Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 319

What Wano Country didn't know was that after years of isolation, foreign forces had begun to invade.

Today, most areas of Wano Country are in chaos and have become lawless.

The only peaceful area is the core area ruled by the daimyo and the general.

Many people were displaced, and many Wano Country people scattered all over Wano Country began to flock to the rule of the daimyo and the general to seek stability.

It is precisely because of this that the Wano Country Shogunate's control over Wano Country has been greatly weakened.

Some areas have even lost control.

In these areas, the Kurotan clan hired Wano Country residents who couldn't even afford to eat to mine in the mountains in the name of recruiting workers.

Although the wages they received could only allow them to have a full meal, it was enough to satisfy them.

If there were no jobs, it would be difficult for them to survive.

Today, Wano Country has a serious food crisis.

Especially in the crowded core towns of Wano Country, the increase in refugees will inevitably cause chaos.

The so-called peace is only relative to other regions, floating below the surface, and darkness is everywhere, and it is still growing.

Various contradictions, internal and external pressures are constantly pushing this country into the abyss.

"Why is this happening?"

The general of Wano Country, Kozuki Sukiyaki, looked at the intelligence from all over Wano Country and blamed himself very much.

Under his governance, although Wano Country was not very prosperous, it was also peaceful.

But I don't know when a shadow enveloped the entire Wano Country.

"It's all my fault. If I had noticed it earlier, it wouldn't have led to the current situation."

"General, take action. According to the intelligence, it was the Kurozumi clan who was secretly doing it. With the support of external forces, they took revenge on us."

"Clear up Wano Country first, and when the situation stabilizes, annihilate the Kurozumi clan in one fell swoop. This time, I will never give them any chance."

Opposite him, Shimotsuki Ieyasu knelt on the ground and said firmly.

"That's right, we can't delay any longer, the situation will only get worse."

"We must kill him."

Ugetsu Daimyo, Fugetsu Daimyo and other daimyos persuaded together.

Wano Country will naturally not sit and wait for death.

During this period, they have already known that the Kurotan Clan is hiding behind the scenes, colluding with various forces, developing illegal businesses, and supporting bandits to plunder.

Each crime is too numerous to list.

Although it is unknown what forces are hiding behind the Kurotan Clan.

This is not important. After all, Wano Country has been closed to the outside world for many years.

The important thing is that with the insertion of foreign forces, Wano Country's policy of closing the country to the outside world will automatically collapse.

Now, they must act quickly to eliminate Wano Country and bandits, and then concentrate on eliminating the Kurotan Clan and expelling foreign forces.

"That's it, call Oden back and act together."

Kozuki Sukiyaki is kind, but not pedantic. The current Wano Country must show an iron-blooded hand.

With the protection of Kozuki Oden and his personal charm, Kuri is a relatively stable gathering place in Wano Country.

But that's all.

With the order of Kozuki Sukiyaki, the general of Wano Country, the combat power of the entire Wano Country will be mobilized.

Although the Kurozumi clan has made Wano Country miserable, the overall strength of Wano Country has not declined much.

The time is still short, and their money corruption policy is unlikely to involve the upper-level officials of Wano Country.

Because the overall political environment of Wano Country is still relatively peaceful, the relationship between the various daimyo and the general of Wano Country is also very close.

The targets of corruption by the Kurozumi clan are mainly lower-level businessmen, underworld forces, and lower-level officials.

As long as they are cleared out and it takes some time to restore order, it will not be a problem to restore the past.

They think so and do so.

According to the intelligence that has long been available, those black forces and illegal forces will be killed at the first time, and the main criminals will be beheaded for public display.

In just half a month, thousands of people were killed.

Those who were not guilty of serious crimes were taken to mine and farm to give them a chance to atone for their sins.

The General's Office and the various daimyo's offices also jointly issued a notice, allowing the residents of Wano Country to take the initiative to report. If the situation is true, there is money to be taken.

Under such a series of operations, the corrupt policy of the Kurozumi clan towards Wano Country can be said to have collapsed.

Some of the Kurozumi clan's behaviors were also revealed.

In a blink of an eye, the anger of the people of Wano Country was all poured on the Kurozumi clan.

Fortunately, the Kurozumi clan had already prepared to take away the Kurozumi clan bloodline scattered around Wano Country in advance.

OtherwiseIf they did not do anything, they would be dragged out and killed to vent their anger.

The Shogunate and the Daimyo of Wano Country hold absolute military power.

In this case, when they want to achieve a certain goal, as long as they want to do it, they will be able to do it, and it is extremely efficient.

The so-called evil forces, which look very arrogant, are paper tigers under the blades of many samurai.

Cleaned up the debris inside each core area.

In half a month, collect information and organize people to cultivate the land.

Due to food shortages, they need to be patient for a while.

As long as they hold on for a few months, the food problem can be solved.

The situation in Wano Country has changed dramatically in the past month.

The situation has become clear all of a sudden.

Such efficiency is very high.

And in Wano Country, under the leadership of various daimyos, a group of samurai corps are ready to enter those territories that have lost control.

Personally wipe out these bandits who affect the stability of Wano Country.

Originally, the most chaotic area in Wano Country was Kuri, but now Kuri has been conquered by Kozuki Oden.

As for the bandits supported by the Kurozumi clan, they are not a big deal under the absolute strength.

Wano Country is not very big, and facing the real Wano Country, where can these bandits escape?

And for the Kurozumi clan, the worst thing has already happened.

But Hades is not surprised, as they can be discovered at any time.

It seems that Wano Country should have discovered it for a while and made sufficient preparations. Only in this way can the Kurozumi clan's arrangements be destroyed by nearly half.

Fortunately, Kurozumi Makuharu has already found external aid. If it is a little later, the arrangements in Wano Country over the years will fail.

There is no way to talk about trade with other forces.

At present, the loss is not too great.

Yes, many pirates invited by Kurozumi Makuharu to Wano Country have arrived.

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