While Nami was dealing with the evil dragon, Zoro also defeated the octopus fishman.

Although Zoro was injured, he was generally remarkable, at least much stronger than when he was in the gym.

In the following time, Qin Feng began to frantically capture the fishmen in Cocosia. Based on the principle of cutting the grass at its roots, Qin Feng caught all the fishmen in one fell swoop.

Even though a few of them escaped into the sea, Qin Feng still pursued them relentlessly, and chased them for five kilometers with his observation Haki.

Zoro was moved by Qin Feng's perseverance.

He said to Qin Feng for the first time:"Master, you are really brave."

Qin Feng smiled and said:"Do you know why I take my enemies so seriously?"

"Because they can be exchanged for bounties."

Qin Feng immediately punched him and said,"Stupid, do I care about those hundreds of thousands of people?"

Kalina smiled and said,"The captain is worried that those fishmen will retaliate, so he is chasing them relentlessly."

Qin Feng nodded and said,"Kalina is still smart."

The Arlong Pirates were wiped out, and the Cocosia Village finally saw the light. The villagers also got rid of their prejudice against Nami.

On that day, Nami's tears almost dried up.

In the next three days, Nami and Kalina returned all the treasures that the Arlong Pirates had robbed before, a total of more than 30 million Baileys, covering more than 20 villages.

Qin Feng's heroic deeds spread in these 20 villages, and some villages even wanted to build sculptures for Qin Feng.

Qin Feng didn't care about these false names.

Soon, Qin Feng set sail again. Before leaving, Nami brought ten baskets of oranges.

Her favorite is oranges, especially the oranges from her hometown.

As for oranges, that is also Qin Feng's favorite. Back then, Qin Feng was a man who showed off his sugared tangerines and was hospitalized.

Seeing Qin Feng eating oranges so fiercely, Nami couldn't help but say,"Captain, although oranges are good, you can't eat them all the time. It's easy to get angry if you keep eating them."

"How much did I eat?"

"A whole basket, one hundred and eight"

""Oh my god!!"

After overthrowing the evil dragon, Nami has completely trusted Qin Feng, and her loyalty is directly maxed out.

Nami regards Qin Feng as a benefactor and the most trustworthy and trustworthy person in the future.

Now, Nami's only dream is to draw a map of the world and travel around the world with Qin Feng.

In the evening, Qin Feng had just finished teaching Zoro swordsmanship, and Nami ran over

"Captain, I have a few questions for you." Nami said carefully


Qin Feng and Nami came to the lounge, and Nami asked about her black fist that day.

""Captain, I always feel that the power does not belong to me. Are you helping me silently?" Nami asked

"This question is quite complicated. So, call Karina and Zoro over here and I will explain it to you all."

""Okay, Captain."

Soon, the three of them gathered together, and Qin Feng gave them some knowledge about domineering and fruit abilities.

The three of them listened attentively, as if they had opened up a new world.

"……So, if you want to improve your strength, there are two ways. One is to obtain a devil fruit and gain the power of the fruit, but the price is to be rejected by the sea and become a landlubber; the second is to concentrate on practicing domineering, which requires long-term and unremitting efforts. Compared with the first method, it is more difficult, but if you want to become the strongest among the strong, domineering is a must. I say this, do you understand?"

The three people nodded, and Zoro's eyes were full of desire to become stronger.

"In the future, you stay on the ship, and I will help you find the right devil fruit to improve your strength. The future battles will become more and more intense, and I don’t want you to hold me back."Qin Feng said softly.

Kalina said excitedly:"Don't worry, Captain, I won't hold you back. If I have to hold you back, it will be Nami who will hold you back."

Nami looked at Kalina angrily and said stubbornly:"I won't! I will be the captain's right-hand man."

The two girls quarreled non-stop, and Qin Feng said to Zoro:"Zoro, if you can choose, what devil fruit do you want?"

