"No way?"

"Didn't Qingyun teach you how to shoot the night before yesterday?"

De Zaya said ruthlessly.

"But he taught you last night, but he didn't teach us."

Nami, Kalina, and Miss Golden Week said in unison.

Dezaya, Kaya, Tashigi, and Carmen couldn't refute this, but they couldn't help but smile proudly.

Nami, Kalina, and Miss Golden Week were even more angry when they saw this.


"Don't be happy too soon."

"In two years, my figure will definitely be better than yours."

Nami said with certainty

"My figure will be better than yours too."

Kalina said confidently

"I... wuwuwu."

Miss Huang Jinzhou cried.

She knew her situation and really didn't have the confidence to

"Don't cry, don't cry"

"You will definitely grow up."

The girls hurriedly comforted him.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

At this moment, a huge vortex appeared not far in front of the Sea King, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

""It's coming."

Nami's expression immediately became serious.

Because she had studied it carefully, she knew that although this rising current could allow the ship to fly to the sky island, it also brought great danger. If you are not careful, the ship will be destroyed and people will die.

"What a huge vortex!"

"We are going to be sucked in!"

Except Qingyun, Noqi Gao and the others were more or less panicked when they saw this.

"Qingyun, let the Neptune follow this vortex"

"If I'm not mistaken, an upwelling current will form on the vortex soon, and we can also use the power of the upwelling current to fly to the sky island."

Nami came to Qingyun and said righteously


Qingyun nodded, and immediately followed Nami's instructions, controlling the Sea King to follow the vortex.


Not long after, the water on the seabed suddenly erupted, forming a huge upwelling current, which directly carried the huge Sea King into the air.

Fortunately, under Nami's reminder, everyone had already grabbed something stable, so they were not thrown away.

"As expected."

Nami looked at the rising current and felt very happy and proud.

"There really is an upwelling current!"

Looking at the upwelling current, Nojigo and the others were very surprised.

"It's so big!"

Qingyun already knew the story, but now seeing it with his own eyes, he was still a little surprised.

"This is an updraft."

Nami keenly discovered the updraft outside the updraft, and immediately said to Qingyun:

"Qingyun, hoist the sails"

"The rising air currents on the outer layer should be able to make the Sea King fly."


Qingyun did it immediately.

As expected, it was just as Nami said.

Nokiko and the others were all shocked and believed Nami even more.

"As expected of the navigator I have chosen, he is indeed the best in the world."

Qingyun praised with a smile


"Of course."

Nami smiled proudly.

Soon, the Sea King took advantage of the rising sea current and the rising air current to fly up into the clouds and landed on the unique sea of clouds of Sky Island.

"We are in the cloud!"

"Is this the legendary sea of clouds?"

Looking at the endless, white sea of clouds, Nami and the others were all shocked.

Qingyun was also shocked.

Although he had seen the sea of clouds in anime a long time ago, seeing it with his own eyes now was a completely different feeling.



Just when everyone was still shocked by the sea of clouds, two huge creatures suddenly emerged from the sea of clouds.

One looked like an octopus.

The other looked like a sea snake.

The former slapped the Sea King with its tentacles.

The latter opened its fangs and bit the women.


Even though Nami, Kaya, Kalina and Carmen had seen many huge and strange creatures, they were still frightened and screamed.

Because they were not combatants and did not have the power of devil fruits, they were very weak.

"Dashiqi, I'll give you the one in front."

"Weiwei, I'll leave the latter one to you."

"Leave the body behind."

Qingyun said to Dashiqi and Weiwei

"No problem."

Dashiqi and Weiwei said in unison.

Immediately, Dashiqi grasped the sword at her waist and jumped up, her eyes fixed on the attacking octopus tentacles.




Suddenly, she drew her sword and slashed continuously, and two sword energies were formed instantly, first cutting off the octopus tentacles, and then cutting off the octopus's head, directly killing the sea of clouds creature.

Dashiqi's talent was not low to begin with, and she had been learning gun skills from Qingyun for more than ten days, so her physical fitness and talent had been greatly enhanced.

Through Qingyun's professional guidance, Dashiqi's swordsmanship has not only been greatly improved, but she has also mastered the long-range attack of sword energy.

At the same time that Dashiqi killed the octopus, Weiwei also came to the sea of clouds creature that attacked from behind.

"Desert Sword!"

She stared at the attacking sea of clouds creature, raised her right hand calmly, and used the Desert Sword she had mastered.


Weiwei's right arm quickly turned into a sand blade, then it was released in a huge size, and quickly attacked the sea of clouds creature.


The huge sea of clouds creature was directly split in two by Weiwei's Desert Sword.

""How amazing!"

Nami and the others were shocked.

Although they already knew that Vivi and Tashigi had become stronger, they were still deeply shocked to see them kill such a huge sea of clouds in seconds.


After killing the sea of clouds creatures in seconds, Weiwei and Dashiqi's breathing quickened:

"The air here is... too thin."

The height of this sea of clouds is 7,000 meters, and the air is very thin.


Nami and the others nodded.

"But it is also a good opportunity to train and become stronger."

Qingyun said

"That's right"

"Training here will get you twice the result with half the effort."

All the girls agreed with Qingyun’s idea.

"Makino, Carmen, check if these two sea of clouds creatures are edible. If they are, cut off the best meat from them.

Qingyun looked at Makino and Carmen and said,


Makino and Carmen were very excited and went to check the bodies of the two sea creatures.

As a professional chef, Carmen was naturally interested in all kinds of ingredients.

Although Makino was not a professional chef, she was still very interested in cooking.

In addition, she had seen Carmen's gorgeous cooking skills and her love for cooking during this period.

In particular, she fell in love with Qingyun and wanted to make all kinds of food for Qingyun and Nami.

So she also wanted to be a real chef, often learning from Carmen, and now she is also interested in all kinds of ingredients.

"The record pointer is still pointing upwards, isn't this still a sky island?"

Nami looked up along the record pointer, looking at the huge and distant white sea above, she was very surprised and had a headache

"This is part of the Sky Island, but the real Sky Island is still up there."

Qingyun said with certainty

"How do we get up there?"

Nami was a little confused.

There is no seabed here, so the previous method is obviously useless.


"That person can actually fly over the sea of clouds!"

Suddenly, Kalina pointed at the person flying towards the Sea King and said in shock.

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