Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 498

In July, due to the pursuit of the World Government and the Navy, the Roger Pirates had to spend more time avoiding the sight of the Navy and the World Government.

"Black Dragon" CP0 General, Army General "Rain Dragon", two top combat forces of the World Government have set their sights on them.

They are the objects of Roger's close attention.

Even for Garp, Roger doesn't want to get entangled.

Once these two monsters with flying ability are set their sights, it will be endless trouble.

The strength of Army General "Rain Dragon" is not a threat to them, so they don't take it seriously.

The powerful CP0 General may be a little troublesome, but it can also be dealt with.

But this is in the case of head-on confrontation.

If they just stay in the air and follow them, then Roger Pirates will have no way to deal with them.

Realizing this, Roger fully uses his abilities to play hide-and-seek with the Navy World Government.

Sometimes the World Government and the Navy determine the approximate location of Roger Pirates, but they just can't find it.

However, the government and the navy are not worried. The front part of the New World is their territory. No matter how hard they try to hide, there are some places they must go.

In the first half of the Grand Route, the area near the Red Earth Continent, the area with coating materials is mainly in the Sabaody Archipelago.

In other words, if you want to go to Fishman Island, the Sabaody Archipelago is the only way for Roger's pirates.

Even if it is an illegal coating place, it is not too far from the Sabaody Archipelago.

The World Government can turn a blind eye in normal times.

Now, in order to deal with Roger's pirates, they will never miss any opportunity.

In this must-pass place, the Navy and the World Government are ready.

Lay a net of heaven and earth, like a dragon's den and a tiger's lair.

This is also an open conspiracy. Coating is not something that can be coated casually.

No matter what, Roger's pirates have to try.

The bounty for "Devil" Roger has risen to 5 billion Baileys in these years.

The bounty for Vice Captain Rayleigh has reached 3.6 billion.

Jabba's bounty has reached 2.5 billion.

Kozuki Oden's bounty is 1.3 billion.

The overall bounty of Roger's Pirates has exceeded 20 billion berries, close to 30 billion.

This is an astonishing amount, and it was the most popular at the time.

Even "Golden Lion" Shiki is lower than Roger, with a bounty of only 4.8 billion berries.

The World Government began a policy of praising and killing, wanting Roger's Pirates to be enemies all over the world, especially the Hiku Pirates to wage war against Roger's Pirates again.

Unfortunately, the Hiku Pirates did not buy into this, and did not make any moves during this period.

On the contrary, the prestige of Roger's Pirates has been increasing during this period.

The Hiku Pirates are the first level that Roger's Pirates have to overcome.

It has passed, but this does not mean that they can fly freely.

The World Government and the Navy are the real mountains they have to face.

Although they had escaped from the encirclement of the Navy and the World Government many times before, the government and the Navy were more prepared later.

The Roger Pirates avoided all the spies and quietly came to the vicinity of the Sabaody Archipelago.

They got some coating materials in the Sabaody Archipelago.

All the Roger Pirates needed was the coating materials, and there were coating craftsmen on the ship.

The entire Sabaody Archipelago was full of spies from the World Government and the Navy, and all the islands were under surveillance. The Roger Pirates would be discovered as soon as they approached.

Even this made the Roger Pirates extremely uncomfortable.

If they couldn't get the coating materials, they couldn't go to the New World, unless they returned to the North Sea or the West Sea and went to the New World through the four seas.

But this was contrary to their goal of completely circling the world.

For this reason, in the underground world, through various relationships, they contacted a force willing to provide them with coating materials under the pressure of the World Government and the Navy.

The value of a coating material is not only 300 million Baileys.

The Roger Pirates still need to go to the Sabaody Archipelago to get it.

The World Government and the Navy's control of coating materials will undoubtedly offend the pirates of the entire New World.

After all, the New World needs fresh blood from the Four Seas and the first half of the Grand Route.

It even affects the commercial trade of various forces.

Over time, various forces will put pressure on the Navy and the World Government.

"Golden Lion" Shiki will definitely not miss this opportunity, and it just happens that he can't show his influence as a "pirate admiral".

But just dealing with the Roger Pirates, before facing the pressure of those big pirates in the New World, there is no problem.

The price of 300 million Baileys is undoubtedly hundreds of times the original price, but the Roger Pirates still accepted it.

For a smooth journey, any price can be accepted.

Moreover, the value of 300 million Baileys is more reasonable,After all, the forces in the dark still need to deal with the pressure from the government and the navy.

Next, they will most likely face liquidation, which is equivalent to trading their lives with them.

Roger's pirate group does not have so many friends, and very few people will risk their lives to help Roger and his group.

Those who act in secret are naturally the major superpowers.

The Feikong Pirates are their support objects, but the performance of the Roger Pirates has also caught their eyes.

A living Roger Pirates is obviously more beneficial to them, and they also know about the history of the blank hundred years.

At the very least, the Roger Pirates cannot be allowed to fall now, and they need to hold on for a while.

It has to be said that the world government controls the inconspicuous coating material, and this small material is fatal.

It completely strangles the throat of the Roger Pirates.

In order to obtain the coating material, the Roger Pirates will definitely take the risk to come to the Sabaody Archipelago.

At that time, all the hidden forces will be deployed to destroy the Oro Jackson at the first opportunity, so that the Roger Pirates can't escape.

Through the power secretly controlled in the Sabaody Archipelago.

Help the Roger Pirates get the coating materials.

With help, some time can definitely be gained, so that the Roger Pirates have a chance to escape, instead of having no chance at all.

The fishman Sambel holds a wooden barrel filled with special liquid, jumps directly into the sea, and swims quickly towards the hiding place of the Roger Pirates in the distance.

Only ten minutes later, the 13th island of the Sabaody Archipelago was surrounded by the navy.

The leading vice admiral looked at the 300 million berries as evidence of the transaction with an ugly face.

Just for a mere 300 million berries, the hard-working strategy of the navy was directly destroyed, and he was so angry that he wanted to punch them to death.

"Arrest them all and interrogate them."

"Take all the stolen goods back!"

This small force has been completely abandoned, and their fate was decided when they were ordered to do this task.

The person in charge fled at the first opportunity, or he never participated directly, but was just controlling it remotely.

The participants may never know that their trading partner is the Roger Pirates.

When the fishman Sambel came to trade, he also disguised himself.

No matter how the navy investigated, nothing could be found.

Such a small force was originally used to take the blame.

For example, the Kingdom of Chronos has a lot of them in its hands.

The Roger Pirates got the coating materials, and the next goal is to go to Fishman Island.

"There are not many worlds left for us. With the speed of Roger Pirates, it will take about three or four days to coat the surface. During this period, we must find Roger Pirates."

"Otherwise, all the slaves during this period will be wasted."

"They are not far from the Sabaody Archipelago. Send all the warships to sweep the islands in the surrounding seas. The ship cannot move during the coating period."

Navy Headquarters Kong kept sending messages.

Coating is a very dangerous thing. It is related to life. If you are not careful, the whole ship will be destroyed in the deep sea.

The Roger Pirates cannot move, which is also an opportunity for them.

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