Chapter 229 Chapter 228: He is not my opponent

“It’s terrible.” Marco said in a low voice.

The most terrifying thing is the time when this pirate group appeared on the sea, but it has only been more than a year, and it has developed to this point in this short period of time. This is the real horror of the black crow pirate group. Place.

Its potential is probably stronger than that of Whitebeard.

Give each other a few more years, then…

It was Marco who couldn’t help taking a breath, it was horrible.

Just now, there are many strong players in the Black Crow Pirates. Waiting for a few years, I am afraid there will be no existence in New World that can compare with the other party.

Go all the way.

Whitebeard’s gaze has also been vaguely drawn across some people, but in the end his gaze always fell on Qiongqi.

“The next generation is terrible.” Whitebeard murmured in his heart. He knew that the person leading the way was not necessarily weaker than himself based on his breath. This seemed to be someone who had just joined the Black Crow, but aside from this person, Black Crow The Pirate Group itself is not weak, and coupled with this man, the Black Crow’s strength is really strong, making him feel jealous.

When pondering…

Soon, Qiongqi took Whitebeard and others to a clearing outside the castle in the center of Raven Island. At this time, a large amount of wine and barbecue food were placed here, exuding a tempting fragrance.

At this time, Mio was already sitting by the bonfire in the clearing, sipping a bottle of whiskey in his hand, and took a bite of the barbecue after drinking, chewing and swallowing it into his stomach.

Beside Mio, Lilith Maxi and others were sitting.

With the arrival of Whitebeard.

Mio raised her head slightly and looked at Whitebeard, who was six meters tall, and the corners of her mouth rose slightly and smiled. “It’s really exciting, Whitebeard.”

“Hey, why?” Whitebeard laughed, holding Cong Yunqie’s hand suddenly shocked, Cong Yunqie completely inserted into the ground, firmly there. Immediately, Whitebeard sat on the opposite side of Mio without hesitation, staring at the newcomer on the sea, but he belonged to a monster-level existence.

Strong breath.

Ji Ya’s eyes.

And the style of the other party that you know.

This is a pirate, a true pirate, not a so-called pirate yearning for freedom, but a pirate with ambition, patience, strength and potential, and he can do whatever it takes to achieve his goal.

“After all, it was a meeting with the man known as the strongest man in the world. Excitement is inevitable.” Miao said slowly.

“Really?” Whitebeard said with a faint smile. “But in my opinion, your excitement is second, and the fighting spirit is more exciting, boy, do you want to fight the old man?”

“Have this idea.” Mio grinned lightly. The Black Crow still lacks a top-notch battle, and now that Whitebeard is here, the time for the battle has just arrived, and he doesn’t want to miss it.

“Goo la la la la, the old man is only here for a drink, but if you want to fight, the old man can play with you.” As Whitebeard, he has never been afraid of fighting and never worried about losing. This is His pride.

And he really does want to see the strength of this newcomer on the sea when he comes here.

Mio picked up the large bowl prepared for Whitebeard next to him, and threw it at Whitebeard, filled with drinks.

Whitebeard raised his hand to catch it, feeling the power coming from above and was surprised secretly, but his arm remained motionless, he just grinned and sipped. “Good wine.”

Hearing this, Mio didn’t say anything else, just raised his hand and shouted. “Brothers, have a banquet.”

Cheers suddenly sounded.

Bonfires were lit.

The pirates laughed presumptuously.

The battle is to be fought, but not now, and it is never too late to come back after drinking.

Not many members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group came to the island, but there were hundreds of them all gathered together for a drink. At present, the black crows are not hostile to them, because they don’t mind letting it go.

But most of them are people who are discussing Black Crow.

“I really want to challenge that one. Not surprisingly, she should also be a swordsman, and she is very strong in swordsmanship.” The Foil Bista, who is now considered a small name in the Whitebeard Pirates, looked at Erica with full of warfare. meaning.

As a swordsman, he has the idea of ​​challenging other powerful swordsmen. From Erica’s body, he felt a strong sword intent, which made him a little excited and wanted to challenge the other side.

For swordsmen, only by challenging other powerful swordsmen can you become stronger faster.

But at this time, it seems a little inappropriate, than is considered a provocation.

So in the end he suppressed the thoughts in his heart.

But it seemed that she felt the intent to fight from Bista, and Erica couldn’t help but frown slightly, looked this way, and locked Bista with a glance.

“What’s the matter?” Aware of Erica’s strangeness, Miao couldn’t help turning her head to look at Erica and asking.

“Nothing.” Erica shook her head and said. “That person seems to want to…challenge me. I felt the sword intent on his body, the sword intent that only bursts out when a swordsman wants to challenge other swordsmen or fight.”

“Oh?” Hearing this, Mio looked in the direction where Bista was, and the corners of her mouth rose.


In the original book, the captain of the fifth team in the Whitebeard Pirates, known as the foil, but the current strength of Bista may not be as strong as Erica.

Whitebeard was sitting on the opposite side of Mio, not far away, but he heard Mio’s conversation with Erica and couldn’t help but speak. “A good girl, if you can, the old man hopes that you can accept his challenge, but this is just a challenge, not a challenge to the black crow, boy, I hope you can understand this.”

Whitebeard knows very well that it is very easy to be regarded as a provocation if you start a battle just after arriving at someone’s turf, so it is easy to cause fighting between the two sides.

He is not afraid, but there is no need for that.

Things that can be said clearly in just one sentence, if fighting breaks out, with the strength of the Black Crow Pirates, his son will suffer heavy casualties.

That’s not what he wants to see.

After all, apart from Qiongqi, he can still feel that there is another powerful aura in this island.

Come to think of it, it’s the crow in the Black Crow Pirates group called “Hei Er”, right?

At the same time, as the father of the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates, he also understands his sons very well.

Especially people like Bista.

“What do you think?” Mio also looked at Erica.

Erica nodded calmly, and slowly stood up and said. “Yes, but… he is not my opponent.”

The words are full of strong self-confidence.

“Gum la la la la, the little girl is very interesting, do you want to consider leaving Black Crow and becoming the old man’s daughter?” Erica, who is full of personality, undoubtedly interested Whitebeard, couldn’t help but say so for a while.

It’s just that the voice just fell.

Erica suddenly looked at Whitebeard with a sharp gaze, as if she had been touched by the scales, she did not hesitate to pull out the double knives from her waist and slashed directly towards Whitebeard.

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