The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"I refuse!"

Kurouma refused mercilessly.

"We are now a community with a shared destiny!" Li En said angrily.

"I have no obligation to do such a thing, and without my consent, you can't eat the fruit at all. Your conditions are useless!"

Kurouma has seen the power of the devil fruit. That kind of power that completely exceeds its common sense must not be allowed to Li En.

"It's you who did it! Finally admitted it! Do you know what I missed? My rubber fruit!"

Thinking of the mythical beast species, Li En's heart was bleeding.

"I admitted it, what can you do to me!" Jiuuma gloated.

Li En's anger value was rising.


At this moment, Rean no longer had the heart to argue, because Aokiji had already launched an offensive towards him.

Everyone only saw four ice spears rapidly condensing in the air beside Aokiji.

"Four Thorn Spears!" With Aokiji's light shout, the four ice spears shot out like lightning.


Seeing this, Rean quickly used the "Six Styles" skill to retreat quickly, and those ice spears were deeply inserted into the ground.

Then, Rean did not show any weakness. He raised his right foot high, then swung it down suddenly, and a sharp slash left a deep mark on the ground like a surging wave, and he attacked Aokiji with amazing momentum.

This was the Storm Kick that Rean used with all his strength!

However, facing such a fierce attack, Aokiji remained calm and composed. He clenched his right fist, and a trace of cold air continuously emanated from his fist, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a crystal clear fist as hard as ice.

Then, Aokiji resolutely swung his right arm.


With a loud bang, a fierce shock wave spread in all directions, raising clouds of dust, making the surrounding pirates smack their lips.

And the mighty slash also collapsed under this blow, turning into countless crystal fragments flying around, reflecting Aokiji's face that was always as calm as water.

The strength gap is still so obvious!

"For a newcomer, your strength is quite good."

"But, in this war, you are not qualified to play on such a stage!"

Although Rean had expected the result of this attack, he was still a little unwilling. This was his full-strength attack!

Although Aokiji is not a general yet, his strength is so terrifying!

In his mind.

"Little boy, be angry about your weakness! Then I will lend you my power!" Kurama tempted, thinking about breaking free from the seal all the time.

"Shut up! Just watch my performance quietly!"

Kuroma was puzzled. Without borrowing its power, how could Rean have the confidence to compete with the ice man?

"Humph! Pretending."

At this time, Rean said calmly.

"Come on, Aokiji."

Aokiji's indifferent face finally changed a little, and a trace of surprise emerged.

Is this little boy confused? Can't see the difference in strength between the two sides?

Or is there any plan?

"If you want to bluff, then you are too naive!"

Aokiji rushed forward while speaking.

Ice·Hand Knife!

Aokiji put his five fingers together, and the ice condensed his entire forearm into an ice knife.



The blood dripped from the ice knife, and it pierced Li En's chest directly, and Li En vomited blood.

Aokiji was stunned.

"Why didn't you avoid it?"

In consciousness.

Jiu Lama said angrily.

"Little brat! Do you want to die?"

If Jiu Lama hadn't used his power to repair Li En's body in time, Li En would have died long ago.

"That's right, but I'm going to take you to be buried with me!"

"What did you say?"

In front of the sealed door, Li En said with a determined look.

"If you don't want to die, just give me the pure power!"

"Otherwise, we will die together!"

This is Rean's plan. If he wants to use Kurama's power perfectly, he can only threaten him with death. This is the only stake he has!

Inside the sealed door, Kurama stared at Rean's eyes, his eyes revealing determination and ferocity.

He thought to himself: This kid is serious! It has been a long time since anyone threatened him like this, and then he laughed.

"Hahaha! Take the power if you want it!"

"Just consider it as a reward for threatening me!"

Death, Kurama is not actually afraid of the tailed beasts.

The dead are not really dead, they will be reborn somewhere after hundreds of years.

Having said that, Kurama does not want to experience such a long sleep unless it is absolutely necessary.

Rean smiled, he won the bet!

The smile and the blood flowing from the corner of his mouth made the scene a little weird.

Aokiji drew back his hand knife, retreated quickly, and the expression on his face became extremely solemn.