In response, Zoro said bluntly:"No, I don't want to take shortcuts. Eating a devil fruit will make you a capable person. Not only will you be a landlubber, you will also be restrained by seastone. The gain will not outweigh the loss. I want to concentrate on practicing domineering."

Qin Feng couldn't help feeling relieved when he heard this.

"Oh, you are ambitious, kid. I believe in you. I will practice the aerial slash a thousand times tonight."

"I understand. I'll go now."

Zoro has a strength, and this strength was always there before he became the world's number one swordsman.

Devil fruits are rare. One way to get them is to rely on chance, and the other way is to buy them on the black market.

There are too many uncertainties in chance. If Qin Feng wants Kalina and Nami to grow quickly, he can only rely on the second method.

At present, the total assets on Qin Feng's ship are less than 50 million Baileys, which is not enough on the black market.

Therefore, Qin Feng will continue to be a bounty hunter for a while. So,

Qin Feng will target one of the most powerful pirate groups in the East China Sea - the Creek Pirates.

Creek has more than ten pirate ships and hundreds of followers.

Qin Feng has an impression of the Creek Pirates. In the original work, they offended Hawkeye on the Grand Line and were chased by Hawkeye all the way from the Grand Line to the East China Sea.

Because the other side has too many people this time and has guns and heavy weapons, Qin Feng does not plan to let Kalina and others go.

Before going to bed at night, Kalina listed all the information of all the members of the Creek Pirates and handed it to Qin Feng

"Captain, you must pay attention to safety." Kalina said with concern.

Qin Feng looked at the information and praised:"Well done, Kalina, where did you collect this information?"

"They are all on the black market. As long as the price is high enough, you can get the information you want."

"So how much did you spend this time?"

"Two hundred thousand Baileys, Captain, do you think it's too expensive?"

Qin Feng shook his head and said,"It's not expensive, just take the money from the warehouse. Thank you for your hard work." Kalina smiled brightly and said,"It's not hard to share the captain's worries."

Now there are two beds in Qin Feng's room, one bed for himself, and a big bed placed in the original place of the bookcase, where Nami and Kalina sleep.

Before going to bed, Qin Feng found that Nami's shoulder was wrapped in gauze, and asked curiously,"Nami, is your shoulder injured?"

Nami said a little panicked,"It's okay, it's a minor injury"

"How did it happen?"

Nami explained:"I had a tattoo of the Dragon Pirates on my shoulder, but I washed it off, Captain, I was afraid you would mind."

Qin Feng was moved and relieved when he heard this.

"Don't forget to apply medicine every day to prevent the wound from getting infected."Qin Feng said with concern

""Yes, Captain." Nami nodded.

Then, Kalina asked,"Captain, do you have anything you like? I'm going to tattoo your favorite thing on my body with Nami."

"This is not necessary, hahahaha"

"No, no, tell me, tell me quickly!!"Karina urged.

Qin Feng thought for a while and answered:"Five-leaf clover."

Karina asked doubtfully:"Five-leaf clover? I have only heard of three-leaf clover"

"Ordinary clover has three leaves, and special clover has four leaves, representing luck."

"What about the five-leaf clover?" Nami asked

"The five-leaf clover means the devil is hidden."Qin Feng suddenly said with a cold expression���

Nami was startled and said,"Captain, do you want to be a demon?"

""Don't you think being a devil is cool?" Qin Feng asked.

Nami and Kalina looked at each other and said nothing.

When Qin Feng was a child, he watched cartoons and had to choose between an angel and a devil. He would definitely choose the devil. This might be related to his rebellious mentality at the time.

Then, Nami took a deep breath and said,"Since the captain wants to be a devil, let's be devils too.""

"Yes, the captain is the big devil, and we are the little devils"

"I want to tattoo the five-leaf clover on my shoulder." Nami snapped her fingers and said

"I want to tattoo it on my chest, hehe!!"Karina said in a teasing tone.

Nami rolled her eyes at her, thinking you are so coquettish.

Qin Feng said:"Go to bed, we still have things to do tomorrow."

"Good night, Captain."The girls said together

"Good night."

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