Cat Viper and Inuarashi both have the title of the Nine Red Scabbards. In order to save them, Oden was willing to be boiled in a cauldron. They are eager to avenge Oden, but now the Wano Country is suppressed by Kaido, the King of Beasts, and Kurozumi Orochi, and they are no match at all.

But now the arrival of Qin Feng has given them hope.

Qin Feng's deeds have long been spread all over the sea. In the battle of Marineford, he was able to defeat the world's strongest man, Whitebeard. Everyone knows how strong he is. If Qin Feng can help to restore the country together, it must be a blessing from God.

Cat Viper and Inuarashi were very excited and happy, and expressed their willingness to do their best to assist Qin Feng in defeating Kaido.

In this regard, Qin Feng smiled and said,"I am very happy that you can trust me, but Kaido is not someone who can get the upper hand just by having more people. You just lead the way, and leave the rest to me."

""Okay, Lord Qin Feng, we the Mink Tribe will definitely obey you." Cat Viper said with a clenched fist.

Duke Inuarashi also expressed his opinion,"Lord Qin Feng is extremely powerful. With your full support, we will definitely be able to avenge Kaido."

The war is about to begin. Nami, Kalina and others are getting nervous. Zoro is even more eager to fight, because fighting will make Zoro stronger.

Perona is also very excited. Now she can harvest another batch of new zombies. That's great.

However, Qin Feng has his own plans for this trip to Wano Country.

Qin Feng faced Cat Viper and Duke Inuarashi with a serious expression and said seriously,"I know that you two are loyal and righteous. I don't have a deep friendship with you, but I have heard of your deeds. You used to be Roger's subordinates."

Cat Viper and Inuarashi looked at each other, and then nodded in acknowledgment.

"There are some things I have to say up front. I am helping you to restore your country, not without any desires. Wano Country is now ruled by Kaido and Kurozumi Orochi. I want to defeat them and become the new ruler. Do you understand what I mean?"

This was too straightforward, and Qin Feng did not add any embellishments.

Kalina hurriedly stepped forward to explain:"Lord Cat Viper, Lord Duke, our captain means that he can help you defeat Kaido, but hopes to be on good terms with Wano Country in the future. Our captain is now the king of Drum Island, and he treats his people and subordinates very well. He is a kind king, so don't worry too much. Our captain is completely different from Kaido and others."

Nami and Robin also stepped forward to explain this point.

Cat Viper and Inuarashi remained silent, or in their subconscious, friends are more important than anything else. Before, the only ally of Wano Country was Zou, and they have been brothers with the"Kozuki Family" for hundreds of years.

Qin Feng continued,"Revenge is just another form of military struggle.

In fact, there is no difference in essence.

In the New World, the strong prey on the weak and the strong are respected.

Kaido conquered Wano Country with force back then, and I defeat him with force now.

The essence of the behavior is the same.

So, you don't have to put on the cloak of justice for me.

What I value is the resources of Wano Country.

But there is one thing I can guarantee, under my rule, Wano Country will only get better and better, and the people will be free from hunger.


Qin Feng's words were very pertinent and were also his true feelings.

Qin Feng was not a philanthropic adventurer, like Luffy and others in the original novel, who worked hard for the restoration of the country without asking for anything in return.

Selfishness is human nature, and it is also a necessary attribute for survival in this sea.

After hearing what Qin Feng said, Cat Viper and Dog Arashi obviously hesitated, and their attitude towards Qin Feng was not as trusting and enthusiastic as before.

In their opinion, Wano Country should eventually be ruled by the Kozuki clan, which has been unbreakable in their subconscious for hundreds of years.

"I'll give you some time to think about it. It's up to you whether you want to go with me or not. I will respect your ideas."

Qin Feng said and walked away.

Robin followed Qin Feng's footsteps. In a secluded place, Robin couldn't help but said,"Captain, were you too impulsive just now?"

Qin Feng lit a cigarette and said with a smile,"Why? Even you think I'm impulsive?"

"Yes, in my impression, the captain is a meticulous person who does things without leaking anything.

Your words just now are obviously deliberately showing your intentions.

