Desolo's arrival gave Bakara confidence, and she began to gladly accept the challenge, and the game of betting on life and death officially began.

Before that, Bakara politely extended her hand and said,"Although I don't know who will win, I hope you can leave in a decent manner."

This is Bakara's usual trick. Before the game begins, she will shake hands with the opponent, steal the opponent's luck value, and make the opponent unlucky.

Qin Feng knew this, but still chose to shake hands with her. He wanted to see how perverted this lucky fruit was.

Before the game started, Desolo was high above and took the initiative to invite Doflamingo to take a seat.

"My friend, come over here and have a glass of champagne, let's enjoy this thrilling match together."Desolo said excitedly.

Ming Ge walked towards Desolo with the Overlord Step, and when he passed by Qin Feng, he did not forget to tease him.

"Don't let me down. Good luck to you."Ming Ge said to Qin Feng with a sneer.

Qin Feng looked relaxed and comfortable, with a smile on his face.

But as Qin Feng's crew, Tina and others were very nervous, especially Chopper, who was sweating profusely and looked quite cute.

At the beginning of the game, Qin Feng loaded the bullet and rotated the revolver, then pointed the muzzle at his temple and pulled the trigger.

""Ah!" Chopper couldn't help but scream.

This scream really scared the people around him.

Qin Feng turned around and said with a smile:"Don't be nervous, Chopper, I'm fine."

Chopper breathed a sigh of relief. This game of gambling was too scary.

The next wave was Bakara's turn. Bakara was also calm and composed. She had absolute confidence in her luck.

Sure enough, after Bakara pulled the trigger, the gun was empty.

"It's your turn." Bakara threw the gun to Qin Feng.

The revolver can hold six bullets in total, which means that Qin Feng now has a one-fourth chance of triggering the gunshot.

Desolo watched with great interest. It was also the first time he had seen this kind of game. He felt it was very interesting.

"I'm really a little nervous."Qin Feng picked up the revolver, pointed the muzzle at his temple and said

"Are you scared? Sorry, here, once the gambling starts, it is impossible to stop."Bakara said with a smile

"Afraid? You are wrong."

After saying that, Qin Feng pulled the trigger twice in a row, both of which were empty.

This shocked Bakara. How could this be possible? Obviously, his luck value had been plundered, how could he still be so lucky?

Now there was only a 50% chance of survival, and it was Bakara's turn to be nervous.

Qin Feng threw the revolver to Bakara and signaled:"Hurry up, it's your turn, you pull the trigger, either the gun goes off and you die, or the person who falls to the ground is me."

The atmosphere at the scene became solemn in an instant, and everyone's eyes fell on Bakara.

Qin Feng's majesty was gradually released, and Bakara felt unprecedented pressure. She was already sweating profusely.

She grabbed the revolver with trembling arms, then put the muzzle against her head, and then closed her eyes.

Time passed second by second, and everyone present was so nervous that they suffocated, and Chopper couldn't bear to look directly at it and covered his eyes.

Tina and Ain could only pray silently in their hearts.

Finally, Bakara gave up.

She put the revolver down and said breathlessly:"I give up, I admit defeat."

Qin Feng smiled and said,"Give up? Didn't you just say that? Once the gambling begins, it is impossible to stop. You have to decide life and death. Are you afraid?""


Yes, Bakara was indeed scared

"How about I help you?" Qin Feng continued to put pressure on Bakara, and she felt dizzy.

She cast a pleading look at her boss Desolo, and Desolo understood.

Desolo clapped his hands and said,"Excellent, wonderful. This is the most exciting bet I have ever seen. Sir, you win."

Qin Feng looked up at Desolo and said,"The bet is not over yet. Outsiders, please don't meddle in other people's business."

The next second, Qin Feng suddenly appeared beside Bakara and put a revolver to her head.

"Close your eyes and don't be afraid." Qin Feng said the most terrifying words in the most gentle voice.

Bakara broke down instantly and shouted:"Mr. Desolo, save me!!"

Desolo saw that Qin Feng was a tough guy, and his face instantly became extremely ugly.

Doflamingo fanned the flames and said:"My friend is a lunatic. Don't get along with him with normal thinking, otherwise you will always suffer."

Desolo showed an extremely cold expression and said:"Huh, I will never suffer."

Then, Desolo snapped his fingers, and Nami and Kalina appeared on the platform.

At this moment, most of the bodies of the two of them turned into gold, and there were bruises on their faces.

"Captain!!!" Nami and Kalina shouted for help.

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