Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 236

Even if Rocks died, even if the Rocks Pirates were destroyed.

In the four seas, in the first half of the Grand Route, and in the whole world, a huge mess was left for the World Government and the Navy.

The Navy needs to deal with it.

The member states will not easily trust the World Government and the Navy, and just give up the Navy they have worked so hard to build.

Some kingdoms have invested a lot of money to build a navy.

Purchase warships, purchase armaments, and train troops.

After so many years, the navies of many kingdoms have taken shape and have shown considerable deterrence.

Many officers of the kingdom navy were poached from the four seas navy, so the formation speed was very fast.

In addition, they have the navy as a template to imitate.

However, no matter how much they develop, they do not have that strength. Compared with the navy, it is completely a world of difference.

Talent and funds limit their scale.

Compared with the army, the navy has to spend more money.

Even so, they have the power to protect the kingdom.

Having a navy also means that it has a deterrent effect on pirates on the sea, and ordinary pirates dare not offend easily.

This situation has reduced the pressure on the navy, but it is not a good thing for the World Government and the Navy.

The gradual independence of the member states has allowed them to break free from the shackles of dependence on the World Government.

And this shackle took the World Government a long time to put on.

Of course, there are not many member states that are capable of building a navy, especially a strong navy.

Many rely on foreign warships and arms.

And the financial resources consumed are also unbearable for some kingdoms.

Since the rise of the Rocks Pirates, the economic strength of most kingdoms has been declining, and they have to support the navy like a gold-eating beast.

Just a fleet of ten warships needs to be squeezed out with gritted teeth, and even owes a lot of foreign debts.

For such practices, the World Government's response is naturally to use pirates to wear down the maritime power of these member states and then send the navy to support.

Through huge losses, these member states give up the plan to build a navy.

The cost of relying on the navy itself is much lower than rebuilding the navy by itself, which is one of the reasons why many member states have not spent energy to build a navy.

However, member states that have the ability to build a navy will eventually build it.

The naval strength built by these member states is not comparable to that of ordinary pirates.

For example, the Eight Treasures Navy of the West Sea Flower Country is a powerful maritime force built by the Flower Country in the name of pirates, specifically to help the Flower Country solve some enemies that cannot be solved by open means.

The current world government is still in internal and external troubles.

It is indeed necessary for the Chronos Kingdom to put down its hatred with him.

Feng Shui turns around, the world situation is so chaotic, but the scale of Chronos Kingdom's trade is getting bigger and bigger.

The World Government has noticed it a long time ago, but it has been restrained by the Rocks Pirates.

What are they going to do now?

It is impossible to just ease relations with the Chronos Kingdom.

Just this alone is not worth the World Government's personal trip.

Hades can guess a little.

Fengshen Arms Company and Vulcan Arms Company, together with the "King of Arms" in the underground world, have occupied most of the world's arms market.

The impact is huge. With the improvement of firearms' lethality, range, and accuracy, wars have become more brutal.

However, poor-quality arms have not been completely eliminated.

Its performance is also improving, and it still occupies a large share of the world with its low price advantage.

Behind it is naturally the World Government.

Maintaining a certain chaos, triggering wars, selling arms, and making profits are what the World Government has been doing.

However, the World Government does not completely regard it as a means of gaining profits.

The arms they produce are limited and not enough to meet the needs of the entire world. Moreover, they have to supply the navy and the army.

In the wars over the years, only a small part of the arms produced by the World Government can flow to the sea, and most of them are digested by the World Government.

This also allows the Kingdom of Chronos to occupy the arms market more quickly.

And now, the share that originally belonged to the World Government has been swallowed up by others.

In the chaotic sea, the demand for arms is constantly increasing. Arms made by various forces, big and small, are constantly flowing into the market, hoping to take a share of the market.

Looking at the increasingly huge market, the World Government is obviously a little impatient.

Compared with the World Government, some arms manufacturers that focus on certain regions have lower costs.

Finally, I can breathe a sigh of relief and plan to take a share of the market.When they wanted to occupy a large share of the arms market, they found that they could not compete at all.

A series of wars have caused the World Government to lose its share of the arms market.

Now they see the huge profits in the arms market.

It is a bit difficult to re-enter.

The World Government has its own advantages.

The existence of the Red Earth Continent allows them to effectively transport arms and supplies to the four seas.

With the science and technology of the World Government, today's arms and weapons can be updated at any time.

However, in the past, in order to suppress the development of weapons in this sea, the World Government did not do so.

In order to deal with pirates with greater threats and ensure the arms advantage of the World Government and the Navy, the World Government must update the Navy.

After the replacement, the arms produced by the world will definitely rank among the top in quality.

This does not mean that the World Government can easily occupy the arms market share.

The quality of arms produced by the World Government will not be higher than that of the Kingdom of Chronos, which has high-precision machine tools and efficient production lines.

The increase in costs will also lead to an increase in prices, and it is impossible to compete with the lower-priced Fengshen Company and Vulcan Company.

Besides, the member states have already signed trade agreements with the two major companies and have a basis for cooperation.

If the Kingdom of Chronos suppresses it, the World Government will inevitably fail in its attempt to enter the arms market.

If the World Government wants to sell more products at a lower profit margin, as long as the two major companies also lower their prices, how can the World Government compete?

In other words, the World Government must reconcile with the Kingdom of Chronos and satisfy Chronos so that it does not secretly deal with the World Government.

The news received in recent days has proved that the World Government wants to enter the arms market.

In addition to arms, what else is there?

What else does the World Government know?

Wano Country? Fishman Island? Or is it the layout of the Kingdom of Chronos in the New World?

Or is it an alliance of several superpowers?

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