Although Nami and I know what kind of person the captain is, in the eyes of Cat Viper and Inuarashi, your intention to occupy is too obvious.

They are both people who value friendship and loyalty, and it will be difficult for them to understand you.

The initial trust will also go down the drain with what you just said.

"Robin is right.

Qin Feng could have said nothing and used the excuse of"restoring the country" to fight desperately with the fur tribe.

Robin doesn't understand Qin Feng, and Qin Feng doesn't blame her because there are some things Robin doesn't know yet.

At this time, Karina also came over.

She persuaded Qin Feng and said,"Captain, after we conquer Wano Country, we don't have to be the king ourselves.

According to my understanding, the fur tribe and the Kozuki tribe are very loyal and loyal.

If we help them complete the restoration of the country, they will definitely regard us as heroes.

At that time, we can still share the resources of Wano Country.

In this way, the result is the same, but the captain's reputation is obviously better than being the king himself.

What do you think?"

Qin Feng shook his head and said:"I don't need that kind of empty reputation. I like to be pragmatic. Besides, do you know why I want to rule Wano Country myself instead of letting the Kozuki clan rule it?"

"Why?" Karina and Robin asked at the same time.

"Because there is an enemy of mine in the Guangyue clan, and I hate him more than anyone else in the world." Qin Feng responded

"Ah?" Kalina suddenly realized. No wonder the captain was like this.

""Did he do something so unscrupulous that the captain would hate him so much?" Robin asked.

"Let me tell you this, I would rather not be the king of the world than kill him with my own hands. Can you understand my obsession? Robin"

"I understand. I'm sorry, Captain. I apologize for my attitude just now. I didn't know you had such an embarrassing past."Robin apologized.

"It doesn't matter, you don't understand me, I understand you."

At this time, Kalina said angrily:"Captain, where is your enemy now? Let's catch him together, make him pay with blood, tie him up and feed him to the sharks."

"He is hiding now, don't worry, he will show up when the time comes."

That's right, the enemy Qin Feng talked about is the number one public enemy in the pirate world, Kozuki Momonosuke, but Momonosuke does not exist at the current time node.

In the year 1504 of the Sea Calendar, his mother Kozuki Toki used the time fruit to send Momonosuke, Kanjuro and others to 20 years later, that is, in the year 1524 of the Sea Calendar, which is six years away from now.

Six years, Qin Feng still has to wait for six years to kill that bastard with his own hands, thinking about it, he is really impatient.

After a while, Cat Viper and Inuarashi found Qin Feng again, and Cat Viper said slowly:"Lord Qin Feng, the people of Wano Country are living in dire straits now. Inuarashi and I sincerely hope that you can help. Even if you rule Wano Country in the future, it will be a hundred times stronger than it is now. Therefore, our people are willing to obey the orders and instructions of Lord Qin Feng, and fight Kaido and Orochi together."

Qin Feng smiled and said:"Thank you for your trust, we will get up and set off early tomorrow morning to Wano Country"


Qin Feng has some knowledge about Wano Country.

Wano Country is a special area, with no coastline and only cliffs and waterfalls around. There is an inland sea after going up, and in the inland sea there are the main island of Wano Country and Onigashima. The main island is divided into six areas, namely: Kuri, Hime, Usagi, Suzuko, Hakumai, and Hana-no-Miya.

Wano Country is an extremely xenophobic country that has not joined the World Government.

Wano Country's only ally is"Zou".

Hundreds of years ago, the fur tribe of Zou had signed a firm alliance with the"Kozuki Family", the ruler of Wano Country, and they called each other brothers.

Because Wano Country is a closed country, there is a Some technologies not available overseas, the seastone that is spread all over the world was born in this country, but the forging technology is unique to the craftsmen of Wano Country, and it can be processed into the size of nails.

It is also possible to control the purity of the seastone in the seastone handcuffs, so that the ability users cannot use their abilities after wearing them but still have the strength to do hard labor.

The historical text stele was also made by the Kozuki clan of Wano Country.

The most critical point is that according to the original historical text deciphered by Robin, the ancient weapon"Pluto" is buried in Wano Country.

Therefore, Qin Feng must definitely take down Wano Country. This is the same as Momonosuke's death, there is nothing to say.

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