Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 314

The news of Zephyr's promotion to admiral of the navy did not last long.

"Devil" Roger, "Golden Lion" Shiki, and "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate fought one after another.

The battlefield was on an island in the middle of the New World.

This news was exclusively reported by the World Economic News Agency, and some battle images were recorded so that all those who bought the video Den Den Mushi could see it.

The Kendo Tournament was over, and these things had nothing to do with Hades.

After bidding farewell to Redfield, the main focus of the next step was on the development of the Kingdom of Chronos and the operation of the Pluto Sea.

The Kingdom of Chronos was also an important link in the trade chain proposed by the World Government.

After all, the Kingdom of Chronos and the World Government have reconciled.

And this matter can also bring greater benefits to Chronos.

The Four Seas and the New World are the main markets for the Kingdom of Chronos's trade.

The scale is relatively small in the first half of the Great Route.

Even if the Kingdom of Chronos reached an agreement with the World Government, the trade volume is not large.

They need business partners and need to save costs as much as possible.

The formation of a trade chain requires the joint efforts of all parties, and it cannot be done in a few months.

Like the Hilton Kingdom and the Landis Kingdom, which are also superpowers, they will also join in.

But in the end, it still depends on the World Government. If the World Government wants to profit from it, it must show its ability.

If the Navy cannot clear a safe route, then this plan itself is empty talk and has no meaning.

Next, the Navy's tasks are still heavy.

With the expansion of the Navy, in addition to establishing naval bases near the member countries, it is also necessary to establish naval bases around this trade chain.

The Navy must have sufficient manpower and strength to protect this trade chain.

Next, they still have something to do.

If nothing changes, the Navy will officially become the overlord of the sea and the uncrowned king after destroying the Rocks Pirates.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Four months have passed since the end of the Kendo Conference.

Time has come to the 1488th year of the Haiyuan calendar.

Hades was very concerned about the situation in Wano Country.

Just as Hades thought, after a period of silence, more than a year ago, the Kurozumi family could not help but start to act again.

The peace in Wano Country lasted only a year and a half.

The Kurozumi family spent a lot of money, and originally only a few hundred people could maintain it.

But now the number of troops on Black Snake Island has reached 160,000, which requires a lot of money to support.

It is too easy to be targeted by buying food through Wano Country. To be on the safe side, the Kurozumi family often buys food and supplies through the channels of the Pluto Pirates.

The value of these food and supplies is much higher than the market price, which also includes the transportation cost.

In theory, through population trade, metal ore trade, and weapons trade produced in Wano Country, the Kurozumi family has obtained more than 30 billion funds from the Pluto Pirates.

Such funds can at least allow the Kurozumi family to maintain their current strength for decades.

But the ambition of the Kurozumi clan could not be stopped. They secretly developed their power in Wano Country, spent money lavishly, corrupted and won over local officials of Wano Country.

They expanded their intelligence power and wanted to use it to monitor the entire Wano Country.

In addition to finding a way out for the Kurozumi clan, they built family settlements on several islands in the distant sea to develop their power.

In order to fight against Wano Country that might discover them, in addition to constantly increasing the number of troops, the Black Snake Island was built into a military fortress by the Kurozumi clan.

The city wall is 40 meters high, and there is a cannon every 50 meters.

The Kurozumi clan frantically bought 800 cannons from the Pluto Pirates.

Including the shells, the cannons alone cost almost 3 billion Baileys.

The military fortress is okay, and many mineral materials can be directly obtained by Wano Country.

With a sense of crisis that they will soon be discovered by Wano Country, the Kurozumi clan frantically armed themselves.

It seems that they suffer from "fear of insufficient firepower"!

The Kurozumi clan even thought of hiring a group of vicious pirates in the black market.

It is precisely because they know the power of Wano Country and the huge gap between the two sides that the Kurozumi clan has such a strong sense of crisis.

I can only say, is it worthy of this nation?

The speed at which the Kurozumi clan spends money surprised Hades.

Although the Kingdom of Chronos spends more money, the size of the two sides is completely different.

Maybe it is because they think it is easy to make money that they are so extravagant.

After all, they only need to sell people to make a lot of money. They are also not polite to some resources and precious minerals of Wano Country.

The Kurozumi clan also realized that their moneyMoney was spent too quickly, so they couldn't help but start the population trade with the Pluto Pirates.

60,000 people every three months, 240,000 a year.

As the power of the Kurozumi Clan grew, they could do more.

In order to continue the population trade with the Kingdom of Chronos, the Kurozumi Clan has been preparing for more than a year.

They joined forces with some wealthy merchants and nobles in Wano Country to promote the population trading business in Wano Country and secretly obtained a large number of slaves.

The Kurozumi Clan also secretly supported a large number of bandits, plundering caravans, plundering wealth, and plundering people.

It became a major scourge in Wano Country, causing considerable trouble to the Shogun's Mansion and several daimyo.

The bandits certainly couldn't compare with the Shogun's Mansion and the various daimyo's Mansions in terms of strength, but they couldn't compare in terms of mobility.

With the support of the Kurozumi Clan's intelligence force, once they got the news, these bandits would run to the deep mountains and forests to hide, or move to another place to continue robbing.

Although the General's Mansion cleared a group of bandits, the number of bandits seemed to be increasing.

The existence of bandits has distracted the attention of the daimyo and the general.

The situation in Wano Country has become chaotic, and with the secret manipulation of the Kurozumi clan, more and more people have lost their money, wives, and land, and more and more people have become bandits.

A large number of human traffickers have appeared, and children, especially girls, have become their targets.

Relying on the human trafficking within Wano Country and the population plundered by bandits.

The Kurozumi clan's plunder of the local population of Wano Country is more secretive, more obscure, and difficult to detect.

In Wano Country, there are also some forces with related interests that provide cover for such dark business.

After all, it makes money too quickly.

It is precisely because of this that the Kurozumi clan can provide so many people for the Pluto Pirates.

And the Kurozumi clan has always been hiding behind the scenes, secretly influencing.

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