Chapter 340 Chapter 340

Momousagi still clearly remembers that when he first met this guy, it was in Little Garden. The other party didn’t have so many partners now, and neither the other party nor his partners were very strong.

but now.

Even at a long distance, Momousagi could feel the terrifying aura exuding from Mio.

And the other crew members, except Robin, who is not a combat member, each exudes a powerful aura.

As they worked hard to cultivate, these people were constantly getting stronger.

Each one exudes an aura of danger, making oneself involuntarily jealous.

Because it is a special existence for Momousagi, Momousagi remembers it clearly.

After all, this was the first pirate she wanted to arrest by herself.

“Isn’t this of course?” Mio shrugged and grinned. “After all, among Aokiji and the others, Kizaru is able to deal with me, but only you can make me fight heartily.”

Garp’s strength, in Mio’s eyes, has always been the strongest presence in Marine.

It’s just that it doesn’t show up normally, but it’s also because there is no chance.

In the current Marine Admiral, whether it is Aokiji Akainu or Kizaru, they are too tender and have not fully reached their peak period. Of course, even if they have reached their peak period, whether it is Akainu or Aokiji, they will not be taken seriously. inside.

The reason is because of one’s own ability.

Mio’s ability makes Aokiji and Akainu have nothing to do with him.

Only Kizaru can counter him.

But Garp is different. Although he hasn’t fought with Garp much, one thing that Miao knows very well is that there are so many people in this world who develop Haki and body into Ultimate, and Garp is at the top.

As someone who once defeated Rocks with Roger, and chased Roger to fight.

It is absolutely impossible if the strength is not strong.

And the most realistic point is that this old guy’s son is a revolutionist, his grandson is a pirate, and he has the son of the pirate king.

By the means of the World government, most people have arrested Garp a long time ago.

But the World government did not. Even though the reasons for having time with Sengoku included, Garp’s own strength also made the World government reluctant.

“You kid, be careful of being caught Impel down by the old man himself.” Garp laughed.

“I want to go in and sit down, but do you Marine dare to let me enter Impel down?” A mocking smile was raised at the corner of Mio’s mouth. If he really entered Impel down, he wouldn’t mind going in again to kill those fruit abilities. By.

Hear the words.

A look of helplessness flashed in Garp’s eyes.

Not to mention, Marine really dare not let this guy enter Impel down now.

Because before, Marine has arrested some criminals who escaped from the sixth floor, and also got the purpose of Mio going to Impel down from these guys.

I have to say that after they knew it at the time, they were shocked.

That kind of courage is destined to climb to the top of the sea.

Now even if he is caught, he is not detained in Impel down, but in the prison on Mariejois, the headquarters of the World government.

There is also a prison there, but no one knows it, and there are not many prisoners, because that secret prison is used to train cp members.

“Garp, I know the purpose of your coming here, but you should know that if I stopped here, you can’t get through, how about playing with me?” Miao grinned, and to be honest, he looked at Garp and rose from the bottom of his heart. From a fear.

This is based on intuition.

It shows that Garp is very strong.

He wanted to see how his strength reached after Garp broke out with all his strength.

“You guy, it’s really troublesome.” Garp shook his head helplessly, but Xuanjie complained. “But forget it, since you can’t go to Dressrosa, let’s have a fight with you, otherwise you will do nothing. Sengoku will definitely say something when you go back.”

The voice fell.

Garp stepped out, and the warship under his feet shook suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, Garp disappeared and suddenly appeared in the air, wanting to come towards the Black Honor.

But Mio grinned and smiled, and her figure disappeared in place.

Immediately afterwards, he appeared in front of Garp, blasted out a punch, and Armament Haki instantly covered it, making Mio’s fist shimmer and look extremely hard.


Garp blasted a punch almost instantly, directly blasting with Mio’s fist.

Two fists bumped.

A terrifying aura burst out, because it was in the sky, a powerful aura swept across, causing the white clouds to instantly disperse.

Immediately afterwards, Mio flashed a look of surprise. “What a strong power!!”

“You’re not weak, kid!” Garp said with a serious expression, and Mio’s power surprised him a bit, and it made him feel a little bit of pressure, but that was all.

But the next moment.


Mio’s figure appeared on Garp’s right side and kicked it out.

A powerful force burst out.

Garp’s body was shot out suddenly.

It has been falling on an uninhabited island not far away.


The islands were all shaking slightly because of Garp’s fall.

The dust gradually rises.

With her hands in her pants Kabuto, Mio appeared on the island with a wisp of breeze, and the dust also slowly dispersed at this time.

Garp patted the dust on his body, stood up unharmed, took off his Marine cloak, loosened his tie, and said calmly. “Boy, you are very strong, and Haki is also good. I heard that you and the Whitebeard guy had a tie. Now let me see your strength too.”

The voice fell.

The terrible aura erupted from Garp without reservation.

Just the momentum makes people feel a sense of oppression.

Facing this momentum, the corners of Miao’s mouth rose, and his smile was excited. “Right on my mind.”


Similarly, an aura of terror erupted from Mio, and the two auras collided with each other.

In the next moment, the two figures disappeared instantly, and then appeared in midair one after another. As soon as they appeared, they punched out one after another, facing each other.

Garp’s powerful power and Armament Haki burst out without any reservation. For a while, Mio felt this terrifying power and couldn’t help grinning in shock. “Is this all your power? It’s really scary.”


He was directly shaken back, and backed several steps.

Garp’s power is stronger than him.

I am afraid, they have reached the point of Noah.

I have to say that this is very scary.

“Is this shocked?” Garp said solemnly.

“No, it’s just a sigh.” Mio shook his head and said, her figure disappeared while breathing, and then appeared behind Garp, with a sudden punch.

But the next moment.

Garp turned around and fisted as if he had expected it, as if he had been prepared long ago, waiting for the appearance of Mio…

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