The problem is that there are not enough samples.

“There are not enough samples.”

Reddy looked at the black unknown substance in the gene editing laboratory and fell into deep thought.

The superhuman door door fruit belongs to the auxiliary devil fruit.

It is very practical.

To be honest, there was a moment when Reddy wanted to integrate the extracted door door fruit ability into his own genes and become a door door fruit ability user.

However, this requires the door door fruit ability to be converted into an injection.

Not to mention the difficulty, with his current weak body, it is difficult to support the ability of the door door fruit for a long time.

“Forget it, there is still a chance anyway.”

Reddy made a decision in his heart and extracted the gene sample of the golden lion.

This is the last gene sample of the golden lion.

Golden Lion is a tyrant, and he has no reservations about the people he trusts.

But Reddy has just joined not long ago, and Indigo is instigating him, so Golden Lion did not give him too many blood samples.

Now Reddy decided to use the last gene sample with genetic potential level 13.

“Using Bruno’s genes as a blueprint, supplemented by Golden Lion’s specific gene fragments… what else is missing?”

The Door Door Fruit plays an extremely important role in the plan. Reddy plans to create a perfect clone to better implement the next action.

First of all, the clone needs a monster-level physique.

Physique determines physical strength.

Every time the fruit ability is activated, a lot of physical strength will be consumed.

Just like Trafalgar Law’s surgery fruit ability, it is undoubtedly super strong and extremely functional.

But Law’s biggest shortcoming is that his physique is poor and he often lacks mana.

Golden Lion’s physique is completely in line with Reddy’s idea.

After all, there is only such a monster-level gene sample on hand.

Secondly, the clone needs to be full of two-color domineering.

Devil Fruits are very powerful, but Haki is above all power.

If the two-color Haki is poor, it is a failed work.

Third, the clone needs full-level swordsmanship.

Reddy is a poor guy and has no time to collect famous swords.

But he has a clone of BABY-5, right?

Fourth… Reddy thought for a long time and decided to strengthen the defense of the clone based on the physique of the Golden Lion monster.

It is not difficult to achieve the first three points.

Reddy quickly completed the manufacture of the clone and then switched to the transformation workshop.

Bruno’s 3D image appeared in the window.

Reddy fell into deep thought again.

There are two ideas for the transformation of the clone.

One is to adopt Judge’s plan according to the description in the original work, add an exoskeleton to the clone’s body, and greatly improve the defense.

The second is to adopt the idea of ​​Vegapunk’s transformation of Big Barthomil-Bear and transform the clone into a half-machine half-life.

Of course, the goal of the transformation is to greatly improve the defense of the clone.

“Which idea should I choose?”

Both ideas are very good. Judge’s transformation plan is obviously better than Vegapunk’s, but the latter’s advantage is that it is simple and clear, without too many fancy things.

For example, lasers.

Reddy could only shrug his shoulders. This kind of thing is not something he can afford now.

After thinking for a long time, Reddy gave up the idea of ​​integrating the essence of the two ideas and chose Judge’s transformation plan.

[Transforming the clone requires 1 million energy points. ]

Reddy had nothing to say.

After all, I underestimated the system.

Just adding a layer of exoskeleton actually consumed 1 million energy points.

If I transform some other abilities, it would be a big energy consumer.

This is the real energy consumer.


Reddy rubbed his temples. The formation of a sea king capture team needs to be put on the agenda as soon as possible, otherwise it will really go bankrupt.

[It will take another 5 hours to complete the transformation. 】

Seeing that there was still a long time to go, Reddy began to take stock of the current combat power.

The first was the clone based on him.

This clone can be seen as a weakened version of the Golden Lion.

Possessing the ability of the Float-Float Fruit, and also having full-level two-color domineering, he is as strong as a general, otherwise he would not be able to knock out BABY-5 and Bruno with one punch.

In addition, there is the gains of the Seven Water City.

BABY-5’s clone.

The weapon fruit ability is not an important option for Reddy, so Reddy only uses the gene fragment of the Sea King, combined with the fruit ability, to increase the gene potential to level 12, equivalent to the vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

The strength is not top-notch, but it is also the second combat power under his command.

In addition, there are several clones made before.

Two of them are clones made based on him. They have certain strength and can be used to confuse opponents, but they cannot serve as the main combat force.

Another one is the clone made based on Bill.

The strength is one level weaker than the clone of BABY-5. The genetic potential is only lv11, which is comparable to the rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

These are the main combat forces of Reddy at present.

“It’s far from enough.”

It’s difficult to create an utopia. Recruiting all the civilians who want a peaceful and stable life is to cut off the roots of nobles from various countries, which will inevitably cause strong suppression by the World Government.

Not to mention the World Government, even a Four Emperors Group can give him a headache.

Mirror Mirror Fruit!

He is determined to get this fruit ability.

But if you want to seize the Mirror Mirror Fruit ability, you must face BIGMOM… Reddy fell into deep thought.

“What other fruit ability can allow me to seize the Mirror Mirror Fruit ability without alarming BIGMOM?”

Reddy searched the devil fruit in his memory, but he didn’t get a reliable answer.

However, this recollection also opened up his mind.

A gleam of light flashed in Reddy’s eyes: “If you are not strong enough, you can use the functional superhuman fruit ability to make up for it.”

Thinking of this, Reddy quickly came up with a general idea and gradually improved it.

The transformation was completed.

Reddy temporarily put aside the idea that had not been completely perfected and summoned the clone.

The clone was exactly the same as Bruno, except for the facial expression.

Reddy stepped forward and tried to knock on the clone’s body.

There was obviously a hard layer under the clone’s skin, like a hard membrane protecting the fragile internal organs.


Reddy snapped his fingers and summoned his own clone.

Soon the two clones fought together.

Reddy carefully observed the battle between the two clones and made an assessment in his mind.

After the transformation, Bruno’s clone’s defense was greatly enhanced, and even a clone as strong as the weakened version of the Golden Lion could hardly cause too much obvious damage.

The two clones fought for more than a dozen rounds, and Reddy called a halt to the fight.

“Let’s go.”

Reddy took back his clone.

Bruno’s clone pushed in the air expressionlessly.

The air door opened.

Reddy entered the next stage of the experiment with curiosity.

In the sewer.

A door suddenly opened in the air.

Reddy walked out with a smile on his face: “It seems that I have to hunt Bruno again. I’ll get the ability of the Door-to-Door Fruit.”

“Doctor Reddy, the gangs in the city are crazy.”

Reddy just returned to the camp and got a piece of information that surprised him.

Reddy looked thoughtful.

Because the tour guide and other industries are monopolized by the gangs, most of the orphans led by Terry make a living by selling small things such as flowers.

At this moment, most of the orphans are in the camp.

Haya shouted anxiously: “The damn gang forced us to find someone for them. Could it be you, Dr. Reddy?”

“I think… yes.”

Terry’s injuries had not yet fully healed. His face was still pale, but a little more red than before. He said seriously: “Dr. Reddy is a good man. We can’t betray him.”

“Of course!”

Haya was the first to shout.

The time Reddy stayed in the camp was their happiest time. They didn’t have to worry about being hungry, let alone others coming to grab the territory.

The other orphans nodded vigorously.

No one was afraid!

No one wanted Reddy to leave the camp.

Reddy smiled, ruffled Haya’s hair, and announced before Haya got angry: “Then I will be responsible for your food during this time.”

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