Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 412


A marine ran over quickly and saluted in front of Garp, holding a closed-eye Den Den Mushi in his hand.

"Vice Admiral, there is an urgent notice from the headquarters."

Garp took the Den Den Mushi, nodded, and pressed the connect button. The Den Den Mushi opened its eyes and quickly connected.

"Hello! It's Xiao He! What do you want to talk to me about? I have caught up with the Roger Pirates."

Garp recognized the person on the other side of the Den Den Mushi at a glance and asked with a smile.

Having an excellent imitation effect is a special ability of the Den Den Mushi.

"Let's put aside the Roger Pirates for the time being. The Kingdom of Mozartel is being invaded by the Beasts Pirates. Now the King of the Kingdom of Mozartel has started a war. If the King dies, the responsibility will be borne by us without a doubt."

He said seriously. She had no intention of joking with Garp.

As a powerful country in the New World and a member of the World Government, the Kingdom of Mozartel is also one of the few member countries in the New World today, and has a strong influence.

If the Kingdom of Mozartelt was occupied by the Beasts Pirates, the result can be imagined. Military expenditure may not be reduced, but the reputation among the member countries will definitely be weakened.

The Bondi Pirates used war to support war, constantly plundered, recruited pirates, and messed up the entire West Sea in the long war.

Whether it is the underground forces or the many forces on the surface, the member countries can be said to have suffered heavy losses.

Some forces also secretly colluded with the Bondi Pirates, using the power of the Bondi Pirates to eliminate hostile forces and rise up.

In just half a year, the entire West Sea has experienced a major reshuffle.

It also completely broke the Navy's original plan to solve the Bondi Pirates within two or three months.

In various open and secret struggles, the Bondi Pirates have been given more new forces.

It has persisted until now.

In an extremely chaotic situation, the number of pirates and underground forces are rapidly expanding. If the Bondi Pirates are not solved, the vicious cycle will continue.

Many member states of the West Sea have already piled up complaints against the Navy, and even demanded a reduction in the share of Sky Gold in the next few years.

There was nothing that could be done about it. Sengoku couldn't get rid of Wald. Three months ago, the World Government sent the CP0 General Manager to support them, hoping to get rid of the Bondi Pirates at once.

Unfortunately, it failed.

The Bondi Pirates suffered heavy losses, and the reckless Wall also caused huge losses to the Navy.

The combined losses of both sides exceeded 12,000 people, and it is unknown how many pirate ships and navy warships sank into the sea.

When Wald and CP0 General Manager "Zero" fought in the sky, Sengoku couldn't intervene at all.

Facing Wald, who could burst out at an amazing speed at any time, CP0 General Manager, the "strongest shield of the Celestial Dragons", was suppressed in most cases.

The main reason for this situation to be maintained.

That is the appearance of "Balong" Zach.

"Black Dragon" has been Zach's obsession for many years. When he got the news, he couldn't help but run to the West Sea to help the Bondi Pirates hold back a top fighter.

The continued activity of the Bondi Pirates in the West Sea is very beneficial to the Tyrant Dragon Pirates.

After a period of observation, the Tyrant Dragon Pirates finally realized that Wald was not interested in the turf war at all.

On the contrary, it is somewhat similar to the Roger Pirates.

However, the experience of the Rocks Pirates, after the dissolution of the Rocks Pirates, a large number of pirates attached to him, inevitably embarked on such a path.

What's worse is that under such a situation, many guilds established in the West Sea are rising rapidly.

In the continuous acceptance of commissions, they fight against pirates and underground forces that are making trouble.

In this process, the reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and more people choose to join the guild.

The number of guilds and the overall strength are expanding, and even in some seas, under the light of the guild, the navy has become a foil.

More people choose to ask the guild for help instead of the navy.

This is a terrible thing.

The guild, which was born at the end of the Rocks era, has accumulated and developed for many years. Once it exploded, it showed strong vitality.

The chaos in the West Sea is driving this situation.

Originally, the guild's tasks were just some small things in life, or solving some small pirates, local gangs, and small illegal forces.

Now, powerful guilds can even show terrifying influence and complete more difficult tasks.

The first guild in the West Sea, "Sword of Dawn", now has more than 5,000 guild members.

The scope of receiving tasks reaches two-thirds of the West Sea.

In just the past six months, the Sword of Dawn has eliminated a captain of the Bondi Pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million Baileys.'s affiliated pirate group.

Let the two kingdoms that were fighting each other to cease fire and reconcile.

The rise of the guild has kept the order of the West Sea from collapsing.

However, the influence of the navy is constantly weakening.

Especially in the sea area where the Sword of Dawn Guild is most active, it is completely crushed.

It has even reached the point where only the Sword of Dawn is known, but not the navy.

Of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but it is a fact that the presence of the navy is constantly declining.

This is a very dangerous signal.

Perhaps the navy and the world government do not know that the birth of the guild was driven by various superpowers.

However, the guild was born against the background that the world government and the navy were suppressed by the Rocks Pirates.

It is the general trend and is originally a substitute for the navy. It has been certified by most of the kingdoms in the world, not just the member countries.

The navy can take action against those unscrupulous dark guilds, but it cannot take action against these legal guilds.

The competition between the two sides can only be fair and open.

And the guild also has the advantage of being local.

The rise of the West Sea Guild also sounded the alarm for the Navy.

Nowadays, the Bondi Pirates, who have offended most of the West Sea, are the common enemy of most of the forces in the West Sea.

Including the Navy and the Guilds.

The war between the Navy and the Bondi Pirates even involved those Guilds, which reduced the pressure on the Navy.

Garp didn't know much about these things, but the importance of the allied countries is beyond doubt.

However, Garp didn't want to let go of the Roger Pirates.

"Understood, Xiaohe, I'll leave immediately."

As soon as the voice fell, Garp hung up the Den Den Mushi and shouted to the surrounding marines, "Everyone, hurry up, keep chasing, don't let Roger run away."

"Vice Admiral, what about the order from the headquarters?"

The officer next to him froze, and he was sweating in his heart. They all listened to the call just now.

"Hahaha! Complete two tasks at the same time and drive the Roger Pirates to the direction of the Kingdom of Mozartelt. I am so smart."

Garp smiled and scratched his nose.

Although it sounds a bit unreliable, it has to be said that this is also a solution.

Roger Pirates must also find a place to rest.

It's just that the time to reach the Kingdom of Mozartelt may be a little slower.

Facing Garp's pursuit, Rayleigh, the deputy captain of Roger Pirates, keenly noticed that something was wrong.

"Roger, Garp seems to be chasing us in the same direction."

"If we keep going forward, it's probably somewhere,"

Roger, who was standing by, also felt something was wrong when he heard it.

The navigator took out the nautical chart from behind, spread it on the ground, and pointed it at the eternal pointer.

"Keep going forward, and you will reach the Kingdom of Mozart. Should we go there?"

"Then let's go. Since Garp wants to drive us in that direction, it's a good time for a big battle."

Roger waved his hand and stood at the bow, facing the sea breeze, his red pirate coat fluttering in the wind.

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