was very meaningful.

Qin Feng picked up the microphone and said to the people of Magnetic Drum Island in a loud voice:"The rule of Valpo ends here. From now on, no one, no group, and no force is allowed to exclude doctors. The Magnetic Drum Island, which was originally a medical power, is back."

Everyone raised their hands and cheered. The dark clouds dispersed and hope finally came to the world.

"From now on, Magnetic Drum Island will give preferential treatment to doctors. I hope that there will be no more injuries on Magnetic Drum Island in the future."

Qin Feng's words were not simply to incite the masses, but more of a true expression of his feelings.

Although Qin Feng has mastered the skills of killing, he is kind at heart.

In this way, with the unanimous approval of the people of the island, Qin Feng became the new king of Magnetic Drum Island.

The first thing Qin Feng did after taking office was to distribute the treasury that had been looted and accumulated by Walpo to all residents on the island.

Each resident received about 300,000 Baileys, which greatly solved the problem of food and clothing for the residents.

Qin Feng implemented a series of preferential policies for doctors to attract outstanding doctors from outside the island to return home.

They were originally native residents of Magnetic Drum Island and were forced to leave their homes and wander outside. Now that the old forces have been overthrown, they naturally want to return to the embrace of their hometown.

Qin Feng changed the entire country in just half a month.

Nami and Kalina were strolling on the streets, looking at the thriving scene in front of them, and they couldn't help but admire it from the bottom of their hearts.

"The captain is really amazing, not only a good captain, but also a good king!!"Nami exclaimed

"Yes, yes, I really love our captain. When I grow up, I must marry the captain."

"You are shameless"

"What? Are you jealous? If you are jealous, you can marry the captain too, and we can be together."

The two sisters quarreled and laughed at the same time.

Although Kalina and Nami are not very old, they understand many things, because girls are mature in mind.

On the other hand, Qin Feng has been the king for a month and feels that it is enough. There is no point in doing it any longer.

So, he decided to continue his adventure.

Wait, Qin Feng suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten something.

Chopper, Chopper has not been found yet.

The Drum Island is not big or small. For Qin Feng, who has the top observation color, it is not difficult to find a little elk.

Qin Feng prepared to go into the mountains as soon as he said. Before leaving, Qin Feng asked Nami to buy ten kilograms of marshmallows.

Chopper likes sweets, as everyone knows.

"Captain, why did you buy so many marshmallows? Eating too much candy will give you a toothache."Nami said with concern

"You're still talking, you've eaten two and a half kilograms in just a short while." Qin Feng said in a sweat.

Nami said awkwardly:"Oh, Captain, I'm a girl."

Qin Feng took the remaining marshmallows and said:"I'm going out to do something, you just stay in the palace"

"Well, all right, Captain, come back soon."

"I've prepared dinner and am waiting for you, Captain." Kalina also said playfully.

Every time Kalina acted like this, she would receive Nami's eye roll.

But Kalina didn't care. The more Nami acted like this, the more she enjoyed it.

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