Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 608

Charlotte Lingling's soul spell is an extremely domineering ability.

Through the form of questioning, the opponent's life is judged.

As long as a trace of fear is felt, the soul will be taken away by Lingling.

There is only one result of having the soul taken away, that is death.

Under normal circumstances, Charlotte Lingling's soul spell is ineffective against the CP0 general.

But she caught the opportunity very well. The CP0 general, whose Tao heart was exposed, already had a trace of fear of Charlotte Lingling in his heart.

Just a trace was enough for Lingling.

The white soul unconsciously emerged from the CP0 general's body and was spontaneously attracted by Charlotte Lingling's body.

"Not good!"

Feeling the fatal threat, the CP0 general fought desperately.

The green light suddenly appeared on his body, and the ability of the fruit of elimination was brought to the extreme.

There was a strange fluctuation in the air, and the boundary of space was erased by him.

Under Lingling's astonished eyes, the CP0 general disappeared from her palm and appeared dozens of meters away.

The casting of the soul spell was directly interrupted.

A small part of the lost soul power returned to the body of the CP0 general, and the rest was grabbed by Lingling and plundered, stuffed into her mouth and swallowed.

Some delicious smacked her lips.

"What a pity, only ten years of life!"

In a short period of time, the CP0 general had ten years of life plundered. His physical strength did not change much, but his body was visibly older.

"But where can he escape to?"

The flaw has been revealed, which is equivalent to planting the seeds of fear in his heart.

It is difficult to erase this seed in a short period of time.

If you can escape once, how many times can you escape?

Stretch out your hands.

Lingling used the soul spell again.

"Life or Die?"

However, unlike Lingling's expectations, the CP0 general did not change at all.

What happened?

Did she adjust her mentality so quickly?

Seeing this, Lingling, somewhat unwilling, tried twice more.

It also didn't work.

At this time, she noticed that blood was flowing from the ears of the CP0 general manager, and she knew that her soul spell had been cracked.

The soul spell is carried out through sound. If others can't hear the sound, it will naturally have no effect.

When Lingling used the soul spell for the second time, the CP0 general manager decisively broke her eardrums.

Causing herself to lose hearing and become immune to Charlotte Lingling's soul spell.

"It's really good, a lackey of the World Government, do you want to join the Big Mom Pirates and become my husband? Even the World Government dare not trouble you."

Seeing the CP0 general manager like this, Charlotte Lingling also had a heart of love for talent. Such a strong man, and the child born to her must be strong.

Hearing this, the face of the CP0 general manager under the mask twitched slightly.

The body is ready to continue fighting.

Seeing this, Lingling jumped into the sky with all her strength, and a floating cloud Homies fell from the sky, carrying Lingling's body accurately.

Lingling, holding Napoleon, abandoned the CP0 general and headed directly to the battlefield in the distance.

The CP0 general's face changed, and he hurriedly chased after him.

The battlefield was extremely chaotic, and Satan Saint became the target of many powerful pirates.

One after another, the big pirates broke away from their opponents and headed for Satan Saint.

And what about the navy?

Constantly blocking the big pirates attacking Satan Saint.

Originally, the battle between the strong was only in the core area, and basically there would be no change.

But as these monsters moved on the battlefield, many areas were affected, and even affected.

Whether it was the pirates or the world government, they all stayed away from these monsters to avoid suffering from unprovoked disasters.

After all, it was very easy for these monsters to kill you when they passed by.

At this time, the attacking party often took the initiative.

Even if the World Government has to add three more top fighters.

Ashura Rhinoceros Beetle and Ulquiorra joined forces with Ligaru Mammoth, Prometheus and Zeus to block four top fighters.

One member of the God's Guard left the melee.

One of the two top fighters summoned by Saint Satan.

At the same time, Saint Vulchuli left the battle with Redfield, Redfield hid, and there was another one.

Even with the advantage of three top fighters, it is still impossible to stop the many monsters of the Pirate Alliance.

After all, there are too many strong people with the ability to fly.

"Golden Lion" Shiki, "Demon King" Nash, "Tyrant Dragon" Zack, "Hundred Beasts" Kaido, "Weather Queen" XiaLot Linlin.

Typhon, the "King of Monsters", Reinhard, the "Titan", Atlas.

In this respect alone, in terms of mobility, they are superior to the World Government.

Saint Satan did not expect that it would be so difficult for him to summon a companion.

The use of the magic circle to teleport two top fighters consumed most of his remaining physical strength, and then he faced continuous attacks during the escape.

His condition declined sharply, leaving him no chance to recover.

No matter where he escaped, someone would chase him.

This is absolutely a shame for the proud Saint Satan.

But now, the pirate coalition that took the initiative to attack has led them by the nose.

Whether it is Saint Satan's ability or his identity, it will affect the hearts of many strong people.

"Then be careful, Satan, the support is on the way to the battlefield."

Saint Wouchuri has been informed of the situation on Saint Satan's side.

The government immediately decided to go directly to the Bloody Battle Island for support.

For the World Government, it is easy to dispatch several people with flying animal-type devil fruit abilities and bring support from many Celestial Dragon families.

If we wait for Satan Saint to summon us, it is unknown how long it will take.

Although there is no task to summon government support, the pressure on Satan Saint has not decreased.

For the Pirate Alliance, Satan Saint's ability is always the biggest threat.

It seems that he wants to kill Satan Saint directly, even if it costs some money.

Faced with this situation, Satan Saint no longer hides.

The figure disappears in the air and moves back to the rear in an instant.

This is his hidden ability, which he did not use after realizing that it would not work on Typhon.

He planned to use it as a killer to sneak attack others.

Now, in order to save his life, he had to expose it.

But this can't change anything.

"Ba Long" Zack rushed directly to the rear of the World Government to chase.

A terrifying slash came across the sky, as if to cut off the entire sky.

As soon as Zack avoided it, he was entangled by Maz Saint who was chasing him.

"Golden Lion" Shiki followed closely, but was stopped by the sudden appearance of Nasujuro Saint.

"Emperor Sword!"

Charlotte Linling fixed her eyes on Satan Saint in the distance.

She also targeted the rear base of the World Government.

With one slash, she wanted to deal a heavy blow to the logistics of the World Government.

After all, in the rear base, in addition to a large number of wounded, there are also many logistics personnel.

Once they suffer losses, it will have a huge impact on the entire logistics system and even the overall morale of the World Government.

"Bone Fist·Galaxy Impact!"

The punch wrapped in the domineering color domineering contains terrifying destructive power.

At this critical moment, Silver Axe, who had been fighting with Silver Axe, rushed over.

With a slight advantage, Garp defeated the great pirate Silver Axe.

Silver Axe fled to the rear to recover.

Charlotte Linling's slash faced Garp's full-strength Galaxy Impact.

The violent impact continued to collide, and the hurricane spread to the surroundings.

In just two breaths, Lingling's slash was suppressed and shattered in the collision.

A powerful force rose into the sky.

It bombarded Lingling's body.

Even if Napoleon was blocked in front of him, the floating cloud Homies under his feet could not withstand such a fierce impact.

Lingling was knocked down by the impact, and she looked a little embarrassed when she fell to the ground, but she was not injured.

As for the floating cloud Homies, no one knew where he was swept to.

The rear base must not be destroyed.

Satan Sheng also knew this, and even understood the thoughts of many monsters in the Pirate Alliance.

Faced with this situation, he could only compromise.

Recover some physical strength for a short time.

He took the initiative to find Typhon, and the two became opponents again.

The chaotic situation seemed to be back on track.

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