Chapter 236 Chapter 235: Naval Headquarters and Hydra

Naval Headquarters.

Just as Mio and Whitebeard thought, their battle started to attract a lot of people’s attention from the moment the Moby Dick departed.

Even Sengoku will inevitably notice.

After all, it was Whitebeard.

In terms of scope alone, few people can match it.

Coupled with Whitebeard’s position in New World, it is impossible not to pay attention. What’s more, the place to arrive this time is Crow Island, the base camp of the new New World powerhouse, the Black Crow Pirates.

Therefore, even the battle that broke out on Raven Island, Sengoku knew clearly.

Looking at the file in front of him, Sengoku rubbed his forehead with both hands, looked at the Marine soldier in front of him helplessly, and asked. “Do you know the purpose of Whitebeard’s search for Black Crow?”

“This…I don’t know.” The Marine soldier shook his head and reported. “We can’t get close to Raven Island, so we can only know that Whitebeard and Black Raven fought a battle on Raven Island, which ended in a close situation. After the end, the Whitebeard Pirates immediately left, before the battle and until the end of the battle. After that, the Black Crow and Whitebeard didn’t know what they were talking about.”

Hearing that, Sengoku nodded, but didn’t mean to blame it.

After all, that is the territory of the Black Crow.

If you get close, it is estimated that there will be no other end than death.

Only because of this, he was helpless.

Without knowing what the Black Crow had talked with Whitebeard, he had to guess whether there would be a deal between the two, or whether there would be any plans to proceed.

But in the end, Sengoku settled down and ordered. “Okay, you order to go down, let people stare at the black crow and Whitebeard’s movements, and report them all the time.”

He couldn’t guess exactly what happened, so he could only stare at it first, if there was any movement, he would be able to find out for the first time.

“Yes.” The Marine soldier nodded respectfully immediately, and then asked. “Is there anything else the marshal? If not, I will leave first.”

“Yeah.” Sengoku nodded. “The other one is about the wild beast pirate group, is there any trace?”

Talos, the captain of the Berserker Pirate Group, had injured Akainu and returned to Naval Headquarters, which undoubtedly attracted his attention. Now the Berserker Pirate Group has entered the New World, plus their knowledge of Talos through Akainu He is an arrogant and arrogant guy, somewhat similar to Kaido. Coupled with the great strength, Sengoku believes that the opponent will cause big moves after entering the New World.

That’s why I pay attention.

At that time, if there is a chance, maybe Marine can take this opportunity to carry out some beneficial actions.

Marine soldiers thought for a while and reported immediately. “According to the previous information, the Beasts Pirates were moving in the direction of Wanokuni, and the following information has not been reported to the headquarters, but according to guesses, the Beasts Pirates may meet with Beasts Pirates.”

“Oh?” Sengoku’s eyes flickered, and a hint of doubt appeared on his face.

Marine soldier explained. “Before Beasts Pirates and Red Hair Pirates broke out in a battle on an island near Wanokuni, and finally left. However, Red Hair left in the depths of New World, while Kaido left in a direction closer to the Black Crow Sea, which happened to be a wild beast pirate. The group departed from near the Black Crow Sea to Wanokuni, so if they diverted halfway, the possibility of encountering them is very high.”

“In this case, call up a team to focus exclusively on Mad Beast and Kaido.” Sengoku immediately ordered.

This is a good opportunity.

If you really meet.

With the characters of Kaido and Talos, it is absolutely possible to fight out.

Although Marine may not be able to reap any benefits, what if there is a good time? Maybe I can take this opportunity to arrest Kaido and Talos in one fell swoop.

By then, the pressure on Marine in New World will be much less.

The Marine soldier recorded Sengoku’s order, and then immediately turned and left.

the next day.

At this time, with the arrival of a new day, a newspaper has already flown all over the world.

The headline content in the newspaper is undoubtedly the battle between Black Crow and Whitebeard.

Grand Line.

Crocodile looked at the contents of the newspaper in his hand, frowned slightly, then stretched out, throwing away the newspaper and murmured. “This guy has actually reached the point where he can fight Whitebeard evenly…”

He has played against Whitebeard very well aware of the horror of Whitebeard.

That is definitely not something that ordinary pirates can fight against.

No, in other words, ordinary pirates would not even have the courage to fight in front of Whitebeard.

“I have to increase my strength even more crazily.” Crocodile murmured, making a fist with his right hand, and Armament Haki was wrapped and covered for an instant.

Amazon Lily Island.

This island is also known as Daughter Island.

On the island, there are countless men dream of coming to the kingdom, the daughter kingdom.

It’s just a pity that the island is located in the Calm Belt, coupled with the strength of the guards on the island and the lack of welcoming men, resulting in this island almost never being able to step into it.

In addition, the people on the island are also known as the Nine Snake tribe, and it is a fighting nation. Almost all the people have good strength.

The king on this island now is Gloriosa. Of course, she is now an agent, because this generation of kings died on the way out to sea, resulting in no suitable king candidates on the island of Hydra.

At this moment, Gloriosa frowned while looking at the newspaper in her hand.

Because Nine Snake Island is located in the Calm Belt, even seagulls rarely come here, which is equivalent to a closed country, with little contact with the outside world, and even little news. Therefore, Gloriosa cherishes every news paper.

However, at this time, the contents of the newspaper surprised her.

“Black Crow Pirates, this seems to be the supernova Pirates a year ago. The captain behind was caught in Impel down. Has he escaped? And it has developed to this level!!”

Gloriosa’s heart was shaken, because she rarely got news from the outside world, so she didn’t know much about the black crow. The last time she knew about the black crow was a year ago.

But now, he didn’t expect the black crow to become so powerful.

The newspapers even described the Black Crow’s current status in New World and the degree of horror after the battle with Whitebeard.

This undoubtedly made her even more shocked.

“The situation in New World is really unpredictable, but I don’t know how long it will last.”

Gloriosa whispered, the chaos of the New World situation is a good thing for Hydra Island. The longer the chaos, the powerful pirates will flood into the New World, so that Hydra Island can avoid a lot of risks.

After all, you must know that in the first half of the Grand Line, among the pirates who know about Hydra Island, there are many who are interested in Hydra Island.

It’s just that the strength of Nine Snake Island is not weak, and it is in the Calm Belt, so it has avoided a lot of trouble.

But it doesn’t mean there is no.

Shaking his head, Gloriosa didn’t think much anymore, now let’s continue to train the next generation of Kings of the Nine Snake Island.

“I don’t know how Hancock is training.” Gloriosa said in his heart.


This is the next-generation king of Nine Snake Island she has selected, a girl with great potential in her opinion.

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