What happened to this kid?

And the strange and strange breath emanating from him actually made Aokiji feel a sense of inexplicable fear!

Even Aokiji had such a feeling, let alone the ordinary pirates around him.

As time went on, the pressure in the air gradually increased, and the pirates who were still eager to try and ready to move began to retreat involuntarily at this moment.

Their eyes were full of astonishment and fear, as if they saw an existence beyond imagination.

The kid in front of him suddenly seemed to have changed into a different person.

"Does this amazing aura really come from just one kid?"

Someone murmured to himself, his voice trembling with disbelief.

"Even if he is a new member of the Red Hair Pirates, this strength is definitely beyond the standard!"

Another person echoed, his face full of shock.

The whole scene fell into a tense and weird atmosphere, and everyone's eyes were focused on the kid, looking forward to what would happen next.


Ahhh! Dark red Nine-Tails Chakra appeared on Rean's body and spread outward at a very fast speed, covering his whole body in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, three huge tails suddenly appeared behind Rean, swaying like a spirit of flames, and every swing brought a burst of hot wind and waves.

With the appearance of the three tails, the ground where Rean stood began to sink, as if it could not bear the powerful aura he was emitting at the moment, and it sank by more than three-quarters.

At this time, Rean was lying on the ground with his whole body, looking like a four-horned animal.

His limbs were tightly attached to the ground, slightly bent, ready to attack at any time.

Aokiji widened his eyes, looking at the completely changed Rean in front of him in disbelief, muttering to himself.

"The power of the devil fruit? But... this feeling doesn't seem to be it..."

At this moment, a strange thought suddenly flashed through Aokiji's mind.

He seemed to see a huge nine-tailed fox appear in front of him. The fox was as big as a mountain, and it exuded a terrifying aura that made people palpitate.

Its nine tails danced wantonly, as if to tear everything in front of it apart.

Aokiji was shocked by this momentum and retreated again and again, secretly amazed in his heart.

It seems that Aokiji still can't see the Nine-Tails in his body. Is there still a gap between his domineering and Shanks'? Rean thought.

That's good! No need to be restrained, just do it boldly! Rean thought, and at this time, Rean still retained a clear consciousness.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. In the sealed state, the power I can give you is limited."

"If you want to get stronger power, you can only resonate with me through anger!"

Then the seal will loosen! I can take the opportunity to get rid of this damn seal.

This is an important reason why Jiu Lama agreed to let Rean use his power at ease.

Rean could naturally guess Jiu Lama's little tricks, but it didn't matter. As long as his teammates didn't sacrifice themselves to the sky, he probably wouldn't go berserk.

He is a person with a calm mind.

Feeling the endless and surging power in his body surging like a tide, Rean thought to himself.

"Now I should have the strength to fight him, right?"

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up, and he suddenly waved his arms, and an incomparable powerful wave of air like a tidal wave swept forward with the force of a mountain crushing an egg.


There were only screams, and some unlucky pirates were directly swept into the air by this sudden strong wind.

However, only Aokiji stood there as steady as a mountain, motionless.

However, from the deep sunken shoe prints on the ground, it can be seen that he was also struggling to resist.

In the blink of an eye, the strong wind dissipated without a trace, and at this moment, the figures of the two began to shake rapidly, and they attacked almost at the same moment.

In an instant, the two fists collided fiercely, making a loud noise that shook the earth.

The extremely violent shock wave was like a volcanic eruption, knocking all the nearby pirates away.

Then, the two of them attacked at the same time.

They retreated backwards, and after their feet left four deep footprints on the ground, they finally stabilized their bodies and stopped retreating.

"What an amazing battle!"

"If you get caught in it, you're doomed!"

"Get away!" The surrounding pirates screamed in fear.


"Isn't this the power of the devil fruit?"

Although Aokiji couldn't see the Kurama in Rean's body, his keen intuition made him suspicious.

Rean smiled.


Aokiji's face was full of black lines. He said the same thing to Rean last night. Guess, do you think he is a child? Kids nowadays are really rude!

Lack of education!

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