Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 226

The Farazule sailed on the sea.

Returned from Beehive Island to Iscampbell Island, and then headed north to the Kingdom of Chronos.

Along the way, you can see many pirate ships sailing in the same direction.

There are countless newly established pirate groups, and most of them have one goal, Put Island.

With Hades' Farazule as the facade, more and more pirates have obtained their own pirate ships on Put Island over the years.

Put Island's reputation has also grown, and it has become a famous shipbuilding capital in the New World.

Who doesn't want to have a pirate ship that belongs to their own pirate group?

An excellent pirate ship is actually very important on the sea, which can greatly enhance the pirate group's combat effectiveness at sea, and even its ability to escape.

The pirate group built by Put Island has excellent performance, full firepower, and fast speed. Facing the navy's warships, it will not fall behind.

The advantage of being able to configure powerful artillery has also been favored by many pirates.

These advantages made Put Island the primary destination for many pirates to build pirate ships.

Put Island developed rapidly with shipbuilding as its core, and business gradually prospered.

Some surrounding islands also benefited.

Along the way, all the islands were flagged by the Pluto Pirates.

From the north-central area of ​​the New World, the sea area centered on Iscampbell Island, all the way to the sea area near the Kingdom of Chronos in the north of the New World

There are nearly 150 islands in total, all of which are the territory of the Pluto Pirates.

Although the Rocks Pirates were still there in the past, Hades did not dare to expand his power at will.

But in secret, these territories have long been under Hades' control.

Many cadres actually do this. The fastest and most manned Flying Pirates have occupied as many as 200 islands, more than the Pluto Pirates.

And this is just the beginning.

After a period of sailing, the Falazul finally arrived at the Kingdom of Chronos.

The expressions of the members on the ship were varied.

Some were excited, they were all graduates of the Royal Military Academy of the Kingdom of Chronos, and now, they could finally go home.

Some were melancholy and confused.

In that mysterious land, they had their children, some had more than one child, and the oldest ones were already over ten years old.

Over the years, they had also been wandering many times, and most of the time they didn't even know they had children.

And they had never met each other since they were born.

After meeting, they didn't know what to say.

Obviously, they didn't know how to deal with it after being used to sailing freely on the sea for many years.

In addition, Hades would succeed to become the king of Chronos when he returned to Chronos, which was already determined.

At that time, the Pluto Pirates would also become a subsidiary force of the Kingdom of Chronos. On the surface, the two had no relationship, but in fact, everyone knew it.

The Kingdom of Chronos needs the existence of the Pluto Pirates, and in the name of the Pluto Pirates, they help the Kingdom of Chronos occupy these territories.

Up to now, the crew members of the Pluto Pirates who can be left behind are all loyal to Hades.

Hades has told them during this period that he will give them two choices.

One is to join the Kingdom of Chronos, and the kingdom will arrange jobs for them, such as joining the army, joining the navy, or becoming a military academy instructor, etc., even if they become ordinary people.

The other one is naturally to retain the identity of pirates. If they cannot adapt to the life in the Kingdom of Chronos, they will continue to work as the Pluto Pirates.

Next, the Pluto Pirates will not be involved in the hegemony, and they will just hold on to this territory steadily.

After all, the power of the Pluto Pirates will be sharply weakened in the future, but behind them, there is the Kingdom of Chronos as a backer.

However, this decision will be made after seeing their children.

In the next few years, the navy will not be able to return to the New World.

Many pirates are in the early stages of rapid development. The sea during this period can be said to be relatively peaceful, without too many disputes.

The Whitebeard Pirates, who will dominate the sea in the future, are now nowhere to be found.

No one will attack the Pluto Pirates' territory without a single eye.

The Farazuel is docked at a relatively secret naval military port.

Before this, the Kingdom Navy was patrolling the sea.

"Hello, Your Highness!"

The Kingdom Navy had received the news long ago and specially arranged for someone to receive them at the port.

Soldiers in dark blue uniforms stood in an orderly manner. The leader, who was wearing a dark blue long military uniform, walked up to Hades and saluted respectfully.The uniforms of the Kingdom Navy are dark blue, and the uniforms of the Army are black.

As the military rank increases, the uniforms will also change accordingly.

When it reaches a certain level, that is, the level of Lieutenant General, there will be no strict restrictions on the wearing of military uniforms.

The Kingdom will customize it according to personal preferences, with various styles to choose from.

In today's Kingdom Army, the gorgeous court style is very popular.

After all, most officers graduated from the Royal Military Academy. To be precise, they all belong to the royal army.

The existence of Hades is not a secret among the Kingdom's high-level officials. Even ordinary citizens mostly know Hades' true identity.

Over the years, the Kingdom has been building momentum for Hades to ascend the throne.

Whether it is the identity of the son of "Yeger", the orthodox heir to the throne.

Or the title of "Pluto", the name that shakes the sea.

From that point of view, Hades is the only candidate who deserves it.

"Well, prepare the subway and take us to the capital."


The subway connects all the military bases of the Kingdom of Chronos.

It only takes two hours to get from here to the capital, the core of the kingdom.

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