Of course, Judge knew about the Power Rock, a weapon that was comparable to ancient weapons.

When he was young, Judge was a scientist and worked with Vegapunk.

"How did you get the Power Rock?"Jage looked at Qin Feng with a serious expression and asked.

Qin Feng smiled and said,"I was a navy admiral before. Marshal Zhan Guo gave it to me as a reward before I left. How about it? This gift is quite sincere, right?"

"Zhan Guo will never give the Power Rock to anyone, you stole it."Jage said bluntly

"Whatever you think, I have brought the gift, now it is your turn to express your opinion, whether it is okay or not, give me a straight answer, I am tired of people dithering with me."

After thinking it over again and again, Jiazhi decided to agree to establish an alliance with Qin Feng, and promised to build 100 sets of combat uniforms within a month.

"One hundred sets are too few, at least one thousand sets." Qin Feng said, putting pressure on

"One thousand sets is impossible. Never question me with your ignorant mind. Now that we have established an alliance, you must trust me unconditionally."

Qin Feng smiled and said,"Okay, let's start with one hundred sets."

After the two sides reached a consensus, the two returned to the ship. At this time, Taotu and others also visited the many technologies of the Vinsmoke family, among which the bloodline gene technology was the most advanced.

Qin Feng felt that this technology was against human ethics, so he was not interested.

"Okay, the deal is done, we should go." Qin Feng gestured to Taotu and the others.

Taotu and the others returned to Qin Feng. At this time, Qin Feng looked at the sexy Reiju and asked,"What's your name?"

Reiju was stunned, then replied,"Vinsmoke Reiju"

"Ah, she looks weird."


"Now I sincerely invite you to come on board with me. I will take you to visit the New World. Do you mind?"

Reiju's heart skipped a beat. As the eldest daughter of the Vinsmoke family, it was impossible for her to leave the family.

Judge was the first to disagree, and said bluntly:"No, she can't leave my sight."

Qin Feng smiled and said:"Why? Are you afraid that I will do something bad to her?"

Qin Feng wanted to take Reiju as a hostage. Judge knew Qin Feng's purpose very well, so Judge was firmly opposed.

Reiju said:"Sorry, I'm not interested in the New World."

Qin Feng did not force her, and said:"Okay, I always respect personal wishes."

After that, Qin Feng walked directly to Reiju and whispered a few words in her ear.

In an instant, Reiju's face changed.

""Think about it carefully, and let's go." Qin Feng patted Reiju's shoulder and said.

Then, Qin Feng turned around and left with Taotu and others.

After returning, the jealous Tina asked:"What did you tell her secretly?"

"She said her butt was so nice, her legs were so long, and her face was so sexy." Qin Feng replied

"you……"Tina glared at Qin Feng and clenched her fists in anger.

Taotu advised:"Tina, it's obvious that he is trying to make you angry, don't be fooled."

Qin Feng felt that sometimes, Tina was too controlling, and a master should have the dignity of a master.

"Taotu, when Reiju gets on board, you will be responsible for keeping an eye on her. With her by your side, that old fellow Judge won't dare to turn against us." Qin Feng said to Taotu

"How do you know she'll get on board?"

"If you don't have this much confidence, how could I think you were on the ship?"

Sure enough, not long after, Reiju sneaked out despite Judge's objection.

Reiju went straight to Qin Feng and asked,"Do you really know Sanji's whereabouts?"

Qin Feng smiled and said,"Of course, he is living a good life now, and he has also learned cooking skills."

"I want to see him"

"Bad timing"

"So when is the right time?"

"Wait, Dashiqi, start the boat. Qin Feng gestured to Dashiqi and said

""Okay, Captain!"

The moment Reiju stepped onto Qin Feng's ship, her freedom was completely restricted. After all, this was a pirate ship. However, Qin Feng did not abuse Reiju on the ship. Instead, everyone was very friendly to her.

Reiju had no intention of escaping.

That night, Reiju found Qin Feng and asked,"Are you lying to me? Did you deliberately trick me into getting on board? Do you want to restrain my father?""

"How can it be called a lie? You came on board voluntarily."

"But, are you really going to let me meet Sanji?"

"What about trust between people? Since I know you have a brother named Sanji, can I go back on my word?"

Reiju thought again and again, and said,"Okay, I'll trust you this time."

The ship sailed on the sea for a week, and several people came to Qin Feng's arsenal Dressrosas.

Today, Dressrosas has 50,000 elite soldiers, and each of them is a loyal warrior. Most of them do not know how to use domineering, but it doesn't matter. When they put on combat uniforms, their combat effectiveness will have a qualitative leap.

Qin Feng returned to Dressrosas and had a drink with Zephyr.

Qin Feng took the initiative to ask:"General, has the issue of military pay been resolved?"

"You are really amazing, where did you get so much money? This is the first time I have seen so much gold, the soldiers are all very happy"

"Haha, it's good to receive the money. I don't have to worry about the military pay in the future."

I have to say that Brother Ming is very reliable in doing things.

"How did the battle suit discussion go?" Zefa asked

"It's settled. The first batch of combat uniforms will be manufactured in a month, but the quantity will be a little less, only 100 sets." Qin Feng replied

"One hundred sets is indeed too few, but it doesn't matter. We can just pick out one hundred elites and let them serve as the first batch of combat suit trainers."

"Yeah, I think so too. In fact, we can train a small group of elite troops and sharpen them into the sharpest knives, and then stab them into the heart of the enemy."

"Hahahaha, you little bastard, you are really cruel"

"In war, it's either you die or I live. Being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself. Now we are facing not only the wanted by the navy, but also pirates and even the revolutionary army. The only thing we can rely on is ourselves."

"Well, I agree with your idea. Leave the training of the special forces to me."

"Thank you for your hard work. With you in charge of the base camp, I have much less to worry about."

Qin Feng and Zefa clinked their glasses.

"What are your plans for the next step?"Zefa asked

"Yes, I have"


"I am going to recruit the Whitebeard Pirates."

These words made Zephyr's expression stunned, and Zephyr said in shock:"Are you kidding me?"

"No, tomorrow my boat will sail into Whitebeard's territory, and I will go to find Whitebeard alone."

"So brave!"

"He is old, and he has to think about his sons."

Whitebeard values feelings the most, and Qin Feng sees this point, so he is very confident in his plan to recruit them.

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