And so far, there has been no regular upgrade effect with increasing difficulty.

It seems that as long as Xia Chen can collect it, his physical and mental strength can continue to increase.

This is unreasonable for a mature plug-in, but for the current user Xia Chen, it is a good job, keep it up!

“Maybe one day, without relying on other abilities, the two attributes of physical and mental strength alone will be enough for me to become the strongest in the world.”

Take the physical attribute for example, it not only represents the upper limit of physical strength, reaction ability, defense ability, but also recovery ability.

Imagine that one day Xia Chen’s physical attribute reaches an extremely high level, which cannot be cut by a knife. Even if the enemy goes through great pains to make a small cut on Xia Chen’s finger, Xia Chen’s finger will heal instantly.

How desperate would it be if the speed at which the opponent causes damage is not as fast as the speed at which he heals? !

Xia Chen is looking forward to that day.

He also thinks that this should be his own way to immortality.

And now this data of 2,000 times that of ordinary people is already outrageous.

After all, he felt that even if he was as strong as Garp at his peak, in terms of physical fitness alone, it couldn’t be 2,000 times that of an ordinary person!

The fishman Aaron claimed to be an evolved version of humans, but he was only 10 times stronger than an ordinary human!

So a more accurate statement should be that Garp, a strong man, has a combat power 2,000 times that of an ordinary human.

“There must be a problem with the so-called quantification of plug-ins. 2,000 times, in the real world, he should have become a god long ago!”

But if it is Kaido, who is known as the strongest creature, it is possible, after all, he has the blessing of the mythical beast species, the blue dragon form fruit.

With such a horizontal comparison, Xia Chen felt that he could not be proud, and he was far from strong enough, so he continued!

However, today’s “consumption” is enough, and he will fight for two more days, and the newly improved strength also needs to be adapted.

In addition to stimulating each other, his previous battle with Zoro was mainly to hone his strength with the help of the other party.

He must integrate the advantages of elementalization into his own combat system as quickly as possible.

“Hey, Zoro is eating!”

“Suddenly I feel a little hungry.” The previous battle with Xia Chen consumed too much energy, especially the ghost energy that burst out at the end.

“Just right, me too.” Xia Chen sat down opposite Zoro without hesitation, picked up a big bone and started to bite it.

Logically speaking, he had been sleeping for 13 days, and he should be hungry after waking up, but this time he was not. I think in addition to the large amount of energy he absorbed before the fusion of genes, elementalization also occupied an important influencing factor.

After all, the nutrients that the human body can absorb are, in the final analysis, carbon water, protein, vitamins, etc.

Xia Chen’s elementalization can convert physical strength into carbon water, and the carbon water is absorbed and becomes energy that can be absorbed by the body, thereby restoring physical strength… Hey, isn’t this a bug?

Perpetual motion machine?

Actually not.

It’s just that this alternative elementalization improves Xia Chen’s absorption and utilization efficiency of energy.

It really deserves to be a skill comparable to the dark gold level!

When the two were eating happily, Bell personally delivered Cobra’s message. Xia Chen had no choice but to stand up, and an idea appeared in the royal hall.

He was holding a big bone in his hand.

“Chew, chew, chew~”

The sound of Xia Chen chewing nervously startled Cobra who was waiting for him at the door of the hall.

The latter shuddered and looked back. It was Xia Chen, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s you, Xia Chen!”

Xia Chen raised his eyebrows and heard something else from the words, “It seems that you haven’t had a good time these days!”

Cobra smiled bitterly and restored his kingly attitude. He asked Xia Chen to go to the side hall to talk in detail, and asked Carl, the jackal fruit ability user, to guard outside.

Seeing the other party’s serious look, Xia Chen knew that the other party wanted to tell him a secret. He also thoughtfully transformed the water flow to close the entire room and control the frequency jump so that the sound in the room could not be transmitted.

Cobra’s eyes lit up. It was indeed the Water-Water Fruit. It was so suitable for Alabasta.

“It’s like this, Xia Chen, take a look at this first!” He took out a note from his sleeve.

Xia Chen took a look at it. Spandam, wow, it turns out that it has been operating in secret!

Arrest me?

Did you eat too much shit? !

With a thought, he used the water flow to grind it into powder and threw it into a flower pot next to him. “I understand what you mean, so how do you want him to die?”

“Wait a minute!” Cobra was confused. “I mean this is a secret mission of the World Government. Maybe you don’t know CP9. TheyYes…”

Cobra told Xia Chen about the information he knew about CP. Some of it Xia Chen had never heard of, and some of it Cobra said was not as accurate as what Xia Chen knew.

“So, you want to entrust me to destroy the entire CP9? This is another price!”

“No, this… Don’t fight and kill at every turn, this matter… is very serious. “Cobra couldn’t help but roared. What kind of brain circuit is this Xia Chen!

Can you please stop talking about killing people and silencing them?!

Although he is the king of Alabasta, above millions of people, Alabasta has become a country without the death penalty under his promotion. He is also the most benevolent and loving monarch in the history of Alabasta.

So he knew that the core of the rebel army was in Yuba, but he never confronted them head-on. He just defended the city and tried to solve the problem through conversation. He just watched them grow stronger. I don’t know whether to say that he is too heartless or too saintly.

That’s the villain army, they want to overthrow your rule. If it were Xia Chen… he would go to dig up his ancestors’ graves in a minute.

“You didn’t want to entrust us, so what a waste of business. Okay, I know about this matter, don’t worry about it. If you get involved with pirates like us, you won’t get any benefits even if you are the king. “Xia Chen waved his hand.

He disappeared in front of Cobra in a flash.

Cobra stretched out his hand in vain, and finally fell on the chair helplessly, “Pirates are really a group of unreasonable people!”

“Huh?” Zoro, who was wolfing down his food, didn’t see Xia Chen appear in front of him again. He was holding a half-eaten big bone in his hand, “You just…”

“It’s okay, keep eating, it’s just that some ignorant people want to set a trap for us, don’t worry, everything is under control.” Xia Chen swallowed it in one gulp, and said casually: “Practice with me later!”

“No problem. “Zoro didn’t ask any more questions and ate faster. He needed to recover his strength as soon as possible. Every extra stamina he had would consume more of Xia Chen.

Xia Chen was a physical monster, which was a well-known fact on the ship.

Although he had received the news, Xia Chen did not make any special arrangements. He just took advantage of the shipbuilding time to continuously train Zoro, Sanji, Luffy and others to earn some extra money.

More than ten days passed in a blink of an eye. His strength had increased to a certain extent. At the same time, their new sailboat had been built.

It has to be said that the gap between shipbuilders is really bigger than that between humans and dogs!

On this day, everyone gathered beside the lake that had been expanded dozens of times behind the royal palace complex.

“Everyone, we have completed your commission list. Isn’t it super beautiful!” Franky put his arms together and showed a very eye-catching posture.

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