Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 470

The sea in 1495 of the Sea Era was very peaceful for Hades.

After bringing the fortune teller mermaid Xia Li back to the Kingdom of Chronos, there was nothing particularly noteworthy.

Even in Wano Country, Hades only learned some simple news in the ore trade.

After all, the entire Wano Country was blocked by the Tyrant Pirates, and very little news leaked out.

Although Hades was familiar with Kurozumi Makuharu, he would not ask about this matter specifically.

Wano Country was already a country without hope.

The war took three full days to end.

Thousands of samurai, led by several daimyos, rushed to Black Snake Island.

With their powerful strength, they broke through Black Snake Island.

However, the price they paid was painful.

Before landing on the island, most of the ships were destroyed by artillery, and countless samurai fell into the sea and died in the explosion.

After landing on the island, they were greeted by endless firepower attacks.

There were also various traps in the dark.

The strongest warriors naturally had no problem, but the other warriors suffered heavy casualties.

In the early stage of the war between hot weapons and cold weapons, Black Snake Island had an absolute advantage.

As the war continued, powerful warriors invaded Black Snake Island and destroyed those powerful artillery and munitions.

The balance of the war then leaned towards Wano Country.

But in terms of manpower, tens of thousands of soldiers had an absolute advantage.

After continuous fighting, the tens of thousands of cannon fodder prepared by the Black Charcoal Clan were finally wiped out.

Even if it was killing chickens, killing so many people would be exhausting.

There are still tens of thousands of tons of explosives buried underground on Black Snake Island.

Since Black Snake Island has been abandoned, this island is no longer needed. Even if there are some remaining objects, the Black Charcoal Clan does not want to leave them to Wano Country.

Let everything be destroyed in the destruction, and the main force of Wano Country will be completely destroyed.

When all the troops left by Kurotan on Black Snake Island were dealt with.

There was no time to be happy, and the body remained relaxed.

The Kurozumi clan, who were monitoring the situation of Black Snake Island through Den Den Mushi, detonated the bomb at the first time.

The entire island was within the range of the explosion.

The remaining samurai were almost wiped out. Facing the explosion, even the powerful daimyo could hardly survive.

In the end, there were only a few dozen samurai alive, most of whom were seriously injured, and some were disabled.

On the other side, in the stronghold of Wano Country, the army prepared by the Kurozumi clan massacred the residents in the stronghold and fought with some of the remaining samurai.

Relying on the advantage of the army's population, after delaying the samurai of Wano Country, some soldiers rushed into the stronghold and killed all the residents of Wano Country they saw.

Three days later, the army, like a madman, was completely wiped out.

Although the war was won, Wano Country was not happy at all.

More than half of the remaining residents were massacred.

The samurai who attacked Black Snake Island returned in embarrassment with the destruction of Black Snake Island.

This is another big bad news for Wano Country.

At this time, many people miss Kozuki Oden, and some people hate him.

Where did Kozuki Oden go? He can't be contacted.

Logically, Kozuki Oden must have contact information with Wano Country when he left Wano Country.

But during this period, no matter what communication equipment, it lost its effect.

The entire Wano Country was completely blocked.

Just to prevent the spread of the news, the Kurozumi clan bought several large "Den Den Mushi jammers" through special channels under the introduction of Hades.

These "Den Den Mushi jammers" alone brought billions of Baileys of business to the Kingdom of Chronos.

From the beginning to the end, there were people from the Kurozumi clan in Wano Country, especially in Kuri.

Kanjuro, a retainer of Kozuki Oden, is a member of the Kurozumi clan.

Wano Country does not know what a Den Den Mushi jammer is, let alone its function.

As long as the things are hidden well, they will not be discovered.

With the blockade of communication and the geographical blockade of the Tyrant Pirates.

Kozuki Oden had no idea what happened in Wano Country.

If he had called Wano Country during this period, he might have found some problems.

Unfortunately, Kozuki Oden did not think so.

This country has been destroyed and cannot even be considered a kingdom.

The remaining population is less than 100,000, which is a world of difference compared to the past.

The suicide attack of the Kurozumi clan destroyed some of the only resources of Wano Country and even continued to poison.

It made Wano Country worse.

Under the bad news of the war defeat, Wano Country General Kozuki Sukiyaki was stimulated. Under the intense emotions, grief and anger, he spit out a mouthful of blood and fell into a coma.

His physical condition was poor before, and he could maintain it after recuperation, but now his condition is even worse.

He could have held on for a few more years, but now he doesn't know how long he can live.

After doing all this, the Kurozumi clan has no intention of adding insult to injury.

Except for some forces that remain in the territory of the Tyrant Pirates, they help the Tyrant Pirates rule, manage the residents under their rule, and manage foreign trade.

The rest of the forces are all transferred to other waters outside the waters of Wano Country and hidden on some inconspicuous islands.

The Kurozumi clan in Wano Country is a thing of the past. After solving Wano Country, the Kurozumi clan will usher in a new life.

After Kurozumi Muchan finished the last step, it was time to give up his control over the Kurozumi clan and hand over the power of the clan leader to his carefully cultivated successor.

The first thing he did was to make the Kurozumi clan change its appearance, from the clan emblem to the surname.

From the Kurozumi clan to the White Scale clan.

Although Wano Country has been tossed around like this by them, as long as there is the monster Kozuki Oden, it will still be a threat to them.

The Kurozumi Clan cannot give up the interests of Wano Country, at least not before the Tyrant Pirates abandon them.

If they lose such a huge profit, they will also feel distressed. For some residents who remain in the territory ruled by the Tyrant Pirates, the Kurozumi Clan can also make profits through human trafficking.

However, the scale will be much smaller.

Since most of the forces have been evacuated from Wano Country, the Kurozumi Clan can do it even if it damages the interests of the Tyrant Pirates a little.

The hundreds of thousands of residents are also ruled by the Kurozumi Clan, and the Tyrant Pirates may not care.

Kozuki Oden will come sooner or later, and at that time, it is hard to imagine what the angry Kozuki Oden will do.

The Kurozumi Clan will definitely face the revenge of Kozuki Oden, and even face the terrifying Roger Pirates.

The random black charcoal tribe changed its appearance and moved from the open to the dark.

Only a small number of people will remain to act in the name of the black charcoal tribe.

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