#232-Chapter 232

“I actually knocked the old man back!!”

Joz opened his eyes wide, showing shock.

As a crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates, he has been in the Whitebeard Pirates for a long time, and as a result, he has witnessed a lot of battles with his father. He is very aware of his father’s power, coupled with the terrifying power of Shock Fruit.

Even if it is just to knock Whitebeard back, not many people can do it.

“It deserves to be someone who can make Parken run away. It’s not as good as seeing, and the strength is indeed terrible.” Marco has a solemn expression, and this scene alone is enough to confirm that the Black Crow can become the opponent of the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

Talking room.


The battle continues.

“Gul la la la la, kid, good strength, good ability, come again.” Whitebeard laughed, making a fist with his right hand, and the Shock Fruit ability was activated again, a punch was blasted, and he had not hit Min, but the terrifying shock had already caused it. The ground cracked.

“Useless Whitebeard, can’t hurt me, no matter how terrifying the power is, let alone…” Mio’s eyes flickered and grinned. “Destruction is not necessarily worse than you!!”

Thoughts moved.


The temperature suddenly rose.

A raging flame suddenly emerged from Mio’s fists.

The power of the dragon and the power of the devil are entangled and blended, and Armament Haki is also covering, and you can see that Mio’s fists turn into a hard black iron color that emits luster, and at the same time, black purple and crimson flames emerge and merge together.

After layer upon layer, Miao blasted out with a punch.

Collided with Whitebeard’s punch.

The aftertaste of horror burst out in an instant.

The powerful aura swept the Quartet, but the aura that burst out made some pirates unable to help back several steps in a row.

And Whitebeard and Mio in the battle seem to be… evenly matched! !

The frontal blow made neither of them back the slightest.

“Weird ability, but good power.” Whitebeard smiled, retracted his fist, and blasted away again.

“Huh.” Miao grinned coldly, and greeted him without fear.

Armament Haki, the power of the dragon and the power of the devil, the superposition of these powers greatly increases his destructive power, but at the same time, the consumption of physical energy is also terrifying. Fortunately, his physical energy recovers faster, so He can explode without scruples.

But in terms of power and destructive power, perhaps he is inferior to Whitebeard in terms of group scope.

But alone, he is not afraid of Whitebeard.




Touching again and again.

Every time they encounter each other, they are divided evenly, and then they continue.

Coming down several times in a row, the battlefield was shattered, and bottomless cracks emerged.


After another bump, Whitebeard grinned. “Boy, take out all your abilities, Laozi can’t you let go of the water, or do you want to use the old man as a sharpening stone?”

He could clearly see Mio’s replacement ability just now, but he had never used it in the next few consecutive encounters, which inevitably made him feel that Mio was releasing water.

The corners of Miao’s mouth raised, and said with a faint smile. “I won’t release water to you, but I just want to see the power gap between me and you.”

Whitebeard’s power and destructive power are undoubtedly the world’s top level.

And his strength is not weak, so I want to try it to see if there is any gap between him and Whitebeard in this respect, but now it seems that there is no.

“Come on, continue.” An excited smile appeared at the corner of Mio’s mouth. Since there is no gap, then the real battle must begin.

The voice fell.

Observation Haki spread, covering the entire island in an instant.

At the same time, Mio’s figure has disappeared in place.

After a breath, Mio appeared behind Whitebeard again, the power of the dragon and the power of the demon superimposed on his right fist, Armament Haki was completely wrapped, and he struck away with a full blow without any reservation.

“The old man is ready for a long time.” Whitebeard said loudly. Although the ability to replace fruits is weird, Whitebeard’s combat experience is terrifying, and coupled with a strong strength, both Armament Haki and seeing and hearing are at the top level, as long as Miao Close to himself, he can still fully react.

Turning around, Whitebeard fisted to meet him.

With just this punch, Whitebeard blasted away.

Because just when this punch was about to collide with Mio’s fist, Mio’s voice disappeared again and appeared on the side of Whitebeard Mio instead.

A punch blasted directly onto Whitebeard’s shoulder.

The mighty power exploded in an instant, and there was even a flame with a terrifying temperature.

Whitebeard took a few steps backwards, a solemn color flashed in his eyes, and he looked straight at Mio and said in a deep voice. “Good boy, good strength.”

The power that was injured by Mio can be seen in a scorched black at this time.

This is the result of the entanglement of the dragon’s power and the demon’s power, and this result was caused by covering it with Armament Haki in advance. If there is no Armament Haki covered in advance, he will be directly covered by Mio’s one. The fist hurts.

This strange replacement ability made him feel jealous even for Whitebeard.


It’s too weird, and it’s elusive in which direction it will appear.

Coupled with Mio’s combat experience, he would seize the gap, just like the time when Whitebeard punched. No matter how fast Whitebeard reacts, he can fight back once, but he can never fight back a second time.

Because most of the attention has been placed on the first counterattack, the body can’t keep up with the nerve response at all if you want to make a second counterattack.

Of course, for Whitebeard, he still underestimated Mio’s abilities.

And the speed.

“Come again.” It’s just being hit once, it doesn’t cause much damage, and it’s not enough to represent anything.

The voice fell.

Whitebeard threw a punch.

Mio frowned slightly, and did not intend to continue head-on with Whitebeard.

After all, to be honest, Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit’s destructive power is indeed terrifying, even if the destructive power caused by the superposition of all his abilities at this time is not weak, but if Whitebeard is desperate, it can actually cause him harm.

Because of Shock Fruit’s ability, even if he can hold it against him, it can also cause damage to his arm through vibration.

Using your own strengths to fight is the best choice.

Therefore, taking a step out, Mio’s figure disappeared again.

Instead, he appeared behind Whitebeard again.

“Huh.” Whitebeard was ready for a while, turned around and greeted him with a blow.

Mio’s figure disappeared as before, and then appeared in another place. Whitebeard didn’t have any panic. His other hand was clenched into a fist, and then an air shock erupted, the air shattered, and a white ball of light wrapped the fist and bombarded away.

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